Integrate with Google Ads

The My Business Business Information API allows users of the AdWords API to create and update locations in Business Profile. These locations can then be synced to Google Ads and used with location extension ads.

Verification isn't required to use these locations in Ads, but any edits made this way may not appear on Maps or Search unless the locations are verified. To use online-to-offline reporting such as store visits, you must have a verified Business Profile listing tied to location extensions.

Manage locations

To learn more about the policies on the creation of locations, refer to the Business Profile Guidelines for representing your business on Google.

Advertisers who only need locations to run location extension ads don't need to verify their locations in Business Profile.

If you only have one Business Profile account, sync that account to Google Ads. If the Business Profile account contains a large number of locations, you might want to map locations to individual campaigns or ad groups. To learn more, see Filtering location extensions.

If your clients already have Business Profile accounts, or if you want to work with their verified locations, have your client invite you to their existing Business Profile Account as a manager. Use your credentials in conjunction with your client's Business Profile account ID when mapping to Google Ads. To learn more, see Creating the PlacesLocationFeedData object on the feed.

If you're only interested in Google Ads and don't need to verify or manage locations in Maps and Search, create a single, partner-level Business Profile account that contains all of your business locations. Use label filtering to associate Business Profile locations with specific Ads campaigns. While you can use any custom ID, as long as you keep track of it, one option is to use the Google Ads customer ID as a label.

AdWords API

A partner or agency might manage their location extensions through the manual location extensions feed of the AdWords API. If so, they must integrate with the My Business Business Information API or use the Business Profile UI to manage location extensions.

The My Business Business Information API allows third parties to create unverified locations and then use the AdWords API to link their Business Profile account and serve location extensions. The use of unverified locations as Google Ads location extensions doesn't affect Ad Rank.

Use labels

Labels allow you to tag individual Business Profile locations with custom strings. Labels are primarily intended to provide a way for Google Ads users to associate Business Profile locations with specific Ads campaigns.

While you can use any string, as long as you keep track of it, one option is to use the Google Ads customer ID as a label. Once the Business Profile account is synced with Google Ads, you can associate the Google Ads customer ID with the right location in Business Profile.