Project setup
- Create a new project directory.
- Copy the contents of food_menu.proto money.proto localized_text.proto from the proto definitions as new files to your project directory root.
- Install the protoc compiler
In order to generate source code from the .proto files, you will need the protoc compiler. Download the latest pre-built binary from the Protocol Buffers GitHub release page.
Extract the zip and add the bin path to the PATH environment variable, for example:
unzip -d /usr/local/protoc export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/protoc/bin"
Generate source code
- Install the Python protobuf library
pip install protobuf
- Generate client source code.
Create the proto output directory: generated
protoc --python_out=./generated food_menu.proto money.proto localized_text.proto
Update the PYTHONPATH environment variable to include the generated path for example:
export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:./generated"
If you are using Bazel, try the py_proto_library rule as an alternative to running protoc.
Usage example
Full example project can be found here.
"""Menu feed example used in """ import json from generated import food_menu_pb2 from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict # create feed feed = food_menu_pb2.FoodMenuFeed() # add a menu component to feed data menuComponent = = 'menu1''dining-1') menuDisplayName = menuDisplayName.text = 'Menu' menuDisplayName.language_code = 'en-us' = 'en-us' = 1633621547 for i in ['appetizers', 'dinner']: # add a menu section component to feed data sectionComponent = sectionComponent.section.menu_section_id = 'appetizers' sectionDisplayName = sectionComponent.section.display_name.text.add() sectionDisplayName.text = 'Lunch Appetizers' sectionDisplayName.language_code = 'en-us' sectionComponent.section.menu_item_ids.append('breadsticks-sauce') # add a menu item component to feed data itemComponent = itemComponent.item.menu_item_id = 'breadsticks-sauce' itemDisplayName = itemComponent.item.display_name.text.add() itemDisplayName.text = 'Breadsticks & Sauce' itemDisplayName.language_code = 'en-us' itemDescription = itemComponent.item.description.text.add() itemDescription.text = 'Breakfast basket w/ side of tomato sauce (size 6 or 12)' itemDescription.language_code = 'en-us' for i in ['breadstick-sm', 'breadstick-lg']: itemComponent.item.menu_item_option_set.menu_item_option_ids.append(i) for i in [ '', '', ]: itemImage = itemComponent.item.images.add() itemImage.uri = i # add a menu item option component to feed data optionComponent = optionComponent.option.menu_item_option_id: 'breadstick-sm' optionComponent.option.value.property_type = ( food_menu_pb2.MenuItemOptionProperty.PropertyType.SIZE ) optionTextValue = optionComponent.option.value.text_val.text.add() optionTextValue.text = 'Small' optionTextValue.language_code = 'en-us' optionOffer = optionComponent.option.offer_set.offers.add() optionOffer.price.currency_code = 'USD' optionOffer.price.units = 8 optionOffer.price.nanos = 0 # Example testing for menu feed size # Protocol buffer message must be less than 2 GiB # # It is recommended to not exceed 200 MB, as there is an Actions # Center limit of 200 MB per file after compression. if feed.ByteSize() > 200 * 1024 * 1024: # start new file print('starting new file...') feedJSON = json.dumps(MessageToDict(feed, preserving_proto_field_name=True)) print(feedJSON)
The code example demonstrates how to create a feed object with one of each of the following entities:
- Menu
- MenuSection
- MenuItem
- MenuItemOption
The example then shows how to serialize the feed to JSON.
The Python api allows lazy initialization of nested objects by setting the properties.TypeScript
Install the TypeScript protoc plugin.
Note that ts-proto is not an officially supported Google project.npm init npm i -D typescript npm i ts-proto
- Create the output directory and generate client source code.
Create the proto output directory: src/generated
protoc --plugin="./node_modules/.bin/protoc-gen-ts_proto" --ts_proto_opt=useOptionals=all --ts_proto_opt=snakeToCamel=false --ts_proto_opt=onlyTypes=true --ts_proto_out="./src/generated" food_menu.proto money.proto localized_text.proto
If you are using Bazel, try the js_proto_library rule as an alternative to running protoc.
Usage example
Full example project can be found here.
import {FoodMenuFeed, Menu, MenuItem, MenuSection, MenuItemOption, MenuItemOptionProperty_PropertyType} from './generated/food_menu'; const menu: Menu = { menu_id: 'menu1', merchant_ids: ['dining-1'], display_name: {text: [{text: 'Menu', language_code: 'en-us'}]}, language: 'en-us', menu_section_ids: ['appetizers', 'dinner'], last_merchant_update_time: new Date() }; const section: MenuSection = { menu_section_id: 'appetizers', display_name: {text: [{text: 'Lunch Appetizers', language_code: 'en-us'}]}, menu_section_ids: ['breadsticks-sauce'] }; const item: MenuItem = { menu_item_id: 'breadsticks-sauce', display_name: {text: [{text: 'Breadsticks & Sauce', language_code: 'en-us'}]}, description: { text: [{ text: 'Breakfast basket w/ side of tomato sauce (size 6 or 12)', language_code: 'en-us' }] }, menu_item_option_set: {menu_item_option_ids: ['breadstick-sm', 'breadstick-lg']}, images: [ {uri: ''}, {uri: ''} ] }; const option: MenuItemOption = { menu_item_option_id: 'breadstick-sm', value: { property_type: MenuItemOptionProperty_PropertyType.SIZE, text_val: { text: [ {text: "Small", language_code: "en-us"} ] } }, offer_set: { offers: [{ price: { currency_code: "USD", units: 8, nanos: 0 } }] } }; const feed: FoodMenuFeed = { data: [{menu}, {section}, {item}, {option}] }; // Example testing for menu feed size // Protocol buffer message must be less than 2 GiB // // It is recommended to not exceed 200 MB, as there is an Actions // Center limit of 200 MB per file after compression. if (new Blob([JSON.stringify(feed)]).size > 200 * 1024 * 1024) { // create a new file } console.log(JSON.stringify(feed));
The code example demonstrates how to create a feed object with one of each of the following entities:
- Menu
- MenuSection
- MenuItem
- MenuItemOption
The example then shows how to serialize the feed to JSON.
- Add the dependencies protobuf-java and protobuf-java-util to your project using either maven or gradle as described here.
- Generate client source code.
protoc --java_out=src/main/java food_menu.proto money.proto localized_text.proto
You may use the protobuf-maven-plugin to generate the source code during compile time when using maven.
If you are using Bazel, try the java_proto_library rule as an alternative to running protoc.
Usage example
Full example project can be found here.
package com.example; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Menu feed example used in * * <p> */ public class Feed { // 200 MB public static final int MAX_BYTES_DATA_FILE = 200 * 1024 * 1024; public static void main(String[] args) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { Feed feed = new Feed(); feed.createMenuFeed(); } public void createMenuFeed() throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { Menu.Builder menu = Menu.newBuilder() .setMenuId("menu1") .addMerchantIds("dining-1") .setDisplayName( TextField.newBuilder() .addText(LocalizedText.newBuilder().setText("Menu").setLanguageCode("en-us"))) .setLanguage("en-us") .setLastMerchantUpdateTime(Timestamp.newBuilder().setSeconds(1633621547)); MenuSection.Builder section = MenuSection.newBuilder() .setMenuSectionId("appetizers") .setDisplayName( TextField.newBuilder() .addText( LocalizedText.newBuilder() .setText("Lunch Appetizers") .setLanguageCode("en-us"))) .addMenuItemIds("breadsticks-sauce"); MenuItem.Builder item = MenuItem.newBuilder() .setMenuItemId("breadsticks-sauce") .setDisplayName( TextField.newBuilder() .addText( LocalizedText.newBuilder() .setText("Breadsticks & Sauce") .setLanguageCode("en-us"))) .setDescription( TextField.newBuilder() .addText( LocalizedText.newBuilder() .setText("Breadsticks & Sauce") .setLanguageCode("en-us"))); MenuItemOption.Builder option = MenuItemOption.newBuilder() .setMenuItemOptionId("breadstick-sm") .setValue( MenuItemOptionProperty.newBuilder() .setPropertyType(MenuItemOptionProperty.PropertyType.SIZE) .setTextVal(TextField.newBuilder() .addText( LocalizedText.newBuilder() .setText("Small") .setLanguageCode("en-us")))) .setOfferSet( OfferSet.newBuilder() .addOffers( Offer.newBuilder() .setPrice( Money.newBuilder() .setCurrencyCode("USD") .setUnits(8) .setNanos(0)))); FoodMenuFeed.Builder foodMenuFeed = FoodMenuFeed.newBuilder() .addData(MenuComponent.newBuilder().setMenu(menu)) .addData(MenuComponent.newBuilder().setSection(section)) .addData(MenuComponent.newBuilder().setItem(item)) .addData(MenuComponent.newBuilder().setOption(option)); // Example testing for menu feed size // Protocol buffer message must be less than 2 GiB // // It is recommended to not exceed 200 MB, as there is an Actions // Center limit of 200 MB per file after compression. int size =; if (size > MAX_BYTES_DATA_FILE) { // create new file } String feedJSON = JsonFormat.printer() .omittingInsignificantWhitespace() .preservingProtoFieldNames() .print(foodMenuFeed); System.out.println(feedJSON); } }
The code example demonstrates how to create a feed object with one of each of the following entities:
- Menu
- MenuSection
- MenuItem
- MenuItemOption
The example then shows how to serialize the feed to JSON.
- Install the protoc plugin for go
go install
Update the PATH environment variable to include the protoc-gen-go plugin, for example:
export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"
- Initialize app and generate client source code.
go mod init feed/app mkdir generated protoc --go_out=./generated/ food_menu.proto money.proto localized_text.proto
If you are using Bazel, try the go_proto_library rule as an alternative to running protoc.
Usage example
Full example project can be found here.
/* Menu feed example used in * */ package main import ( pb "feed/app/generated/food/menu/v1/proto" "fmt" localized_text "" money "" "" timestamppb "" proto "" ) func main() { //create a menu component menu := &pb.Menu{ MenuId: "menu1", MerchantIds: []string{"dining-1"}, DisplayName: &pb.TextField{ Text: []*localized_text.LocalizedText{{ Text: "Menu", LanguageCode: "en-us", }}, }, Language: "en-us", LastMerchantUpdateTime: ×tamppb.Timestamp{ Seconds: 1633621547, }, } //create a menu section component section := &pb.MenuSection{ MenuSectionId: "appetizers", DisplayName: &pb.TextField{ Text: []*localized_text.LocalizedText{{ Text: "Lunch Appetizers", LanguageCode: "en-us", }}, }, MenuItemIds: []string{"breadsticks-sauce"}, } //create a menu item component item := &pb.MenuItem{ MenuItemId: "breadsticks-sauce", DisplayName: &pb.TextField{ Text: []*localized_text.LocalizedText{{ Text: "Breadsticks & Sauce", LanguageCode: "en-us", }}, }, Description: &pb.TextField{ Text: []*localized_text.LocalizedText{{ Text: "Breakfast basket w/ side of tomato sauce (size 6 or 12)", LanguageCode: "en-us", }}, }, Pricing: &pb.MenuItem_MenuItemOptionSet_{ MenuItemOptionSet: &pb.MenuItem_MenuItemOptionSet{ MenuItemOptionIds: []string{"breadstick-sm", "breadstick-lg"}, }, }, } imageUris := []string{ "", "", } for _, uri := range imageUris { image := &pb.Image{ Uri: uri, } item.Images = append(item.Images, image) } //create a menu item option option := &pb.MenuItemOption{ MenuItemOptionId: "breadstick-sm", Value: &pb.MenuItemOptionProperty{ PropertyType: pb.MenuItemOptionProperty_SIZE, Value: &pb.MenuItemOptionProperty_TextVal{ TextVal: &pb.TextField{ Text: []*localized_text.LocalizedText{{ Text: "Small", LanguageCode: "en-us", }}, }, }, }, OfferSet: &pb.OfferSet{ Offers: []*pb.Offer{{ Price: &money.Money{ CurrencyCode: "USD", Units: 8, Nanos: 0, }, }}, }, } //create feed feed := &pb.FoodMenuFeed{ Data: []*pb.MenuComponent{{ Type: &pb.MenuComponent_Menu{ Menu: menu, }, }, { Type: &pb.MenuComponent_Section{ Section: section, }, }, { Type: &pb.MenuComponent_Item{ Item: item, }, }, { Type: &pb.MenuComponent_Option{ Option: option, }, }}, } // Example testing for menu feed size // Protocol buffer message must be less than 2 GiB // // It is recommended to not exceed 200 MB, as there is an Actions // Center limit of 200 MB per file after compression. if proto.Size(feed) > 200 * 1024 * 1024 { // create new file } marshalOptions := protojson.MarshalOptions{ UseProtoNames: true, } jsonBytes, _ := marshalOptions.Marshal(feed) fmt.Printf("message = %s", string(jsonBytes)) }
The code example demonstrates how to create a feed object with one of each of the following entities:
- Menu
- MenuSection
- MenuItem
- MenuItemOption
The example then shows how to serialize the feed to JSON.