Copernicus CORINE Land Cover

Dataset Availability
Dataset Provider
Earth Engine Snippet


The CORINE (coordination of information on the environment) Land Cover (CLC) inventory was initiated in 1985 to standardize data collection on land in Europe to support environmental policy development. The project is coordinated by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in the frame of the EU Copernicus programme and implemented by national teams. The number of participating countries has increased over time currently including 33 (EEA) member countries and six cooperating countries (EEA39) with a total area of over 5.8M km2.

CLC2018 is one of the datasets produced within the frame the Corine Land Cover programme referring to land cover / land use status of year 2018. The reference year of the first CLC inventory was 1990 and the first update created in 2000. Later, the update cycle has become 6 years. Satellite imagery provides the geometrical and thematic basis for mapping with in-situ data as essential ancillary information. The basic technical parameters of CLC (i.e. 44 classes in nomenclature, 25 hectares minimum mapping unit (MMU), and 100 meters minimum mapping width) have not changed since the beginning, therefore the results of the different inventories are comparable.

The time period covered by each asset is:

  • 1990 asset: 1989 to 1998
  • 2000 asset: 1999 to 2001
  • 2006 asset: 2005 to 2007
  • 2012 asset: 2011 to 2012
  • 2018 asset: 2017 to 2018


Pixel Size
100 meters


Name Description

Land cover

landcover Class Table

Value Color Description
111 #e6004d Artificial surfaces > Urban fabric > Continuous urban fabric
112 #ff0000 Artificial surfaces > Urban fabric > Discontinuous urban fabric
121 #cc4df2 Artificial surfaces > Industrial, commercial, and transport units > Industrial or commercial units
122 #cc0000 Artificial surfaces > Industrial, commercial, and transport units > Road and rail networks and associated land
123 #e6cccc Artificial surfaces > Industrial, commercial, and transport units > Port areas
124 #e6cce6 Artificial surfaces > Industrial, commercial, and transport units > Airports
131 #a600cc Artificial surfaces > Mine, dump, and construction sites > Mineral extraction sites
132 #a64dcc Artificial surfaces > Mine, dump, and construction sites > Dump sites
133 #ff4dff Artificial surfaces > Mine, dump, and construction sites > Construction sites
141 #ffa6ff Artificial surfaces > Artificial, non-agricultural vegetated areas > Green urban areas
142 #ffe6ff Artificial surfaces > Artificial, non-agricultural vegetated areas > Sport and leisure facilities
211 #ffffa8 Agricultural areas > Arable land > Non-irrigated arable land
212 #ffff00 Agricultural areas > Arable land > Permanently irrigated land
213 #e6e600 Agricultural areas > Arable land > Rice fields
221 #e68000 Agricultural areas > Permanent crops > Vineyards
222 #f2a64d Agricultural areas > Permanent crops > Fruit trees and berry plantations
223 #e6a600 Agricultural areas > Permanent crops > Olive groves
231 #e6e64d Agricultural areas > Pastures > Pastures
241 #ffe6a6 Agricultural areas > Heterogeneous agricultural areas > Annual crops associated with permanent crops
242 #ffe64d Agricultural areas > Heterogeneous agricultural areas > Complex cultivation patterns
243 #e6cc4d Agricultural areas > Heterogeneous agricultural areas > Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
244 #f2cca6 Agricultural areas > Heterogeneous agricultural areas > Agro-forestry areas
311 #80ff00 Forest and semi natural areas > Forests > Broad-leaved forest
312 #00a600 Forest and semi natural areas > Forests > Coniferous forest
313 #4dff00 Forest and semi natural areas > Forests > Mixed forest
321 #ccf24d Forest and semi natural areas > Scrub and/or herbaceous vegetation associations > Natural grasslands
322 #a6ff80 Forest and semi natural areas > Scrub and/or herbaceous vegetation associations > Moors and heathland
323 #a6e64d Forest and semi natural areas > Scrub and/or herbaceous vegetation associations > Sclerophyllous vegetation
324 #a6f200 Forest and semi natural areas > Scrub and/or herbaceous vegetation associations > Transitional woodland-shrub
331 #e6e6e6 Forest and semi natural areas > Open spaces with little or no vegetation > Beaches, dunes, sands
332 #cccccc Forest and semi natural areas > Open spaces with little or no vegetation > Bare rocks
333 #ccffcc Forest and semi natural areas > Open spaces with little or no vegetation > Sparsely vegetated areas
334 #000000 Forest and semi natural areas > Open spaces with little or no vegetation > Burnt areas
335 #a6e6cc Forest and semi natural areas > Open spaces with little or no vegetation > Glaciers and perpetual snow
411 #a6a6ff Wetlands > Inland wetlands > Inland marshes
412 #4d4dff Wetlands > Inland wetlands > Peat bogs
421 #ccccff Wetlands > Maritime wetlands > Salt marshes
422 #e6e6ff Wetlands > Maritime wetlands > Salines
423 #a6a6e6 Wetlands > Maritime wetlands > Intertidal flats
511 #00ccf2 Water bodies > Inland waters > Water courses
512 #80f2e6 Water bodies > Inland waters > Water bodies
521 #00ffa6 Water bodies > Marine waters > Coastal lagoons
522 #a6ffe6 Water bodies > Marine waters > Estuaries
523 #e6f2ff Water bodies > Marine waters > Sea and ocean

Image Properties

Image Properties

Name Type Description
landcover_class_names STRING_LIST

Land cover class names

landcover_class_palette STRING_LIST

Land cover class palette

landcover_class_values INT_LIST

Value of the land cover classification.

Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Access to data is based on a principle of full, open, and free access as established by the Copernicus data and information policy Regulation (EU) No 1159/2013 of 12 July 2013. For more information visit:

Explore with Earth Engine

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var dataset = ee.Image('COPERNICUS/CORINE/V20/100m/2012');
var landCover ='landcover');
Map.setCenter(16.436, 39.825, 6);
Map.addLayer(landCover, {}, 'Land Cover');
Open in Code Editor