Get a dataset

After you create a dataset and upload data to it, you can use HTTP GET requests to access the dataset. This page describes how to list all of your datasets, how to get information about a specific dataset, and how to download the data from a dataset.

List all datasets

List all datasets by sending an HTTP GET request to the list datasets endpoint:

For example:

curl -X GET \
-H 'X-Goog-User-Project: PROJECT_NUMBER_OR_ID' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' \

This call returns a response in the form:

  "datasets": [
      "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER_OR_ID/datasets/f57074a0-a8b6-403e-9df1-e8a9e4f9fc46",
      "displayName": "My Test Dataset",
      "versionId": "5fb34e-1405-4ecd-8f81-31f1c07",
      "usage": [
      "gcsSource": {
        "inputUri": "gs://mybucket/my.csv",
        "fileFormat": "FILE_FORMAT_CSV"
      "createTime": "2023-03-24T14:47:37.308977Z",
      "updateTime": "2023-03-24T14:48:05.053114Z",
      "versionCreateTime": "2023-03-24T14:48:05.053114Z",
      "status": {
        "state": "STATE_COMPLETED"
      "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER_OR_ID/datasets/2c8ae479-96704-89c6435ca959",
      "displayName": "My Other Test Dataset",
      "versionId": "0d2e3-b9da-47cc-819f-7ac67562",
      "usage": [
      "localFileSource": {
        "fileFormat": "FILE_FORMAT_CSV"
      "createTime": "2023-03-24T14:41:52.579755Z",
      "updateTime": "2023-03-24T14:42:56.784122Z",
      "versionCreateTime": "2023-03-24T14:42:56.784122Z",
      "status": {
        "state": "STATE_COMPLETED"

Get information about a dataset

To get information about a specific dataset, send an HTTP GET request to the get dataset endpoint that also includes the ID of the dataset:

For example:

curl -X GET \
-H 'X-Goog-User-Project: PROJECT_NUMBER_OR_ID' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' \

This request returns a response in the form:

  "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER_OR_ID/datasets/f57074a0-a8b6-403e-9df1-e8a9e4f9fc46",
  "displayName": "My Test Dataset",
  "versionId": "5fb34e-1405-4ecd-8f81-31f1c07",
  "usage": [
  "gcsSource": {
    "inputUri": "gs://mybucket/my.csv",
    "fileFormat": "FILE_FORMAT_CSV"
  "createTime": "2023-03-24T14:47:37.308977Z",
  "updateTime": "2023-03-24T14:48:05.053114Z",
  "versionCreateTime": "2023-03-24T14:48:05.053114Z",
  "status": {
    "state": "STATE_COMPLETED"

Download a dataset

To download the data from a dataset, send an HTTP GET request to the download dataset endpoint that also includes the ID of the dataset:

For example:

curl -X GET -L \
-H 'X-Goog-User-Project: PROJECT_NUMBER_OR_ID' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' \

In this example, you use the cURL --output option to specify the name of the file that holds the downloaded data. For example, the following --output flag specifies to download the dataset to a file named myjson.json in the same directory used to run the cURL command:

--output myjson.json

Or use the following flag to download the data to myjson.json in the /tmp directory:

--output /tmp/myjson.json