GMTDDeliveryTask Class Reference

GMTDDeliveryTask Class Reference


An immutable object that represents a unit of work completed at a vehicle stop.

Inherits GMTSTask.

Public Member Functions

(instancetype) - initWithTaskID:providerID:taskType:taskState:taskOutcome:taskOutcomeTimestamp:taskOutcomeWaypoint:taskOutcomeLocationSource:trackingID:vehicleID:plannedWaypoint:taskDuration:
 Instantiates an instance of this class.


 The ID of the task.
NSString * providerID
 The ID associated with the provider.
GMTSTaskType taskType
 The type of current task.
GMTSTaskState taskState
 The current execution state of the task.
GMTSTaskOutcome taskOutcome
 The outcome of the task.
NSTimeInterval taskOutcomeTimestamp
 The timestamp of when the task's outcome was updated (from server).
GMSNavigationWaypoint * taskOutcomeWaypoint
 Waypoint where the task's outcome was set.
GMTSTaskOutcomeLocationSource taskOutcomeLocationSource
 Indicates the source of the location information in the taskOutcomeWaypoint.
 Lets you store an ID so that the customer can avoid unnecessary or complicated mapping.
 The ID of the vehicle performing this task.
GMSNavigationWaypoint * plannedWaypoint
 The waypoint where the task is to be completed.
NSTimeInterval taskDuration
 Additional time to perform an action at this location.

Member Function Documentation

- (instancetype) initWithTaskID: (nullable GMTDFleetEngineIDString *)  taskID
providerID: (nullable NSString *)  providerID
taskType: (GMTSTaskType taskType
taskState: (GMTSTaskState taskState
taskOutcome: (GMTSTaskOutcome taskOutcome
taskOutcomeTimestamp: (NSTimeInterval)  taskOutcomeTimestamp
taskOutcomeWaypoint: (nullable GMSNavigationWaypoint *)  taskOutcomeWaypoint
taskOutcomeLocationSource: (GMTSTaskOutcomeLocationSource taskOutcomeLocationSource
trackingID: (nullable GMTDFleetEngineIDString *)  trackingID
vehicleID: (nullable GMTDFleetEngineIDString *)  vehicleID
plannedWaypoint: (nullable GMSNavigationWaypoint *)  plannedWaypoint
taskDuration: (NSTimeInterval)  taskDuration 

Instantiates an instance of this class.

taskIDThe ID of a task.
providerIDThe ID associated with the provider.
taskTypeThe type of task.
taskStateThe current execution state of the task.
taskOutcomeThe outcome of the task.
taskOutcomeTimestampThe time when the task's outcome was set.
taskOutcomeWaypointWaypoint where the task's outcome was set.
taskOutcomeLocationSourceIndicates whether the value of the task_outcome_location came from unnecessary or complicated mapping.
trackingIDLets you store an ID so that the customer can avoid an unnecessary or complicated mapping.
vehicleIDThe ID of the vehicle performing this Task.
plannedWaypointThe waypoint where the task will be completed.
taskDurationAdditional time to perform an action at this location.

Property Documentation

- (GMTDFleetEngineIDString*) taskID [read, assign, inherited]

The ID of the task.

- (NSString*) providerID [read, assign, inherited]

The ID associated with the provider.

- (GMTSTaskType) taskType [read, assign, inherited]

The type of current task.

- (GMTSTaskState) taskState [read, assign, inherited]

The current execution state of the task.

- (GMTSTaskOutcome) taskOutcome [read, assign, inherited]

The outcome of the task.

- (NSTimeInterval) taskOutcomeTimestamp [read, assign, inherited]

The timestamp of when the task's outcome was updated (from server).

- (GMSNavigationWaypoint*) taskOutcomeWaypoint [read, assign, inherited]

Waypoint where the task's outcome was set.

Indicates the source of the location information in the taskOutcomeWaypoint.

- (GMTDFleetEngineIDString*) trackingID [read, assign, inherited]

Lets you store an ID so that the customer can avoid unnecessary or complicated mapping.

- (GMTDFleetEngineIDString*) vehicleID [read, assign, inherited]

The ID of the vehicle performing this task.

- (GMSNavigationWaypoint*) plannedWaypoint [read, assign, inherited]

The waypoint where the task is to be completed.

- (NSTimeInterval) taskDuration [read, assign, inherited]

Additional time to perform an action at this location.