If you received a Feed Status error message, use the following links to find your error message and its solution.
Find your error message | |||
1001-1050 | 1051-1100 | 1101-2000 | 3001-4000 |
6001-7000 | 7001-8000 | 8001-8100 | 8101-8204 |
10001-11000 | 11001-11015 |
Code | Message | Description |
1001 | Can't understand format on timestamp | Replace the timestamp provided with one that follows the Date/Time format. |
1002 | Can't understand Currency in Tax conversion | Add a valid three-letter currency code, such as EUR or USD. |
1003 | Can't understand Currency in OtherFees conversion | Add a valid three-letter currency code, such as EUR or
USD . |
1005 | Invalid Baserate, Tax, or OtherFees | Make sure the values of <Baserate> ,
<Tax> , and <OtherFees> are valid for
those fields. |
1006 | An all_inclusive rate is specified, but Tax is also provided | all_inclusive itinerary shouldn't also include
<Tax> and <OtherFees> . |
1007 | Result tag is used in the wrong context | The <Result> tag can only be placed as an immediate child of
<Transaction> . |
1008 | RoomID tag is used in the wrong context | Make sure the <RoomID> tag is used only with
<PackageData> or <RoomBundle> . |
1009 | PackageID tag is used in the wrong context | Make sure the <PackageID> is used only with
<PackageData> or <RoomBundle> . |
1010 | RatePlanID is used in the wrong context | The <RatePlanID> is valid only in a <RoomBundle> .
1011 | Occupancy must be > 1 in the base rate for a Result | An <Occupancy> value of 1 is not allowed in the base
rate for a <Result> . Please specify an occupancy > 1 for the base
rate. |
1012 | Capacity or Occupancy is over the maximum limit | To prevent data errors, both <Capacity> and
<Occupancy> are limited to a value of 20 or less. Be
sure your <Capacity> and <Occupancy>
entries are within that limit. |
1013 | The text value for Capacity or Occupancy can't be understood as an integer | Change the value to an integer. |
1014 | Value can't be understood as a Boolean | Replace with one of these accepted values: 0, 1, true, false. |
1015 | Text entered for a tag that doesn't allow text | Replace the entry with an appropriate non-text element. |
1016 | Can't understand context for a Text element | A <Text> element has been used in an inappropriate
context, and so has been ignored. Correct this element or move it to the
appropriate context. |
1018 | Value for Refundable days is over the maximum limit | Enter a lower value. Or, if the actual value is greater than the limit, code this room as not refundable. |
1019 | Value for Refundable days can't be understood | Change the value to an integer. |
1020 | Value can't be understood as a time | Enter the correct hour and minute in the format HH:MM. |
1021 | The given attribute value is not valid for its intended element | The given attribute value is not valid for this element. Remove this attribute from the XML element or use a different valid attribute value. |
1022 | Can't find a match for the given partner and hotel ID | Make sure the hotel ID is in your hotel feed and that the property is matched to a Google Maps feature. |
1023 | Partner name isn't recognized | This may be due to a Google internal error. Retry the transmission. If that fails, contact Google support. |
1024 | Can't find a matched Google hotel ID for the given partner and hotel ID | Google does not have a mapping from this given partner and hotel ID to a Google hotel ID. This could be due to delays in processing by Google or if the data can't be matched. Contact Google if you need additional support. |
1025 | RoomID string is empty | To declare a valid <RoomBundle> , each <RoomData> must have a
<RoomID> . |
1026 | PackageID string is empty | To be accessed from a <RoomBundle> , each <PackageData> must have a
<PackageID> . |
1027 | Nesting data error: PartnerData, PropertyData, RoomData, and PackageData shouldn't be nested within each other | Check the XML schema and fix nesting errors. |
1028 | The CheckInDate can't be understood | Enter the <CheckInDate> . in the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
1029 | The CheckInDate is out of range | Make sure that all <CheckInDate> . values are in the
future and not in the past. |
1030 | LengthOfStay value is over the maximum limit | 30 days is the maximum limit for <LengthOfStay> . Edit
your data so that the <LengthOfStay> is 30 days or less.
1031 | Unable to find a matched Google hotel ID for the given partner and hotel ID | Google does not have a mapping from this given partner and hotel ID to a Google hotel ID. This could be due to delays in processing by Google or if Google was unable to match the data. Contact Google support if you need additional support. |
1033 | Multiple results with the same key: the existing partner hotel ID and the new partner hotel ID | The XML response cannot contain multiple results with the same
<Property> and itinerary. |
1034 | The XML response can't contain multiple results with the same Property and itinerary | To prevent data errors, <RoomBundle> <Baserate>
values can't be empty, negative, or greater than the maximum nightly price
of USD 20,000. <RoomBundle> <Baserate> values also
can't have Can't understand or empty currency. |
1036 | No RoomBundle Baserate matched the Baserate for the given Result. Room rates weren't stored | Make sure that a <RoomBundle> exists for the BaseRate. One or more of
these errors has occurred: invalid <Baserate> currency,
no <Baserate> , invalid <DetailedTax> .
currency, or invalid <DetailedFee> . currency. |
1037 | A RoomBundle matched the Baserate for the given Result, but not the Tax. Room rates weren't stored | Make sure that every <Result> has a <Baserate>
with a <Tax> that matches one of the <RoomBundle> s.
1038 | One or more RoomBundle values matched the Baserate and Tax, but not the OtherFees of the hotel price. Bundles weren't stored | Make sure that every <Result> has a <Baserate>
with <OtherFees> that matches one of the <RoomBundle> s.
1039 | Closest RoomBundle did not match the currency of the Result | Make sure the same currency is used for each <Result> and its matching
<RoomBundle> . |
1040 | Closest RoomBundle did not match the Result eligibility | Make sure that every <Result> has a <Baserate> ,
including <Tax> and <OtherFees> as
needed. Each <Baserate> must match a <RoomBundle> . |
1041 | Can't understand Currency given for a hotel ID | Add a valid three-letter currency code, such as EUR or USD. |
1042 | Can't understand payment type | The text value provided for ChargeCurrency couldn't be understood. |
1043 | Can't understand string for Tax or OtherFees | Reformat <Tax> or <OtherFees> as
a numerical float value, such as 123 or 12.34. |
1045 | Unexpected first element | The first element must be <Transaction> . Correct the file schema. |
1047 | Missing or incomplete RoomID or PackageID | Invalid <RoomID> or <PackageID> .
Define <RoomID> or <PackageID> in the
metadata before sending prices. |
1048 | Can't find PointOfSale ID | The ID value for this <PointOfSale> . attribute wasn't
found in the set of the defined landing pages. Define an additional
<PointOfSale> . or correct the ID in your price feed. |
1049 | Fetch failed due to an external error | Failed to fetch prices. Check your server logs for more details. |
1050 | Rate with duplicate RatePlanID | <Rate> . with duplicate <RatePlanID>
was not stored. Set unique or empty <RatePlanID> within
each <Result> . |
Code | Message | Description |
1051 | Invalid duplication with key, hotel ID, and new partner hotel ID | Dropped price for hotel due to map overlap. Use manual match to correct the hotels in your feed. |
1053 | Invalid Rates tag placement | Invalid <Rates> tag placement. The
<Rates> tag can only be specified as an immediate child
of <Result> and <RoomBundle> . |
1054 | Invalid Rates tag placement | Invalid <Rate> tag placement. The
<Rate> tag can only be specified inside
<Rates> . |
1056 | Rate with duplicate rate_rule_id | <Rate> . with duplicate rate_rule_id was
not stored. Make sure each <Rate> . occurs only once in
any given <RoomBundle> or <Result> . |
1058 | XML can't be understood | XML can't be understood. Check the XML to make sure it passes
xmllint or an equivalent validity checker. |
1061 | Itinerary not requested | Itinerary not requested. Respond only with the itineraries Google requested. |
1062 | Nights either not specified or not greater than zero | <Nights> must be a number greater than zero. Supply
a valid <Nights> value in <Result> . |
1063 | Can't find a matching Google hotel ID for partner and partner hotel ID | Google maintains a mapping between Google IDs and partner IDs. In this case, there are multiple partner IDs for a single Google ID. Google chooses one to be primary. Others won't be recorded. After ensuring the two properties are truly unique and not a case of ID drift, contact Google support to separate the IDs. |
1064 | RoomId in the RoomBundle is not equal to the RoomId found in RoomData | If a <RoomID> is provided under both <RoomBundle>
and an inline <RoomData> , then the two values must match. |
1065 | Invalid context for Name, Description or PhotoURL | The elements <Name> , <Description>
and <PhotoURL> should be placed in a <RoomData> , not a
<RoomBundle> . To fix, create a contained <RoomData> with these
elements. If possible, send it independently of each itinerary and refer
to it only from the itinerary. |
1066 | RoomBundle is missing a RatePlanID | Every <RoomBundle> must have a <RatePlanID>
element. The URL typically needs the <RatePlanID> . If you
don't need a <RatePlanID> , insert an empty value, in
which case a value will be assigned. |
1067 | A RoomData or PackageData value is given without a corresponding internal RoomID or PackageID | If the internal <RoomData> or <PackageData> is missing
<RoomID> or <PackageID> respectively,
then Google will first attempt to store with the
<RoomID> or <PackageID> under
<RoomBundle> . Otherwise, Google will generate random IDs. |
1068 | Property lacks Tax and OtherFees or all_inclusive setting | Properties must either be set to all_inclusive or include
<Tax> and <OtherFees> . The value of
<Tax> and <OtherFees> may be 0, but
they must be given unless all_inclusive is selected. For
properties which have known non-zero <Tax> and
<OtherFees> , include those details. When
<Tax> and <OtherFees> are known to
be zero, report them as 0 and don't set all_inclusive .
For properties with unknown <Tax> and
<OtherFees> , set all_inclusive instead.
1069 | One or more hotel itineraries were missing from the response | Make sure that transactions contain all items requested in the query. |
1070 | Can't understand a value for RoomUpgradeIncluded, NightlyValue, or OnPropertyCredit | Correct the formatting so that each entry is a currency value that can be understood as a float. |
1071 | Can't understand the number of miles listed in MilesIncluded | Change the value to an integer. |
1072 | Occupancy in RoomBundle was too large for RoomID and Capacity | Make sure that the <Occupancy> in <RoomBundle> is
not larger than the capacity of the room. For example: if a room has
capacity of 1, then <Occupancy> in <RoomBundle> must
be set to 1. |
1073 | No valid RoomBundle is specified, so Rate has been set as unavailable | All <RoomBundle> values for this itinerary are invalid and have been
rejected. Make sure that every <RoomBundle> contains valid data. Specific
errors will have been reported separately. |
1074 | Double-occupancy price can't be listed for single-capacity RoomBundles | The <Baserate> listed is for double-occupancy,
which can't be specified when all <RoomBundle> s submitted for the
itinerary are of <Capacity> 1. For results where all
available bundles are for rooms with <Capacity> 1, set
<Baserate> to -1 (unavailable) or use <Unavailable>
element. |
1075 | NumAdults is over the maximum limit | To prevent data errors, total <Occupancy> is limited
to a value of 20 or less. Be sure your <Occupancy>
entries are within that limit. |
1076 | The text value for NumAdults can't be understood as an integer | Change the value for adult <Occupancy> to an integer,
with no decimals or non-numerical features. |
1077 | Child age is over the maximum limit | To prevent data errors, the maximum allowable <Child>
age is 17. Be sure your <Child>
age range is within that limit. |
1078 | The text value for Child age can't be understood as an integer | Change the value to an integer. |
1079 | The number of guests given in OccupancyDetails is over the maximum limit | To prevent data errors, <Occupancy> is limited to a
value of 20 or less. Be sure your <Occupancy> entries are
within that limit. |
1080 | Total number of guests given in Occupancy does not match the number in OccupancyDetails | The total number of adults and children specified in
<OccupancyDetails> must match the total number of guests
listed in <Occupancy> . |
1081 | NumAdults appears more than once | <OccupancyDetails> must have exactly one
<NumAdults> value as a child element. Any additional
occurrences will be ignored. |
1082 | OccupancyDetails values are provided, but without a value for Occupancy | When <OccupancyDetails> are provided, they must be
preceded by a specific value for <Occupancy> . |
1083 | NumAdults is missing in OccupancyDetails | <OccupancyDetails> must have exactly one
<NumAdults> value as a child element. |
1084 | The RoomID exceeds the maximum character limit | Make sure all <RoomID> values are within the
character limit. |
1085 | Error for partner: PackageID exceeds character limit | Make sure all <PackageID> values are within the
character limit. |
1086 | DetailedFee must have a value as well as attributes for currency and type | N/A |
1087 | DetailedTax is missing required data | <DetailedTax> . must have a value as well as
attributes for currency and type. |
1088 | Can't understand DetailedFee type | The specified fee type couldn't be understood, so the fee type "other"
will be used. For best results, use a supported fee type in
<DetailedFee> .. |
1089 | Can't understand DetailedFee source | The specified fee source couldn't be understood, so the fee source
"other" will be used. For best results, use a supported fee source in
<DetailedFee> .. |
1090 | Can't understand DetailedTax type | The specified tax type couldn't be understood, so the tax type "other"
will be used. For best results, use a supported tax type in
<DetailedFee> .. |
1091 | Invalid usage of Tax / OtherFees and DetailedTax / DetailedFee | Supply either <Tax> / <OtherFees>
or <DetailedTax> . / <DetailedFee> . for
prices, but not both. |
1092 | Can't understand detailed Tax and OtherFees for a partner | One or more of these errors has occurred: invalid
<Baserate> currency, no <Baserate> ,
invalid <DetailedTax> . currency, or invalid
<DetailedFee> . currency. Make sure each currency_code is
valid, and that a <Baserate> exists for all prices. |
1093 | Invalid usage of Tax / OtherFees and DetailedTax / DetailedFee | Supply either <Tax> / <OtherFees>
or <DetailedTax> . / <DetailedFee> .
for prices, but not both. |
1094 | Can't understand Currency in converting DetailedTax | Add a valid three-letter currency code, such as EUR or USD. |
1095 | Can't understand Currency in converting DetailedFee from $0 to $1 | Add a valid three-letter currency, such as EUR or USD. |
1096 | More than one RoomBundle found with the same hotel ID, RoomID, PackageID, and RatePlanID | Make sure that different <RoomBundle> s don't share the same
combination of hotel ID, <RoomID> ,
<PackageID> , and <RatePlanID> . |
1097 | RoomBundle must include a child element for Occupancy | <Occupancy> should indicate the maximum number of
guests for which a <RoomBundle> is intended. If it isn't set, then the
<Occupancy> value in <RoomData> or <PackageData> is
used instead. |
1098 | The Baserate for Result should have a positive
value unless price is unavailable specified by <Unavailable> )
Change the value of <Baserate> to a positive
number or mark it unavailable using <Unavailable> . |
1099 | Invalid Tax and OtherFees | <Tax> and <OtherFees> must be
non-negative. |
1100 | Invalid LengthOfStay | <LengthOfStay> . must be equal to or greater than 1. |
Code | Message | Description |
1101 | Can't understand currency string | N/A |
1102 | The combination of Baserate, Tax, OtherFees, LengthOfStay and Occupancy is invalid or exceeds the default Google price per night limit, which is 10,000 USD plus 2,000 USD for each additional guest over 2. If this limit is too low, it can be manually adjusted by your Technical Account Manager | N/A |
1103 | Tax + OtherFees to Baserate ratio exceeds the Google limit of 10 | The sum of <Tax> and <OtherFees>
should be no greater than 10 times the <Baserate> value. |
1104 | Custom field is too long | The Custom field's value exceeds the maximum character length (200) for
<Custom[1-5]> elements in Transaction messages. You
must update the field's value to make it less than 200 characters in
length. |
1105 | Refundable fields may be set incorrectly | refundable_until_days and
refundable_until_time should be empty when
available is set to false. |
1106 | refundable_until_time requires refundable_until_days | refundable_until_days is required if
refundable_until_time is set. |
1107 | refundable_until_days is required | refundable_until_days is required if available
is set to true. |
1108 | RoomData photo URL is missing its protocol | Add the value in the PhotoURL attribute as defined in the
RoomData> photo URL protocol. |
1109 | refundable_until_time is strongly recommended | refundable_until_time is strongly recommended if
available is set to true. |
1110 | RoomBundle must contain RoomID or RoomData but not both | Add a valid <RoomID> or <RoomData>
to this <RoomBundle> . |
1111 | Baserate for RoomBundle should be a positive value unless price is unavailable | Change the value of <Baserate> to a positive number
or mark it unavailable using <Unavailable> . |
1112 | Baserate for Rate should be a positive value unless
price is unavailable using <Unavailable> |
Change the value of <Baserate>
to a positive number or mark it unavailable using <Unavailable> . |
1113 | Can't recognize query_id in Result element | query_id should be included in <Result> elements
that are returned in response to Query with the same
ID. |
1114 | Can't understand "action" in PropertyDataSet | action in <PropertyDataSet> should have
values that are overlay or delta . These values
specifies if Google should overlay or merge the room rate mapping
definitions. |
1115 | Custom field name was already used | Custom field names must be unique. |
1116 | AllowableRoomIDs must contain at least one AllowableRoomID | AllowableRoomIDs must not be empty. It must contain at
least one ID . |
1117 | AllowablePackageIDs must contain at least one AllowablePackageID | AllowablePackageIDs must not be empty. It must contain at
least one ID . |
1118 | AllowableRoomIDs or AllowablePackageIDs string is empty | Invalid AllowableRoomID or AllowablePackageID .
1119 | Unknown element | An unknown XML element was found in the response. Correct the error and then validate it against the schema. |
1120 | An all_inclusive rate is specified, but Tax is also provided | all_inclusive itinerary shouldn't include
<Tax> and <OtherFees> . |
1121 | Timezone in "refundable_until_time" will be ignored. "refundable_until_time" is parsed in the hotel's local timezone | Timezone not allowed in refundable_until_time . Enter the
correct hour and minute in the format HH:MM. |
1122 | The text value for MinAge can't be understood as an integer | Change the <MinAge> attribute value to an integer.
1123 | Value is over the maximum limit for MinAge
<MinAge> is over the maximum limit. To prevent data
errors, <MinAge> is limited to a value of 99 or less.
Ensure that your <MinAge> entries are within the
allowed limit. |
1124 | OccupancySettings must have at least one valid child element value | The <OccupancySettings> is invalid. It must have at
least one valid child element value. |
1125 | Value is over the maximum limit for MinOccupancy | <MinOccupancy> is over the maximum limit. To
prevent data errors, <MinOccupancy> is limited to a value
of 99 or less. It is required to keep your <MinOccupancy>
value within the limit. |
1126 | The text value for MinOccupancy can't be understood as an integer | The <MinOccupancy> should be an integer value. |
1127 | OccupancySettings is only accepted in RoomData which is inside of the PropertyDataSet element | You can include <OccupancySettings> only in
<RoomData> of the <PropertyDataSet>
element. |
1128 | Capacity or Occupancy is zero or negative | Value is too small for <Capacity> or
<Occupancy> .
To prevent data errors, both <Capacity> and
<Occupancy> must be positive. |
1129 | Invalid AirportTransportationIncluded direction | The <direction> attribute of
<AirportTransportationIncluded> should have either
from , to , or round_trip . |
1130 | The text value for AdultCapacity can't be understood as an integer | The <AdultCapacity> value was provided as text.
Change the value to an integer |
1131 | The text value for ChildCapacity can't be understood as an integer | The <ChildCapacity> value was provided as text.
Change the value to an integer. |
1132 | Value is over the maximum limit for AdultCapacity | <AdultCapacity> limit has exceeded over the
maximum limit. To prevent data errors, <AdultCapacity>
is limited to a value of 99 or less. |
1134 | Value is too small for AdultCapacity | <AdultCapacity> is zero or negative.
To prevent data errors, <AdultCapacity> and
<Occupancy> must be positive. |
1135 | Value is too small for ChildCapacity | <ChildCapacity> is zero or negative.
To prevent data errors, <ChildCapacity> and
<Occupancy> must be positive. |
1136 | Duplicate localizations found for language | Multiple localizations for a single language are not allowed. |
1137 | Result specifies both price and Unavailable | The result found both price and <Unavailable> . It should
specify a positive price or <Unavailable> , but not both. |
1138 | Value couldn't be understood as an integer | Change the value to an integer. |
1139 | Value couldn't be understood as a date | Change the value to a date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
1140 | <Unavailable> specified for mergeable Result
Mergeable <Result> s should only be used for sending
available rates. Set the <Result@mergeable> attribute to
false . |
1141 | The rate was not available, but did not contain an
element |
Unavailable rates were mentioned without using <Unavailable>
element. Specify unavailable rates by including <Unavailable>
element in the message. |
1142 | Internal error during fetch | An internal error occurred during send request and fetch will be retried. No action needed. |
1143 | Error during fetch | Google tried to reach your server but it returned an error. The fetch will be retried. Check your server logs for more details. |
1144 | Invalid JapaneseHotelRoomStyle | Invalid value for <JapaneseHotelRoomStyle> . The value
must be either western , japanese , or
japanese_western . |
1145 | Missing "included" attribute in "Breakfast" or "Dinner" | The "included" attribute is required in <Breakfast>
and <Dinner> . |
1146 | Some attributes in "Breakfast" or "Dinner" are ignored | The values in <Breakfast> and <Dinner>
such as in_room , in_private_space and
buffet are ignored unless the included attribute
is set as true |
1147 | Invalid Bed size | Invalid value for the <size> attribute of
<Bed> . The value must be either single ,
semi_double , double , queen , or
king . |
1148 | Width or Length outside Bed | <Width> and <Length> must not
appear outside <Bed>. |
1149 | Invalid Width or Length | <Width> and <Length> must have
unit="cm" and a positive integer number. |
1150 | Timezone not allowed in CheckinTime and CheckoutTime | Timezone in <CheckinTime> and
<CheckoutTime> will be ignored.
<CheckinTime> and <CheckoutTime> are
parsed in the hotel's local timezone. |
1151 | Value can't be understood as a time | Enter the correct hour and minute in the format HH:MM . |
1152 | BathAndToilet relation requires both Bath and Toilet | <relation> in <BathAndToilet> is
ignored unless both <Bath> and
<Toilet> exist. |
1153 | Invalid BathAndToilet relation | The <relation> attribute of
<BathAndToilet> must be together or
separate . |
1154 | Invalid Roomsharing | Invalid value for <Roomsharing> . The value must be
one of shared or private . |
1155 | Invalid Smoking | Invalid value for <Smoking> . The value must be either
non_smoking or smoking . |
1156 | Provide both Breakfast and Dinner | It is highly recommended to provide both <Breakfast>
and <Dinner> . Otherwise, your package may not be shown
to users looking for packages with specific meal conditions. |
1157 | Account is not enabled for RoomBundle or metadata | Account is not enabled for <RoomBundle> or metadata.
Please contact support to have your account enabled for room bundles. |
1158 | Account is not enabled for non-default occupancy | Account is not enabled for non-default occupancy, but non-default occupancy prices were received. Please contact support to have your account enabled for occupancy rates. |
1159 | Account is not enabled for child occupancy | Account is not enabled for child occupancy, but child occupancy prices were received. Please contact support to have your account enabled for child occupancy. |
Code | Message | Description |
3001 | Unexpected element | The root element must be <Hint> for a changed price
response. This problem may be caused by responding with a different message
type or incorrect path. Correct either the file schema or path as
appropriate. |
3002 | FirstDate can't be understood | The <FirstDate> text can't be understood as a date.
Enter the date in the form YYYY-MM-DD . |
3003 | LastDate can't be understood | The <LastDate> text can't be understood as a date.
Enter the date in the form YYYY-MM-DD . |
3004 | Checkin date can't be understood | The <Checkin> date text can't be understood as a date.
Enter the date in the form YYYY-MM-DD . |
3005 | LengthOfStay can't be understood | The <LengthOfStay> . text can't be understood as a
date. Enter the date in the form YYYY-MM-DD . |
3006 | Required elements are missing or invalid: Checkin date and/or LengthOfStay | Either a valid <Checkin> date or
<LengthOfStay> is missing. Add the elements noted in
the alert. |
3007 | Item with StaysIncludingRange is missing a FirstDate | N/A |
3008 | The FirstDate and LastDate are missing or invalid | Add the appropriate <FirstDate> and
<LastDate> to the <Item> . |
3009 | LengthOfStay is over the maximum limit | To prevent data errors, <LengthOfStay> is limited
to a maximum of 30 days. |
3010 | Checkin date is in the past | All check-in dates must be in the future. |
3012 | FirstDate is after LastDate | <LastDate> must be after the
<FirstDate> . |
3013 | FirstDate is too far in the future | Make sure the check-in date for each itinerary is no more than 330 days in the future. |
3014 | LastDate is too far in the future | <LastDate> can be no more than 330 days in advance.
Adjust your values so that the <LastDate> is within that
limit. |
3015 | Error in POST | This error happened as partner data was being pulled. Check your logs and make sure that the Google IP address is in the allowlist. |
3016 | Can't find a matching Google ID for hotel ID | Google has no mapping from this partner hotel ID to a Google hotel ID. This could be due to delays in processing, or Google is unable to match the partner ID. Contact Google support if you need further help. |
3017 | The LastDate given is in the past | <Hint> values can't include ranges with dates in the
past. |
3018 | Item with Stay is missing valid hotel ID values | N/A |
3019 | Item with StaysIncludingRange is missing a valid hotel ID | Make sure all IDs are valid and match those in the hotel feed. |
3020 | Item with Stay is missing valid hotel ID values, and has been skipped | Make sure that every <Item> contains at least one hotel ID. |
3021 | XML can't be understood | Make sure XML can pass xmllint or an equivalent validity checker, including the schema. |
3022 | Error from POST | Error occurred while pulling data. Check your logs and make sure the Google IP address is the allowlist. |
3023 | Internal error processing "hint" response, will retry | Internal error occurred when processing <hint> .
Contact Google support if these errors persist. |
Code | Message | Description |
6005 | Upload path not recognized | The upload path did not match any of the accepted paths. To correct the upload path, see documentation on the developer site. |
6006 | Message from an IP that is unknown or not allowed | A message came in from an unknown IP. Make sure the partner
attribute for this message is correct and that it was uploaded from one
the known IPs shared with Google. |
6007 | Can't extract OTA information from the OTA message | The OTA message was not in the expected OTA XML format. Make sure the file passes xmllint or an equivalent validity checker. |
6008 | No Partner tag in file | The uploaded file did not contain a partner attribute, and
the partner can't be deduced from the IP address. Add the
partner attribute and check your sending IP address. |
6009 | partner not recognized |
The name provided in the Partner attribute is not a known partner. Confirm the spelling, or contact Google support to check your exact partner name. |
6013 | Uploaded XML failed to parse | The file failed parsing by a generic XML parser. Reformat the file and make sure it passes xmllint or an equivalent XML validity checker. |
6014 | No Partner tag in file, and more than one Partner with the same IP | The file lacks a partner attribute. Multiple partners are
listed at the same IP, so Google can't infer the partner from the IP
address. Add a partner tag to the file. |
6015 | Transaction push not authorized for a partner | A <Transaction> file was pushed for a partner that is configured for
pull or hint modes. Contact Google support to change your transmission
mode. |
6018 | Partner not active | The file wasn't processed because the partner is not active. Contact Google support to activate your feed. |
6019 | Account not configured properly | Ask Google to verify your partner configuration. |
6020 | Not authorized to upload feed for
subaccount_id |
Partner is uploading from an IP address that is not authorized to upload for the partner name in the uploaded file. Verify the partner names in the upload file or upload from a different IP address, then retry. |
6021 | Account not configured properly | Ask Google to verify your partner configuration. |
6023 | Rejected request from a prohibited country or region | The IP of this request is from a prohibited country or region. Retry the transmission from an allowed country or region. |
6024 | Rejected request for gaia_id for the given subaccount_id | A GAIA authorization of subaccount uploads is not yet active. Retry without the GAIA login, or use a non-subaccount upload request. |
6025 | Rejected request for the given IP and subaccount_id | No partner was found for the requested subaccount_id .
Without GAIA, IP is not valid for the partner. Check and verify the
subaccount_id in the request. |
6026 | Rejected request for the given IP, subaccount_id, and partner | The IP is not in the allowlist for this partner. Without GAIA, IP is not valid for the partner. Retry from a valid location or contact Google support to update your partner configuration. |
6027 | No partner attribute in file. Partner was inferred from the IP address | A partner attribute was not included in the file, but we
have inferred the partner from the IP address. Add a partner
attribute and retry. |
6030 | Problem uploading message. Try resending | Problem uploading message. Try resending. If the problem persists, contact Google support. |
6031 | ARI push not authorized for this account | Contact your Technical Account Manager (TAM) to verify your account configuration. |
6032 | File upload rate exceeds limit | Accounts are limited to a 400 file per second upload rate. Either reduce the number of files uploaded per request or reduce the number of simultaneous requests. |
6033 | Failed to parse "account ID" from upload path | Either the upload path or account ID is incorrect. |
6034 | Invalid "OAuth 2.0" credentials | Google has failed to upload due to invalid OAuth 2.0
credentials. |
6035 | Invalid "OAuth 2.0" credentials, fallback to IP | Invalid OAuth 2.0 credentials. OAuth is continuing to
check the Google IP address in the allowlist . |
6037 | Service account doesn't have write permission | Failed to upload because the service account associated with the
OAuth 2.0 credential has insufficient write permissions.
6038 | Failed to authorize; falling back to IP | Service account associated with the OAuth 2.0 credential
has insufficient write permissions and it is continuing to check the IP
addresses in the allowlist .
Code | Message | Description |
7001 | Error from POST | Check your logs and make sure the Google IP address is in the allowlist. Work with Google support to verify the OTA connection settings. |
7002 | Error getting partner configuration | An error occurred while getting the partner configuration. Contact Google support and ask them to confirm that the partner configuration exists for you. |
7004 | Error parsing XML message | The XML message is malformed and so can't be understood. Make sure the file passes xmllint or an equivalent validity checker. For more information, see Schemas. |
7005 | Can't determine a hotel ID for the given RoomStay | The <RoomStay> element did not have a
property_ID set. Also, no global property was defined in the
message. Check the property_ID . |
7006 | Item with StaysIncludingRange missing valid hotel ID values | The Google hotels manifest has no corresponding record for the hotel ID provided by the partner. Confirm that the hotel has been clustered. |
7007 | A RoomRate element has multiple currencies in its Rate elements | One of the RoomRate elements in the XML message includes elements with different currencies. These elements are being ignored. Change your XML so that all related elements use a single currency. |
7008 | Can't understand Tax and OtherFees string | The price before <Tax> from this XML message can't be
understood. Check the string shown and fix the price. |
7009 | Can't understand price after Tax | Google can't understand the price after <Tax> from
this XML message. Check the string shown and fix the price. |
7010 | Can't understand Tax | Can't understand <Tax> from this XML message. Check
the string shown and fix the price. |
7011 | Can't understand date range for rate | The dates given for this element can't be understood. The
<Effective> and <Expire> dates are
shown as they appear in the XML (and may be empty). Fix the dates and retry.
7012 | Unsupported time unit | <Day> and <FullDuration> are the
only time units supported for elements. <Day> means the
rate applies per day, while <FullDuration> means the
rate applies for the entire given date range. Change the time unit. |
7013 | Base price can't be understood for hotel ID | The base price in the OTA XML message can't be understood. The message may be wrong, or the code needs to be updated to support a new format. |
7014 | Price with Tax or OtherFees can't be understood for hotel ID | The total price (<Baserate> + taxes/fees) in the OTA
XML message can't be understood. The message may be wrong, or the code
needs to be updated to support a new format. |
7015 | No price could be understood for hotel ID | A price couldn't be understood in the OTA XML message. The message may be wrong, or the code needs to be updated to support a new format. |
7016 | No Currency found for hotel ID | Your OTA XML messages don't include a currency, and the partner configuration specifies no default currency. Contact Google support and ask them to fix the partner config or make sure you are sending currency info. |
7017 | Can't understand Tax | The nightly breakdown given in TPA_extensions doesn't
match the amounts given in other elements. As a result, the amount from
the other elements was used. Adjust the TPA_Elements
breakdown. |
7018 | Can't understand OtherFees | The <OtherFees> from this XML message can't be
understood. Adjust the <OtherFees> and try again. |
7019 | XML warning | N/A |
7020 | XML error | N/A |
7021 | XML request didn't succeed | No success element was returned. In similar cases, 7020 errors will also often appear. |
Code | Message | Description |
8001 | Configuration error | The partner configuration isn't correct. Contact Google support to fix the partner configuration. |
8002 | Error reading file | An error occurred while reading the file. If you see this message often, contact Google support. |
8005 | OTA message unsupported | The OTA message is valid, but we don't know how to parse this particular
one. Only OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ and
OTA_HotelRateAmountNotifRQ can be understood. Make sure you're
using one of the supported message types. |
8007 | Can't understand RestrictionStatus for AvailStatusMessage | Google can't process the AvailStatusMessage with the given
index. We don't recognize the value of the
<RestrictionStatus> , which is shown in the error message.
8008 | Can't understand restriction for AvailStatusMessage | Google can't process the AvailStatusMessage with the given
index. We don't recognize the value of the
<RestrictionStatus> , which is shown in the error message.
8015 | Can't find AmountBeforeTax in RateAmountMessage / BaseByGuestAmt | An AmountBeforeTax attribute needs to be added to the XML
element shown. |
8016 | Can't find a CurrencyCode for RateAmountMessage and BaseByGuestAmt | Google can't find a currency for the given XML element in the
RateAmountMessage . Also, no default currency is set. |
8020 | Can't understand the basis attribute for the given tax/fee | The total price (<Baserate> + tax/fee) in the OTA XML
message can't be understood. The message may be wrong, or the code needs to
be updated to support a new format. |
8021 | Can't understand the given period attribute | The period attribute for the given tax/fee can't be understood. Make sure to send the correct tax/fee XML message. |
8022 | Can't understand a currency (or get one from config) | Google can't set a currency for the given tax/fee element, either by parsing the XML or from the partner config. Make sure to send the correct tax/fee XML message. |
8023 | Can't understand the given Type element value | Google can't understand the type attribute for the given tax/fee. Make sure to send the correct tax/fee XML message. |
8024 | Can't understand value for AvailStatusMessage | For AvailStatusMessage , Google expected to receive one
<RestrictionStatus> and one <LengthOfStay>
8027 | Duplicate BaseByGuestAmt occupancy | Two or more <BaseByGuestAmt> specified the same
number of occupants. |
8028 | BaseByGuestAmt occupancy over limit | The number of occupants specified in <BaseByGuestAmt>:
should be limited to a value 99 or less. |
8029 | Couldn't obtain rate plan code from RatePlan element | The rate plan code is unavailable in the <RatePlan>
element. Set the <RatePlanCode> attribute in the
<RatePlan> element. |
8030 | Couldn't find notification type at
<RatePlan> element |
Set the <RatePlanNotifType> attribute in the
<RatePlan> element. |
8031 | Unsupported rate plan notification type at RatePlan | Set the <RatePlanNotifType> to a supported string.
8032 | Failed to find start or end date at RatePlan element for rate deletion | Set the <Start> and <End>
attributes in the <RatePlan> element. |
8033 | Failed to parse start or end date at RatePlan or Rate element | Set the <Start> and <End>
attributes in the <RatePlan> element or
<Rate> element to valid dates. |
8034 | Failed to find InvTypeCode at Rate element | Set the <InvTypeCode> attribute in the
<Rate> element. |
8036 | Failed to parse RateTier at Rate element | Set the <RateTier> attribute in the
<Rate> element to a valid value. |
8037 | Failed to parse Count, CountType from InvCount element | <InvCount> must have a <Count>
and <CountType> attribute. |
8039 | Expected exactly one StatusApplicationControl | Only one <StatusApplicationControl> element must be
specified in the given context. |
8040 | Failed to find start or end date at RatePlan or Rate element | Set the <Start> and <End>
attributes in the <RatePlan> or <Rate>
element. |
8041 | Missing Start or End date elements in StatusApplicationControl | Set the <Start> and <End>
attributes in the <StatusApplicationControl> element.
8042 | Couldn't interpret Start or End date elements in StatusApplicationControl | Set the <Start> and <End>
attributes in the <StatusApplicationControl> element to
valid YYYY-MM-DD dates. |
8043 | Couldn't find inventory code on StatusApplicationControl in Inventory | Ensure that the expected attribute <InvTypeCode> is
set in <StatusApplicationControl> . |
8044 | Couldn't extract incoming message from SOAP envelope | Make sure the partner SOAP configuration is correct and that the XML is structured as required. |
8045 | Invalid device type | The device type isn't valid. |
8047 | Invalid country code | The country code given is invalid. Enter a valid country code such as
GB or US . |
8048 | Invalid identifier | Invalid identifier that cannot be parsed. |
8049 | Promotion deletion not allowed within overlay | The promotion deletion is invalid. Promotions can't be deleted within an overlay. |
8050 | Invalid action | There is an invalid action string that can't be parsed. |
8051 | Invalid element | Elements can't be included within a promotion that has been deleted. |
8052 | Invalid date | Can't understand this string as a date. Invalid date that can't be parsed. |
8053 | Invalid date range | Date range with invalid start and end. The value for
<start> must be earlier than, or equal to, the value for
<end> . |
8055 | Invalid numeric value,Numeric value that is not within allowed limits | The values given are invalid. It must be within the allowed limits. |
8056 | Invalid integer range | The range given is invalid. The value for min must be less
than or equal to the value for max . |
8057 | Invalid percentage | Invalid percentage that can't be parsed. This percentage value isn't allowed. Percentage values must be between 0 and 100. |
8058 | Invalid timestamp | Invalid timestamp that cannot be parsed. The string provided can't be
understood as a timestamp. Timestamps must be in RFC3339
format. |
8059 | Invalid MinMaxMessageType for LengthOfStay | Specify <SetMaxLOS> , <SetMinLOS> ,
<SetForwardMaxStay> ,
<SetForwardMinStay> , or
<FullPatternLOS> as the
<MinMaxMessageType< in the
<LengthOfStay> element.
8060 | Missing attribute Time on LengthOfStay element | Set the <Time> attribute on the
<LengthOfStay> element. |
8061 | Missing both RatePlanCode and BookingLimit attributes in AvailStatusMessage | Ensure at least one of <BookingLimit> and
<RatePlanCode> are set. |
8063 | Found no RatePlan elements in message | Provide at least one <RatePlan> in the message's
<RatePlans> element. |
8064 | Found no Rate elements in RatePlan | Provide at least one <Rate> in the
<Rates> section of the <RatePlan>
element. |
8065 | Found no <BaseByGuestAmt>
elements in <BaseByGuestAmts> |
Provide at least one <Rate> in the
<Rates> section of the <RatePlan>
element. |
8066 | Found no AvailStatusMessage elements in message | Provide at least one <AvailStatusMessage> in the
<AvailStatusMessages> element. |
8067 | Found no RateAmountMessage elements in message | Found no <RateAmountMessage> elements in message. |
8068 | Found no Inventory elements in message | Provide at least one <Inventory> in the
<Inventories> element. |
8070 | Couldn't obtain rate plan code from StatusApplicationControl element in RateAmount | Set the <RatePlanCode> attribute in the
<StatusApplicationControl> element. |
8071 | No ID provided for property | Set the <ID> element in each property is set. |
8072 | Excess elements | More than the required number of elements were provided. Provide fewer of that element. |
8073 | Missing required attribute | Provide the missing required attribute. |
8074 | Missing required element | Provide the missing required element. |
8075 | Duplicate element | Remove the duplicate element. |
8076 | Missing or malformed "timestamp" attribute | Set the timestamp attribute in the root element in
RFC 3339 format. |
8077 | Found no Property elements in TaxFeeInfo | Provide at least one <Property> in the
<TaxFeeInfo> message. |
8079 | Feed Type doesn't match message type | Ensure that the correct message type is sent to the endpoint corresponding to the message type. |
8080 | Invalid value for attribute NotifType | Set <NotifType> to Overlay or
Delta or Remove |
8081 | Invalid value for attribute NotifScopeType | Set <NotifScopeType> to
<ProductRate> |
8082 | Unexpected character in days_of_week | days_of_week may only be letters MTWHFSU (case insensitive)
each appearing not more than once. |
8083 | Duplicate character in days_of_week | You can only be letters MTWHFSU (case insensitive) each
appearing not more than once. |
8084 | Empty days-of-week string | You must specify at least one day. |
8085 | Error parsing file | Check the contents of the associated file to make sure it adheres to the approved schema. |
8086 | Expected exactly one type of discount | Only one type of discount can be set per promotion. |
8087 | Invalid range bound | The value given is invalid. |
8088 | Missing or malformed TimeStamp attribute | Set the TimeStamp attribute on the root element in RFC 3339
format. |
8090 | RatePlanCode must not be specified on StatusApplicationControl when AvailStatusMessage contains the BookingLimit attribute | Ensure that rate plan code is not set when setting
<BookingLimit> . |
8091 | AmountBeforeTax and AmountAfterTax must be positive | Set <AmountBeforeTax> and/or
<AmountAfterTax> to a positive value. |
8092 | AmountAfterTax must be greater than or equal to AmountBeforeTax | Set <AmountAfterTax> to a value greater than or equal
to <AmountBeforeTax> . |
8093 | At most one RestrictionStatus may be defined per AvailStatusMessage | Set at least one <RestrictionStatus> per
<AvailStatusMessage> . |
8094 | Start date must be less than or equal to End date | Set <End> to a date equal to or later than
<Start> . |
8095 | "applied_nights" has no effect when used with "fixed_amount" for "Discount" | Don't set applied_nights when specifying
<fixed_amount> for <Discount> . |
8096 | LengthsOfStay or RestrictionStatus isn't allowed within a AvailStatusMessage that has a BookingLimit | Specify <LengthsOfStay> and/or
<RestrictionStatus> in a separate
<AvailStatusMessage> element. |
8097 | ApplicableNights is invalid | Set <ApplicableNights> to a valid value. |
8098 | Cannot specify both "max" and "excluded" in ApplicableNights | Specify either <max> or <excluded>
in the <ApplicableNights> element. |
8099 | Insufficient conditions to allow 100 percent discount | Percentage value can't be set to 100 unless
<applied_nights> is less than minimum
<LengthOfStay> . Specify both
<applied_nights> and <LengthOfStay>
where <applied_nights> is less than the minimum
<LengthOfStay> . |
8100 | Bad "type" attribute specified for "Stacking" element | Specify any , base_only , or none
as the type for the <Stacking> element. |
Code | Message | Description |
8101 | RateAmountMessages must specify a non-empty HotelCode attribute | Specify a non-empty <HotelCode> attribute for
<RateAmountMessages> . |
8102 | AvailStatusMessages must specify a non-empty HotelCode attribute | Specify a non-empty <HotelCode> attribute for
<AvailStatusMessages> . |
8103 | Inventories must specify a non-empty HotelCode attribute | Specify a non-empty <HotelCode> attribute for
<Inventories> . |
8104 | RatePlans must specify a non-empty HotelCode attribute | Specify a non-empty <HotelCode> attribute for
<RatePlans> . |
8105 | Unable to parse CorrelationID attribute from message | Specify a <CorrelationID> attribute in the message.
8106 | Unknown StayDates "application" type | <application> must be one of any ,
all , or overlap . |
8107 | Invalid StayDates "application" usage | <application>: overlap is only valid when
it is applied per-night. |
8108 | Invalid currency code | Add a valid three-letter currency code, such as EUR or USD. Use a valid ISO 4217 three letter alpha character code. |
8109 | Invalid TimeUnit | <TimeUnit> must be set to Day . |
8110 | Missing StayDates "application" | <application> must be specified in
<StayDates> . |
8111 | Invalid combination of Discount and InventoryCount | <InventoryCount> restriction isn't allowed in
combination with a fixed_amount discount.
<Discount> must use either percentage or
fixed_amount_per_night in combination with
<InventoryCount> .
8112 | Invalid advanced booking input should be a positive integer or duration | The given input is invalid. The input should be a positive integer or ISO 8601 duration. |
8113 | Received HTTP response with a non-OK code and an error message | HTTP fetch was unsuccessful. Non-OK HTTP response. |
8114 | Period must be set to night when Brackets are specified | Set <Period> to night to use
<Brackets> . |
8115 | Value must be greater than or equal to zero | Set the value to greater than or equal to zero. |
8116 | Invalid "starts_at" value in Bracket. Each bracket's "starts_at" value must be strictly greater than the previous bracket's value | Specify a <starts_at> value greater than the
<starts_at> value of the previous bracket. |
8117 | Amount element mustn't be set when "Brackets" are specified | Set amount in <Bracket> instead. |
8118 | Amount must be greater than zero | Set <Amount> to a value greater than zero. |
8119 | Exactly one value must be set per message | OTA XML messages must contain data for exactly one
property. Specify a single property per OTA XML message. |
8120 | Only "overlay" is allowed as an "action" for TaxFeeInfo | Update the <action> attribute to
overlay . |
8121 | Invalid "type" in UserCountries. Must be either "include" or "exclude" | Update the type attribute to either include
or exclude . |
8122 | Countries mustn't be empty within UserCountries | Update the <Countries> list to be non-empty.
Otherwise, don't include a <Countries> element at all.
8123 | Only one UserCountries entry allowed | Limit to only one <UserCountries> entry. |
8126 | Invalid BaseByGuestAmt adult occupancy | The number of adults specified in <BaseByGuestAmt>
must be greater than zero. |
8127 | AgeQualifyingCode must be specified in each AdditionalGuestAmount element | Specify <AgeQualifyingCode> in each
<AdditionalGuestAmount> element. |
8128 | Invalid AgeQualifyingCode in an AdditionalGuestAmount element | <AgeQualifyingCode> must be set to 8 for a child
or 10 for an adult. |
8129 | MaxAge mustn't be specified when AgeQualifyingCode is 10 in each AdditionalGuestAmount element | <MaxAge> is valid only when
AgeQualifyingCode is 8. |
8130 | MaxAge must be specified when AgeQualifyingCode is 8 in each AdditionalGuestAmount element | Specify <MaxAge> when
<AgeQualifyingCode> is 8.
8131 | MaxAge in an AdditionalGuestAmount is greater than 17. It will be treated as 17. | <MaxAge> should be between 1 and
17 . |
8132 | Invalid Amount value in an AdditionalGuestAmount element | <Amount> must be greater than or equal to 0. |
8133 | Multiple AdditionalGuestAmount elements with AgeQualifyingCode set to 10 | A maximum one <AdditionalGuestAmount> element can
contain only amounts for adults. |
8134 | Duplicate MaxAge values in AdditionalGuestAmount elements | Each <MaxAge> value must be unique. |
8135 | Missing HotelExtraGuestCharges elements in ExtraGuestCharges message | Add <HotelExtraGuestCharges> elements under
<ExtraGuestCharges> . |
8136 | StayDates "application" attribute is invalid for ExtraGuestCharges message | Remove the <application> attribute for
<StayDates> . |
8137 | Cannot specify multiple charge modifier attributes | Specify exactly one charge modifier attribute. Eg:
<percentage> . |
8138 | "percentage" attribute must be a float between 1 and 99, inclusive | Set <percentage> attribute to a float between
1 and 99, inclusive. |
8139 | amount attribute must be a float greater than or equal to zero | Set <amount> attribute to a float greater than or
equal to zero. |
8140 | Element is missing a charge modifier attribute | Specify a charge modifier, Eg: <percentage> . |
8141 | AgeBrackets must nest at least one ChildAgeBrackets or AdultCharge element | Add <ChildAgeBrackets> or
<AdultCharge> under <AgeBrackets> .
8142 | Missing ChildAgeBracket in ChildAgeBrackets | Add <ChildAgeBracket> elements under
<ChildAgeBrackets> . |
8143 | ExtraGuestCharge must nest one AgeBrackets element | Add an <AgeBrackets> element in the
<ExtraGuestCharge> . |
8144 | HotelExtraGuestCharge must set the "hotel_id" attribute | Set the <hotel_id> attribute for
<HotelExtraGuestCharge> . |
8145 | HotelExtraGuestCharge "action" attribute is not set to "overlay" | Set the <action> attribute to overlay .
8146 | ChildAgeBracket "max_age" attribute should be set to a value between 1 and 17 | Set <max_age> attribute to a value between 1 and 17.
8147 | Invalid FullPatternLOS and FixedPatternLength combination | <LengthOfStay> must contain a child
<LOS_Pattern@FullPatternLOS> containing
<FixedPatternLength> number of Y and
N characters. |
8148 | Type must be set to amount if AgeBrackets is specified | Set <Type> to <amount> if
<AgeBrackets> is specified. |
8149 | "amount" attribute must be a float greater than or equal to zero | Set <amount> attribute to a float greater than or
equal to zero. |
8150 | Duplicate "max_age" values in "ChildAgeBracket" elements | Each <max_age> value must be unique. |
8151 | Basis must be set to "person" if "AgeBrackets" is specified | Set <Basis> to <person> if
<AgeBrackets> is specified. |
8152 | AgeBrackets can't be specified if "TaxBrackets" or "Amount" are specified | Specify <AgeBrackets> without
<TaxBrackets> and <Amount> . |
8153 | Expected at least one of the required elements | Must include at least one of the required elements. |
8154 | Element has an invalid value for the "counts_as_base_occupant" attribute | Specify a valid value for the
<counts_as_base_occupant> attribute. It must be one of
always , preferred , never . |
8155 | "discount_amount" attribute must be a float greater than zero | Set <discount_amount> attribute to a float greater
than zero. |
8157 | All "ExtraGuestCharge" for a property should use the same age brackets for children | Check that all <ExtraGuestCharge> under
<HotelExtraGuestCharges> use the same age brackets for
children. |
8158 | Attribute "free_nights" must be at least 1 or greater than 1 for the "FreeNights" element | Attribute <free_nights> must greater than or equal to
1 for the <FreeNights> element. |
8159 | Attribute "free_nights" must be at least 1 or greater than 1 for the "FreeNights" element | Attribute <free_nights> must greater than or equal to
1 for the <FreeNights> element. |
8160 | The value for "night_selection" must be either "last" or "cheapest" for the "FreeNights" element | The value for <night_selection> must be either
<last> or <cheapest> for the
<FreeNights> element. |
8161 | The value for "repeats" must be set to either "true" or "false" for the "FreeNights" element | The value for <repeats> ; must be set to either
true or false for the FreeNights
element. |
8162 | The value for "discount_percentage" must be between 0 and 100 | The value for <discount_percentage> must be
between 0 and 100. |
8163 | Nightly rate for occupancy is less than or equal to zero | Check the nightly rates that are sent are accurate. |
8164 | Nightly rate for occupancy is greater than the maximum allowed value of 10,000 USD per night | Check the nightly rates that are sent are accurate. |
8165 | Each "AllowablePackageID" must be unique | Remove duplicate <AllowablePackageID> . |
8166 | Each "AllowableRoomID" must be unique | Remove duplicate <AllowableRoomID> . |
8167 | Invalid attribute value | The specified attribute value must be one of the permitted enumerations. |
8168 | End date over limit | <End> attribute value in
<StatusApplicationControl> is greater than 3 years in the
future and has been truncated. |
8169 | Start date over limit | <Start> attribute value in
<StatusApplicationControl> is older than the current date
and has been truncated. |
8170 | Both Start and End dates over future limit | Both <Start> and <End> attributes
in <StatusApplicationControl> are over three years in
the future. |
8171 | Both Start and End dates over past limit | Both <Start> and <End> attributes
in <StatusApplicationControl> are older than the current
date. |
8172 | Invalid BaseByGuestAmt occupancy | <BaseByGuestAmt> must specify either
<NumberOfGuests> containing adult occupancy or
<Type> equal to "14" and
Code in {adults}-{children}-0 format. |
8173 | Invalid AdditionalGuestAmounts usage | <AdditionalGuestAmounts> mustn't be specified when
<BaseByGuestAmt> includes the child charges. |
8174 | "amount" attribute must be a float greater than zero | Set the <AdultCharge> <amount>
attribute to a float greater than zero. |
8175 | Missing RateTimeUnit or UnitMultiplier attribute | Both <RateTimeUnit> and
<UnitMultiplier> attributes must be set on a
<Rate> element specifying LOS based rates.
8176 | RateTimeUnit should be set to Day | Both <RateTimeUnit> and
<UnitMultiplier> attributes must be set on a
<RateTimeUnit> attribute in Rate
should be set to Day . |
8177 | UnitMultiplier attribute in Rate must be between 1 and 30 | <UnitMultiplier> attribute in
<Rate> must be between 1 and 30. |
8178 | AdditionalGuestAmounts is not supported for LOS based rates | <AdditionalGuestAmounts> isn't supported for
LOS based rates. |
8179 | LOS based rates are not enabled on this account | LOS based rates isn't enabled on this account. |
8183 | Invalid string cannot be parsed as datetime | Can't understand the string as a datetime . |
8184 | Invalid yearless date range | Invalid date range. If one of the <start> or
<end> is a yearless date, both must be populated and
yearless. |
8185 | Expected exactly one type of daily discount | Only one type of daily discount can be set per promotion. |
8186 | Either Discount or BestDailyDiscount must be specified | Specify either <Discount> or
<BestDailyDiscount> , but not both. |
8187 | Floor must be less than or equal to Ceiling | The <amount_per_night> attribute in
<Floor> must be less than or equal to the
<amount_per_night> attribute in
<Ceiling> . |
8188 | "rank" attribute must be an integer between 1 and 99, inclusive | Set <rank> attribute value to an integer between
1 and 99. |
8189 | LOS-based rate messages should set RatePlanType attribute to "26" in StatusApplicationControl | LOS based rate messages should set <RatePlanType>
attribute to 26 in
<StatusApplicationControl> |
8190 | If specified, <RatePlanType>
must be set to 26 |
If <RatePlanType> is specified, it must be set to
26 . |
8191 | Property can't have more than 100 ExtraGuestCharge specified | Property can't have more than 100 <ExtraGuestCharge*gt;
specified. Reduce the number of <ExtraGuestCharge> or
consider using <AdditionalGuestAmount> . |
8192 | MembershipRateRule cannot be used with BestDailyDiscount | Omit <MembershipRateRule> when
<BestDailyDiscount> is specified. |
8193 | MembershipRateRule must have a non-empty ID | Set <ID> for <MembershipRateRule>
8194 | Too many room entries | The number of room entries after the update exceeds the limit for a
single lodging property. There is a limit of 3000 room types per
Note: You can use the
8195 | Too many lodging products | The number of lodging products after the update exceeds the limit for
a single lodging property. There is a limit of 5000 products for the room
type and package combinations per property.
Note: Reduce the number of products referenced in
8196 | Too many package entries | The number of package entries after the update exceeds the limit for
a single lodging property. There is a limit of 3000 packages per property.
Note: You can use the
8197 | Too many RateModification entries | The number of <RateModification> entries after the
update exceeds the limit for a single lodging property. There is a limit of
200 rate modifications per property.
Note: You can use the
8198 | Too many Taxes or Fees | The number of <Tax> or <Fee>
entries after the update exceeds the limit for a single lodging property.
There is a limit of 300 taxes and fees per property.
Note: You can use the
8199 | Too many Promotions | The number of <Promotion> entries after the update
exceeds the limit for a single lodging property. There is a limit of 500
promotions per property.
Note: You can use the
8200 | Too many ExtraGuestCharges | The number of <ExtraGuestCharge> entries after the
update exceeds the limit for a single lodging property. There is a limit of
100 extra guest charges per property.
Note: You can use the
8201 | Too many occupancy rates | The number of occupancy rates after the update exceeds the limit for a
single lodging property. There is a limit of 50 occupancy rates per
Note: You can use the
8202 | cumulative_percent specified with
<AgeBrackets> or
<Brackets> |
Don't specify cumulative_percent with either
<AgeBrackets> or <Brackets> . |
8203 | <Rank> value isn't between 1
and 99 |
Specify a <Rank> value between 1 and 99. |
8204 | cumulative_percent specified without
<Rank> |
Application of cumulative_percent requires specifying
<Rank> . |
8205 | <Stacking> type for a
<Promotion> containing
<BestDailyDiscount> must be set to base or
none . |
Specify base or none for
<Stacking> type . |
Code | Message | Description |
10001 | Unexpected PointOfSale data | The <PointOfSale> . data provided is not the expected
landing page. |
10002 | Unexpected PointOfSale element | N/A |
10003 | Invalid PointOfSale type | N/A |
10006 | Can't understand PointOfSale attribute | N/A |
10016 | URL is missing for PointOfSale | N/A |
10017 | Can't understand PointOfSale | N/A |
10018 | Can't understand match status | N/A |
10019 | Language is invalid | N/A |
10020 | Unknown match for sitetype | N/A |
10021 | Unknown match for devicetype | N/A |
10022 | No partner name found | N/A |
10023 | Parsing error for partner | N/A |
10024 | No valid landing pages found | N/A |
10026 | Partner is missing "partner_num" | N/A |
10027 | A DisplayName is duplicated across more than one PointOfSale | N/A |
10028 | No PointOfSale found | N/A |
10029 | A DisplayName is duplicated across more than one PointOfSale | N/A |
10030 | Can't recognize the binary file | N/A |
10031 | Found duplicate language display names | N/A |
Code | Message | Description |
11001 | Integer value out of range | Ensure that the value falls within acceptable bounds. |
11002 | Duplicate rate in pricing message. Only the first occurring rate was uploaded. Rate details are arrival_date, length_of_stay, room_type, rate_plan, adults, rate_rule | Ensure that each rate is only referred to once per pricing message. |
11003 | Invalid date range | Set a <start_date> that is earlier than or equal to
<end_date> . |
11004 | Invalid roomtype and rateplan combination | Provide a valid room_type rate_plan combination. |
11005 | Invalid number of rates | Length of Stay rates should be a comma-separated list of rates but instead has no rates. Provide the correct number of rates. |
11006 | Invalid number of taxes | Length of Stay taxes should be a comma-separated list that matches the number of Length of Stay Rates provided. |
11007 | No start date provided | Provide a valid start date. |
11008 | CurrencyCode field must be populated but is empty instead | Add a valid three-letter currency code code, such as EUR or USD. |
11009 | "occupancyPrices" field is empty | <occupancyPrices> field is empty. This message is
interpreted as a request to zero-out prices under the specified product.
Omit prices when no rates are available. |
11010 | "prices" field is empty | <prices> field is empty. This message is
interpreted as a request to zero-out all relevant prices under the specified
occupancy. Omit prices when no rates are available. |
11011 | "rates" field is empty | Omit prices when no rates are available. |
11012 | "productPrices" field is unset | <productPrices> field is unset. This message is
interpreted as a request to zero-out prices under the specified arrival
date. |
11013 | "occupancyPrices" field is unset | <occupancyPrices> field is unset. This message is
interpreted as a request to zero-out prices under the specified product.
11014 | "prices" field is unset | <prices> field is unset. This message is
interpreted as a request to zero-out prices under the specified occupancy.
11015 | Invalid number of fees | Length of Stay fees should be a comma-separated list that matches the number of Length of Stay rates provided. |