Size and position page elements

This guide explains how you size and position page elements using affine transforms with the Google Slides API. For a conceptual introduction to affine transforms, see the Transforms and page elements concept guide.

Transform elements

The Slides API lets you reposition and scale elements on a page. To do this, first determine what kind of transformation needs to be applied and then apply that transform using the presentations.batchUpdate() method containing one or more UpdatePageElementTransformRequest elements.

Transforms can be made using an ApplyMode:

  • ABSOLUTE transforms replace the element's existing transformation matrix. Any parameters you omit from the transform update request are set to zero.

  • RELATIVE transforms are multiplied with the element's existing transformation matrix (the order of multiplication matters):

Relative transforms move or scale the page element from where it is. For example, moving a shape 100 points to the left, or rotating it 40 degrees. Absolute transforms discard existing position and scale information; for example, moving a shape to the center of the page, or scaling it to be a specific width.

Complex transformations can usually be expressed as a sequence of simpler ones. Precalculating a transform—combining multiple transformations using matrix multiplication—can often reduce overhead.

For some operations, you must know what an element's existing transform parameters are. If you don't have these values, you can retrieve them using the presentations.pages.get() method.


Translation is the action of moving a page element to a new position on the same page. Absolute translations move the element to a specific point, while relative translations move the element a specific distance.

A basic translation transform matrix has the form:

When you use an UpdatePageElementTransformRequest to translate an element (without altering its size, shear, or orientation), you can use one of the following AffineTransform structures:

// Absolute translation:
  'transform': {
    'scaleX':  current scaleX value,
    'scaleY':  current scaleY value,
    'shearX':  current shearX value,
    'shearY':  current shearY value,
    'translateX': X coordinate to move to,
    'translateY': Y coordinate to move to,
    'unit': 'EMU' // or 'PT'

// Relative translation (scaling must also be provided to avoid a matrix multiplication error):
  'transform': {
    'scaleX':  1,
    'scaleY':  1,
    'translateX': X coordinate to move by,
    'translateY': Y coordinate to move by,
    'unit': 'EMU' // or 'PT'


Scaling is the action of stretching or squeezing an element along the X or Y dimension to change its size. A basic scaling transform matrix has the form:

You can use this matrix form directly as a RELATIVE transform to resize an element, but this can also affect the element's rendered shear and translation. To scale the element without affecting its shear or translation, shift to its element reference frame.


Rotation transforms rotate a page element around a point, using the scaling and shear parameters. The basic rotation transform matrix has the following form, where the angle of rotation (in radians) is measured from the X-axis, moving counterclockwise:

As with scaling, you can use this matrix form directly as a RELATIVE transform to rotate an element, but this causes the element to be rotated about the origin of the page. To rotate the element about its center or a different point, shift to that element reference frame.


Reflection mirrors an element across a specific line or axis. The basic x- and y-axis reflection transform matrix has the following forms:

As with scaling, you can use this matrix form directly as a RELATIVE transform to reflect an element, but this causes the element to translate as well. To reflect the element without any translation, shift to its element reference frame.

Element reference frames

Applying a basic scale, rotation, or reflection transform directly to a page element produces a transformation in the page's reference frame. For example, a basic rotation rotates the element about the page's origin (the upper-left corner). However, you can operate in the reference frame of the element, for example to rotate an element around its center point.

To transform an element within its own reference frame, enclose it between two other translations: a preceding translation T1 that moves the element center to the page origin, and a following translation T2 that moves the element back to its original position. The full operation can be expressed as a matrix product:

You can also switch to other reference frames, by translating different points to the origin instead. These points become the center of the new reference frame.

It's possible to perform each of these transformations individually as sequential RELATIVE transform requests. Ideally, you should precompute A' above with matrix multiplications and apply the result as a single ABSOLUTE transform. Alternatively, precompute the T2 * B * T1 product and apply that as a single RELATIVE transform. These are both more efficient, in terms of API operations, then sending the transform requests individually.


Some sizing and positioning fields are incompatible with some types of page elements. The following table summarizes the compatibility of certain page elements with sizing and positioning fields:

Field Shape Video Table
Scale No**
Shear No No

To update the table row and column dimensions, use UpdateTableRowPropertiesRequest and UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest.

All sizing and positioning fields might give unexpected results if the page element has shearing. All limitations are subject to change. For current information, see Google Slides API.

Refactored values

When you create a page element, you can specify a size and transform that provide a certain visual result. However, the Slides API might replace your provided values with other ones that yield the same visual appearance. In general, if you write a size using the API, you're not guaranteed to be returned the same size. However, you should get the same results if you take the transform into account.