
How location features are configured to behave on the mobile device when the device's battery saver feature is on. (https://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/PowerManager#getLocationPowerSaveMode())

LOCATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE_LOG_NO_CHANGE Either the location providers shouldn't be affected by battery saver, or battery saver is off.
LOCATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE_LOG_GPS_DISABLED_WHEN_SCREEN_OFF The GPS-based location provider should be disabled when battery saver is on and the device is non-interactive.
LOCATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE_LOG_ALL_DISABLED_WHEN_SCREEN_OFF All location providers should be disabled when battery saver is on and the device is non-interactive.
LOCATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE_LOG_FOREGROUND_ONLY All the location providers will be kept available, but location fixes should only be provided to foreground apps.
LOCATION_POWER_SAVE_MODE_LOG_THROTTLE_REQUESTS_WHEN_SCREEN_OFF Location will not be turned off, but LocationManager will throttle all requests to providers when the device is non-interactive.