[[["わかりやすい","easyToUnderstand","thumb-up"],["問題の解決に役立った","solvedMyProblem","thumb-up"],["その他","otherUp","thumb-up"]],[["必要な情報がない","missingTheInformationINeed","thumb-down"],["複雑すぎる / 手順が多すぎる","tooComplicatedTooManySteps","thumb-down"],["最新ではない","outOfDate","thumb-down"],["翻訳に関する問題","translationIssue","thumb-down"],["サンプル / コードに問題がある","samplesCodeIssue","thumb-down"],["その他","otherDown","thumb-down"]],["最終更新日 2024-03-06 UTC。"],[[["The \"Booking Server endpoint and credentials\" tab is used to configure your booking server's endpoint URL, username, and password, but only for REST-based API v3 booking servers."],["All Google booking server requests use the \"Booking Server URL\" as a base, meaning requests are directed to paths relative to this URL."],["It's crucial to configure the correct booking server endpoint for both your production and sandbox environments to ensure proper functionality."],["Booking server passwords expire every six months, and reminders are sent; however, if not updated, connections will be disabled until a new password is set and the integration is re-enabled."]]],[]]