Yayınlamaya başlamak, duraklatmak ve devam ettirmek için aşağıdaki yöntemleri kullanabilirsiniz Alıcı hesabınız için anlaşmalar ve müşterilerinizden herhangi biri.
Anlaşmaları manuel olarak yayınla
Varsayılan olarak, kesinleşmiş anlaşmalar yayınlandıktan sonra otomatik olarak yayınlanmaya hazır hale gelir kabul edildi .
Programatik garantili anlaşmaları, yayınlanmaya hazır olarak kabul eder. Teknik
Hesap Yöneticisi,
kesinleştirilmiş programatik olması garantili anlaşmanızı manuel olarak bildirme yöntemi
yayına hazır. Bu görüşme, şu süre zarfında kesinleşmiş anlaşmanızı yayınlamaya başlar:
yapılandırılmış uçuş süreleri.
Gerçek Zamanlı Teklif Verme'yi API'nin buyers.creatives talep etmek için bir kaynak yorum reklam öğesi oluşturabilirsiniz. Reklam öğeleri onaylandıktan sonra bu reklam öğelerini fırsatlar ile ilgili daha fazla bilgi edinin.
Yerleştirmek istediğiniz tüm reklam öğeleri onaylandıktan ve anlaşmaya eklendikten sonra
numaralı telefonu arayıp harekete geçmeye hazır olduğunuzu bildirin
ve anlaşma için gelen teklif isteklerine yanıt verebilir.
Bu yöntemin hâlihazırda yayınlanan anlaşmalar üzerinde hiçbir etkisi yoktur.
Aşağıdaki örnekte, şununla manuel olarak anlaşma sunmaya nasıl başlayabileceğiniz gösterilmektedir:
POST https://authorizedbuyersmarketplace.googleapis.com/v1/buyers/12345678/finalizedDeals/1840860:setReadyToServe?alt=json Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN Content-Type: application/json
{ "name": "buyers/12345678/finalizedDeals/1840860", "deal": { "name": "buyers/12345678/proposals/MP8642048/deals/1840860", "createTime": "2031-03-26T05:53:33.053Z", "updateTime": "2031-03-28T05:54:33.442Z", "displayName": "test-pg-deal-4", "buyer": "buyers/12345678", "publisherProfile": "buyers/12345678/publisherProfiles/PP12345", "flightStartTime": "2032-03-31T16:00:00Z", "flightEndTime": "2032-03-31T18:59:00Z", "targeting": { "inventorySizeTargeting": { "targetedInventorySizes": [ { "width": "200", "height": "200", "type": "PIXEL" }, { "width": "234", "height": "60", "type": "PIXEL" }, { "width": "240", "height": "400", "type": "PIXEL" }, { "width": "300", "height": "250", "type": "PIXEL" }, { "width": "300", "height": "600", "type": "PIXEL" }, { "width": "300", "height": "1050", "type": "PIXEL" } ] } }, "creativeRequirements": { "creativePreApprovalPolicy": "SELLER_PRE_APPROVAL_NOT_REQUIRED", "creativeSafeFrameCompatibility": "COMPATIBLE", "programmaticCreativeSource": "ADVERTISER", "creativeFormat": "DISPLAY" }, "deliveryControl": { "deliveryRateType": "EVENLY" }, "billedBuyer": "buyers/12345678", "dealType": "PROGRAMMATIC_GUARANTEED", "programmaticGuaranteedTerms": { "guaranteedLooks": "1", "fixedPrice": { "type": "CPM", "amount": { "currencyCode": "USD", "nanos": 10000000 } }, "reservationType": "STANDARD" }, "sellerTimeZone": { "id": "Asia/Shanghai" } }, "dealServingStatus": "ENDED", "dealPausingInfo": { "pausingConsented": true }, "rtbMetrics": {}, "readyToServe": true }
/* Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using Google.Apis.AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace.v1; using Google.Apis.AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace.v1.Data; using Mono.Options; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Google.Apis.AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace.Examples.v1.Buyers.FinalizedDeals { /// <summary> /// Signals that the given finalized deal is ready to serve. /// /// By default, deals are set ready to serve as soon as they're finalized. For programmatic /// guaranteed deals, bidders can opt out of this feature by asking their account manager. This /// is recommended for programmatic guaranteed deals in order to ensure that bidders have /// creatives prepared to be used in placing bids once the deal is serving. Use /// finalizedDeals.addCreative to associate creatives with a programmatic guaranteed deal. /// </summary> public class SetReadyToServeFinalizedDeals : ExampleBase { private AuthorizedBuyersMarketplaceService mkService; /// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> public SetReadyToServeFinalizedDeals() { mkService = Utilities.GetAuthorizedBuyersMarketplaceService(); } /// <summary> /// Returns a description about the code example. /// </summary> public override string Description { get => "This code example signals that the given finalized deal is ready to serve."; } /// <summary> /// Parse specified arguments. /// </summary> protected override Dictionary<string, object> ParseArguments(List<string> exampleArgs) { string[] requiredOptions = new string[] {"account_id", "deal_id"}; bool showHelp = false; string accountId = null; string dealId = null; OptionSet options = new OptionSet { "Signals that the given finalized deal is ready to serve.", { "h|help", "Show help message and exit.", h => showHelp = h != null }, { "a|account_id=", ("[Required] The resource ID of the buyers resource under which the " + "finalized deal was created. This will be used to construct the name used " + "as a path parameter for the finalizedDeals.setReadyToServe request."), a => accountId = a }, { "d|deal_id=", ("[Required] The resource ID of the buyers.finalizedDeals resource that is " + "you intend to signal is ready to serve. This will be used to construct " + "the name used as a path parameter for the finalizedDeals.setReadyToServe " + "request."), d => dealId = d }, }; List<string> extras = options.Parse(exampleArgs); var parsedArgs = new Dictionary<string, object>(); // Show help message. if (showHelp == true) { options.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); Environment.Exit(0); } // Set optional arguments. parsedArgs["account_id"] = accountId; parsedArgs["deal_id"] = dealId; // Validate that options were set correctly. Utilities.ValidateOptions(options, parsedArgs, requiredOptions, extras); return parsedArgs; } /// <summary> /// Run the example. /// </summary> /// <param name="parsedArgs">Parsed arguments for the example.</param> protected override void Run(Dictionary<string, object> parsedArgs) { string accountId = (string) parsedArgs["account_id"]; string dealId = (string) parsedArgs["deal_id"]; string name = $"buyers/{accountId}/finalizedDeals/{dealId}"; BuyersResource.FinalizedDealsResource.SetReadyToServeRequest request = mkService.Buyers.FinalizedDeals.SetReadyToServe(new SetReadyToServeRequest(), name); FinalizedDeal response = null; Console.WriteLine("Signaling that finalized deal with name \"{0}\" is ready to serve.", name); try { response = request.Execute(); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new ApplicationException( $"Marketplace API returned error response:\n{exception.Message}"); } Utilities.PrintFinalizedDeal(response); } } }
/* * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.api.services.samples.authorizedbuyers.marketplace.v1.buyers.finalizedDeals; import com.google.api.services.authorizedbuyersmarketplace.v1.AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace; import com.google.api.services.authorizedbuyersmarketplace.v1.model.FinalizedDeal; import com.google.api.services.authorizedbuyersmarketplace.v1.model.SetReadyToServeRequest; import com.google.api.services.samples.authorizedbuyers.marketplace.Utils; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.ArgumentParsers; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParser; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParserException; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Namespace; /** * This sample illustrates how to signal that the given finalized deal is ready to serve. * * <p>By default, deals are set ready to serve as soon as they're finalized. For programmatic * guaranteed deals, bidders can opt out of this feature by asking their account manager. This is * recommended for programmatic guaranteed deals in order to ensure that bidders have creatives * prepared to be used in placing bids once the deal is serving. Use finalizedDeals.addCreative to * associate creatives with a programmatic guaranteed deal. */ public class SetReadyToServeFinalizedDeals { public static void execute(AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace marketplaceClient, Namespace parsedArgs) { Long accountId = parsedArgs.getLong("account_id"); Long dealId = parsedArgs.getLong("deal_id"); String name = String.format("buyers/%d/finalizedDeals/%d", accountId, dealId); FinalizedDeal finalizedDeal = null; try { finalizedDeal = marketplaceClient .buyers() .finalizedDeals() .setReadyToServe(name, new SetReadyToServeRequest()) .execute(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.printf("Marketplace API returned error response:%n%s", ex); System.exit(1); } System.out.printf("Signaling that finalized deal with name \"%s\" is ready to serve:%n", name); Utils.printFinalizedDeal(finalizedDeal); } public static void main(String[] args) { ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParsers.newFor("SetReadyToServeFinalizedDeals") .build() .defaultHelp(true) .description(("Signals that the given finalized deal is ready to serve.")); parser .addArgument("-a", "--account_id") .help( "The resource ID of the buyers resource under which the finalized was created. " + "This will be used to construct the parent used as a path parameter for the " + "finalizedDeals.setReadyToServe request.") .required(true) .type(Long.class); parser .addArgument("-d", "--deal_id") .help( "The resource ID of the buyers.finalizedDeals resource that you intend to signal is" + " ready to serve. This will be used to construct the name used as a path" + " parameter for the finalizedDeals.setReadyToServe request.") .required(true) .type(Long.class); Namespace parsedArgs = null; try { parsedArgs = parser.parseArgs(args); } catch (ArgumentParserException ex) { parser.handleError(ex); System.exit(1); } AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace client = null; try { client = Utils.getMarketplaceClient(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.printf("Unable to create Marketplace API service:%n%s", ex); System.out.println("Did you specify a valid path to a service account key file?"); System.exit(1); } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) { System.out.printf("Unable to establish secure HttpTransport:%n%s", ex); System.exit(1); } execute(client, parsedArgs); } }
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Signals that the given finalized deal is ready to serve. By default, deals are set ready to serve as soon as they're finalized. For programmatic guaranteed deals, bidders can opt out of this feature by asking their account manager. This is recommended for programmatic guaranteed deals in order to ensure that bidders have creatives prepared to be used in placing bids once the deal is serving. Use finalizedDeals.addCreative to associate creatives with a programmatic guaranteed deal. """ import argparse import os import pprint import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../..')) from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError import util _FINALIZED_DEALS_NAME_TEMPLATE = 'buyers/%s/finalizedDeals/%s' DEFAULT_BUYER_RESOURCE_ID = 'ENTER_BUYER_RESOURCE_ID_HERE' DEFAULT_FINALIZED_DEAL_RESOURCE_ID = 'ENTER_DEAL_RESOURCE_ID_HERE' def main(marketplace, args): finalized_deal_name = _FINALIZED_DEALS_NAME_TEMPLATE % ( args.account_id, args.deal_id) print(f'Setting finalized deal with name "{finalized_deal_name}" as ready ' 'to serve:') try: # Construct and execute the request. response = marketplace.buyers().finalizedDeals().setReadyToServe( deal=finalized_deal_name).execute() except HttpError as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) pprint.pprint(response) if __name__ == '__main__': try: service = util.get_service(version='v1') except IOError as ex: print(f'Unable to create marketplace service - {ex}') print('Did you specify the key file in util.py?') sys.exit(1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Signals that a finalized deal is ready to serve.') # Required fields. parser.add_argument( '-a', '--account_id', default=DEFAULT_BUYER_RESOURCE_ID, help=('The resource ID of the buyers resource for which the finalized ' 'deal is being set ready to serve. This will be used to ' 'construct the name used as a path parameter for the ' 'finalizedDeals.setReadyToServe request.')) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--deal_id', default=DEFAULT_FINALIZED_DEAL_RESOURCE_ID, help=('The resource ID of the buyers.finalizedDeals resource that is ' 'being set ready to serve. This will be used to construct the ' 'name used as a path parameter for the ' 'finalizedDeals.setReadyToServe request.')) main(service, parser.parse_args())
Sunumu duraklat
URL parametrelerinin Google tarafından nasıl ele alınmasını istediğinizi belirtmek için
yöntemini kullanabilirsiniz. Bir anlaşmayı duraklatırsanız
teklif isteği gönderir.
Alıcılar özel açık artırma anlaşmalarını duraklatamaz.
Aşağıdaki örnekte, duraklatma yöntemi.
POST https://authorizedbuyersmarketplace.googleapis.com/v1/buyers/12345678/finalizedDeals/1840860:pause?alt=json Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN Content-Type: application/json
{ "name": "buyers/12345678/finalizedDeals/1840860", "deal": { "name": "buyers/12345678/proposals/MP8642048/deals/1840860", "createTime": "2031-03-26T05:53:33.053Z", "updateTime": "2032-03-31T16:30:21.351Z", "displayName": "test-pg-deal-4", "buyer": "buyers/12345678", "publisherProfile": "buyers/12345678/publisherProfiles/PP12345", "flightStartTime": "2032-03-31T16:00:00Z", "flightEndTime": "2032-03-31T18:59:00Z", "targeting": { "inventorySizeTargeting": { "targetedInventorySizes": [ { "width": "200", "height": "200", "type": "PIXEL" }, { "width": "234", "height": "60", "type": "PIXEL" }, { "width": "240", "height": "400", "type": "PIXEL" }, { "width": "300", "height": "250", "type": "PIXEL" }, { "width": "300", "height": "600", "type": "PIXEL" }, { "width": "300", "height": "1050", "type": "PIXEL" } ] } }, "creativeRequirements": { "creativePreApprovalPolicy": "SELLER_PRE_APPROVAL_NOT_REQUIRED", "creativeSafeFrameCompatibility": "COMPATIBLE", "programmaticCreativeSource": "ADVERTISER", "creativeFormat": "DISPLAY" }, "deliveryControl": { "deliveryRateType": "EVENLY" }, "billedBuyer": "buyers/12345678", "dealType": "PROGRAMMATIC_GUARANTEED", "programmaticGuaranteedTerms": { "guaranteedLooks": "1", "fixedPrice": { "type": "CPM", "amount": { "currencyCode": "USD", "nanos": 10000000 } }, "reservationType": "STANDARD" }, "sellerTimeZone": { "id": "Asia/Shanghai" } }, "dealServingStatus": "ENDED", "dealPausingInfo": { "pausingConsented": true }, "rtbMetrics": {}, "readyToServe": true }
/* Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using Google.Apis.AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace.v1; using Google.Apis.AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace.v1.Data; using Mono.Options; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Google.Apis.AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace.Examples.v1.Buyers.FinalizedDeals { /// <summary> /// Pauses serving of a given finalized deal. /// /// Note that only programmatic guaranteed deals can be paused by buyers at this time. /// </summary> public class PauseFinalizedDeals : ExampleBase { private AuthorizedBuyersMarketplaceService mkService; /// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> public PauseFinalizedDeals() { mkService = Utilities.GetAuthorizedBuyersMarketplaceService(); } /// <summary> /// Returns a description about the code example. /// </summary> public override string Description { get => "This code example pauses serving of a given finalized deal."; } /// <summary> /// Parse specified arguments. /// </summary> protected override Dictionary<string, object> ParseArguments(List<string> exampleArgs) { string[] requiredOptions = new string[] {"account_id", "deal_id"}; bool showHelp = false; string accountId = null; string dealId = null; OptionSet options = new OptionSet { "Pauses serving of a given finalized deal.", { "h|help", "Show help message and exit.", h => showHelp = h != null }, { "a|account_id=", ("[Required] The resource ID of the buyers resource under which the " + "finalized deal was created. This will be used to construct the name used " + "as a path parameter for the finalizedDeals.pause request."), a => accountId = a }, { "d|deal_id=", ("[Required] The resource ID of the buyers.finalizedDeals resource that is " + "being paused. This will be used to construct the name used as a path " + "parameter for the finalizedDeals.pause request."), d => dealId = d }, }; List<string> extras = options.Parse(exampleArgs); var parsedArgs = new Dictionary<string, object>(); // Show help message. if (showHelp == true) { options.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); Environment.Exit(0); } // Set optional arguments. parsedArgs["account_id"] = accountId; parsedArgs["deal_id"] = dealId; // Validate that options were set correctly. Utilities.ValidateOptions(options, parsedArgs, requiredOptions, extras); return parsedArgs; } /// <summary> /// Run the example. /// </summary> /// <param name="parsedArgs">Parsed arguments for the example.</param> protected override void Run(Dictionary<string, object> parsedArgs) { string accountId = (string) parsedArgs["account_id"]; string dealId = (string) parsedArgs["deal_id"]; string name = $"buyers/{accountId}/finalizedDeals/{dealId}"; BuyersResource.FinalizedDealsResource.PauseRequest request = mkService.Buyers.FinalizedDeals.Pause(new PauseFinalizedDealRequest(), name); FinalizedDeal response = null; Console.WriteLine("Pausing a finalized deal with name: {0}", name); try { response = request.Execute(); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new ApplicationException( $"Marketplace API returned error response:\n{exception.Message}"); } Utilities.PrintFinalizedDeal(response); } } }
/* * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.api.services.samples.authorizedbuyers.marketplace.v1.buyers.finalizedDeals; import com.google.api.services.authorizedbuyersmarketplace.v1.AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace; import com.google.api.services.authorizedbuyersmarketplace.v1.model.FinalizedDeal; import com.google.api.services.authorizedbuyersmarketplace.v1.model.PauseFinalizedDealRequest; import com.google.api.services.samples.authorizedbuyers.marketplace.Utils; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.ArgumentParsers; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParser; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParserException; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Namespace; /** * This sample illustrates how to pause serving of a finalized deal. * * <p>Note that only programmatic guaranteed deals can be paused by buyers at this time. */ public class PauseFinalizedDeals { public static void execute(AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace marketplaceClient, Namespace parsedArgs) { Long accountId = parsedArgs.getLong("account_id"); Long dealId = parsedArgs.getLong("deal_id"); String name = String.format("buyers/%d/finalizedDeals/%d", accountId, dealId); FinalizedDeal finalizedDeal = null; try { finalizedDeal = marketplaceClient .buyers() .finalizedDeals() .pause(name, new PauseFinalizedDealRequest()) .execute(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.printf("Marketplace API returned error response:%n%s", ex); System.exit(1); } System.out.printf( "Paused finalized deal with ID \"%d\" for buyer account ID \"%d\":%n", dealId, accountId); Utils.printFinalizedDeal(finalizedDeal); } public static void main(String[] args) { ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParsers.newFor("PauseFinalizedDeals") .build() .defaultHelp(true) .description(("Pause a finalized deal for the given buyer account ID and deal ID.")); parser .addArgument("-a", "--account_id") .help( "The resource ID of the buyers resource under which the finalized was created. " + "This will be used to construct the parent used as a path parameter for the " + "finalizedDeals.pause request.") .required(true) .type(Long.class); parser .addArgument("-d", "--deal_id") .help( "The resource ID of the buyers.finalizedDeals resource that is being paused. This " + "will be used to construct the name used as a path parameter for the " + "finalizedDeals.pause request.") .required(true) .type(Long.class); Namespace parsedArgs = null; try { parsedArgs = parser.parseArgs(args); } catch (ArgumentParserException ex) { parser.handleError(ex); System.exit(1); } AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace client = null; try { client = Utils.getMarketplaceClient(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.printf("Unable to create Marketplace API service:%n%s", ex); System.out.println("Did you specify a valid path to a service account key file?"); System.exit(1); } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) { System.out.printf("Unable to establish secure HttpTransport:%n%s", ex); System.exit(1); } execute(client, parsedArgs); } }
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Pauses serving of a given finalized deal. Note that only programmatic guaranteed deals can be paused by buyers at this time. """ import argparse import os import pprint import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../..')) from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError import util _FINALIZED_DEALS_NAME_TEMPLATE = 'buyers/%s/finalizedDeals/%s' DEFAULT_BUYER_RESOURCE_ID = 'ENTER_BUYER_RESOURCE_ID_HERE' DEFAULT_FINALIZED_DEAL_RESOURCE_ID = 'ENTER_DEAL_RESOURCE_ID_HERE' def main(marketplace, args): finalized_deal_name = _FINALIZED_DEALS_NAME_TEMPLATE % ( args.account_id, args.deal_id) body = { 'reason': 'Paused by Marketplace Python sample.' } print(f'Pausing finalized deal with name "{finalized_deal_name}":') try: # Construct and execute the request. response = marketplace.buyers().finalizedDeals().pause( name=finalized_deal_name, body=body).execute() except HttpError as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) pprint.pprint(response) if __name__ == '__main__': try: service = util.get_service(version='v1') except IOError as ex: print(f'Unable to create marketplace service - {ex}') print('Did you specify the key file in util.py?') sys.exit(1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=('Pause a finalized deal for the given buyer account ID ' 'and deal ID.')) # Required fields. parser.add_argument( '-a', '--account_id', default=DEFAULT_BUYER_RESOURCE_ID, help=('The resource ID of the buyers resource for which the finalized ' 'deal is being paused. This will be used to construct the name ' 'used as a path parameter for the finalizedDeals.pause request.')) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--deal_id', default=DEFAULT_FINALIZED_DEAL_RESOURCE_ID, help=('The resource ID of the buyers.finalizedDeals resource that is ' 'being paused. This will be used to construct the name used as a ' 'path parameter for the finalizedDeals.pause request.')) main(service, parser.parse_args())
Sunumu devam ettir
URL parametrelerinin Google tarafından nasıl ele alınmasını istediğinizi belirtmek için
yöntemini kullanın. Bir anlaşmayı devam ettirdiğinizde
teklif isteği gönderir.
Alıcılar, duraklatılmış özel açık artırma anlaşmalarını devam ettiremez.
Aşağıdaki örnekte, öz geçmiş yöntemiyle kesinleşmiş bir anlaşmayı nasıl devam ettirebileceğiniz gösterilmektedir.
POST https://authorizedbuyersmarketplace.googleapis.com/v1/buyers/12345678/finalizedDeals/1840860:resume?alt=json Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN Content-Type: application/json
{ "name": "buyers/12345678/finalizedDeals/1840860", "deal": { "name": "buyers/12345678/proposals/MP8642048/deals/1840860", "createTime": "2031-03-26T05:53:33.053Z", "updateTime": "2032-03-31T16:35:12.413Z", "displayName": "test-pg-deal-4", "buyer": "buyers/12345678", "publisherProfile": "buyers/12345678/publisherProfiles/PP12345", "flightStartTime": "2032-03-31T16:00:00Z", "flightEndTime": "2032-03-31T18:59:00Z", "targeting": { "inventorySizeTargeting": { "targetedInventorySizes": [ { "width": "200", "height": "200", "type": "PIXEL" }, { "width": "234", "height": "60", "type": "PIXEL" }, { "width": "240", "height": "400", "type": "PIXEL" }, { "width": "300", "height": "250", "type": "PIXEL" }, { "width": "300", "height": "600", "type": "PIXEL" }, { "width": "300", "height": "1050", "type": "PIXEL" } ] } }, "creativeRequirements": { "creativePreApprovalPolicy": "SELLER_PRE_APPROVAL_NOT_REQUIRED", "creativeSafeFrameCompatibility": "COMPATIBLE", "programmaticCreativeSource": "ADVERTISER", "creativeFormat": "DISPLAY" }, "deliveryControl": { "deliveryRateType": "EVENLY" }, "billedBuyer": "buyers/12345678", "dealType": "PROGRAMMATIC_GUARANTEED", "programmaticGuaranteedTerms": { "guaranteedLooks": "1", "fixedPrice": { "type": "CPM", "amount": { "currencyCode": "USD", "nanos": 10000000 } }, "reservationType": "STANDARD" }, "sellerTimeZone": { "id": "Asia/Shanghai" } }, "dealServingStatus": "ENDED", "dealPausingInfo": { "pausingConsented": true }, "rtbMetrics": {}, "readyToServe": true }
/* Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using Google.Apis.AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace.v1; using Google.Apis.AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace.v1.Data; using Mono.Options; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Google.Apis.AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace.Examples.v1.Buyers.FinalizedDeals { /// <summary> /// Resume serving of a given finalized deal. /// /// Note that only programmatic guaranteed deals can be resumed by buyers at this time. /// </summary> public class ResumeFinalizedDeals : ExampleBase { private AuthorizedBuyersMarketplaceService mkService; /// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> public ResumeFinalizedDeals() { mkService = Utilities.GetAuthorizedBuyersMarketplaceService(); } /// <summary> /// Returns a description about the code example. /// </summary> public override string Description { get => "This code example resumes serving of a given finalized deal."; } /// <summary> /// Parse specified arguments. /// </summary> protected override Dictionary<string, object> ParseArguments(List<string> exampleArgs) { string[] requiredOptions = new string[] {"account_id", "deal_id"}; bool showHelp = false; string accountId = null; string dealId = null; OptionSet options = new OptionSet { "Resumes serving of a given finalized deal.", { "h|help", "Show help message and exit.", h => showHelp = h != null }, { "a|account_id=", ("[Required] The resource ID of the buyers resource under which the " + "finalized deal was created. This will be used to construct the name used " + "as a path parameter for the finalizedDeals.resume request."), a => accountId = a }, { "d|deal_id=", ("[Required] The resource ID of the buyers.finalizedDeals resource that is " + "being resumed. This will be used to construct the name used as a path " + "parameter for the finalizedDeals.resume request."), d => dealId = d }, }; List<string> extras = options.Parse(exampleArgs); var parsedArgs = new Dictionary<string, object>(); // Show help message. if (showHelp == true) { options.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); Environment.Exit(0); } // Set optional arguments. parsedArgs["account_id"] = accountId; parsedArgs["deal_id"] = dealId; // Validate that options were set correctly. Utilities.ValidateOptions(options, parsedArgs, requiredOptions, extras); return parsedArgs; } /// <summary> /// Run the example. /// </summary> /// <param name="parsedArgs">Parsed arguments for the example.</param> protected override void Run(Dictionary<string, object> parsedArgs) { string accountId = (string) parsedArgs["account_id"]; string dealId = (string) parsedArgs["deal_id"]; string name = $"buyers/{accountId}/finalizedDeals/{dealId}"; BuyersResource.FinalizedDealsResource.ResumeRequest request = mkService.Buyers.FinalizedDeals.Resume(new ResumeFinalizedDealRequest(), name); FinalizedDeal response = null; Console.WriteLine("Resuming a finalized deal with name: {0}", name); try { response = request.Execute(); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new ApplicationException( $"Marketplace API returned error response:\n{exception.Message}"); } Utilities.PrintFinalizedDeal(response); } } }
/* * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.api.services.samples.authorizedbuyers.marketplace.v1.buyers.finalizedDeals; import com.google.api.services.authorizedbuyersmarketplace.v1.AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace; import com.google.api.services.authorizedbuyersmarketplace.v1.model.FinalizedDeal; import com.google.api.services.authorizedbuyersmarketplace.v1.model.ResumeFinalizedDealRequest; import com.google.api.services.samples.authorizedbuyers.marketplace.Utils; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.ArgumentParsers; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParser; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParserException; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Namespace; /** * This sample illustrates how to resume serving of a finalized deal. * * <p>Note that only programmatic guaranteed deals can be resumed by buyers at this time. */ public class ResumeFinalizedDeals { public static void execute(AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace marketplaceClient, Namespace parsedArgs) { Long accountId = parsedArgs.getLong("account_id"); Long dealId = parsedArgs.getLong("deal_id"); String name = String.format("buyers/%d/finalizedDeals/%d", accountId, dealId); FinalizedDeal finalizedDeal = null; try { finalizedDeal = marketplaceClient .buyers() .finalizedDeals() .resume(name, new ResumeFinalizedDealRequest()) .execute(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.printf("Marketplace API returned error response:%n%s", ex); System.exit(1); } System.out.printf( "Resumed finalized deal with ID \"%s\" for buyer account ID \"%d\":%n", dealId, accountId); Utils.printFinalizedDeal(finalizedDeal); } public static void main(String[] args) { ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParsers.newFor("ResumeFinalizedDeals") .build() .defaultHelp(true) .description(("Resume a finalized deal for the given buyer account ID and deal ID.")); parser .addArgument("-a", "--account_id") .help( "The resource ID of the buyers resource under which the finalized was created. " + "This will be used to construct the parent used as a path parameter for the " + "finalizedDeals.resume request.") .required(true) .type(Long.class); parser .addArgument("-d", "--deal_id") .help( "The resource ID of the buyers.finalizedDeals resource that is being resumed. This " + "will be used to construct the name used as a path parameter for the " + "finalizedDeals.resume request.") .required(true) .type(Long.class); Namespace parsedArgs = null; try { parsedArgs = parser.parseArgs(args); } catch (ArgumentParserException ex) { parser.handleError(ex); System.exit(1); } AuthorizedBuyersMarketplace client = null; try { client = Utils.getMarketplaceClient(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.printf("Unable to create Marketplace API service:%n%s", ex); System.out.println("Did you specify a valid path to a service account key file?"); System.exit(1); } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) { System.out.printf("Unable to establish secure HttpTransport:%n%s", ex); System.exit(1); } execute(client, parsedArgs); } }
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Resumes serving of a given paused finalized deal. Note that only programmatic guaranteed deals can be resumed by buyers at this time. """ import argparse import os import pprint import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../..')) from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError import util _FINALIZED_DEALS_NAME_TEMPLATE = 'buyers/%s/finalizedDeals/%s' DEFAULT_BUYER_RESOURCE_ID = 'ENTER_BUYER_RESOURCE_ID_HERE' DEFAULT_FINALIZED_DEAL_RESOURCE_ID = 'ENTER_DEAL_RESOURCE_ID_HERE' def main(marketplace, args): finalized_deal_name = _FINALIZED_DEALS_NAME_TEMPLATE % ( args.account_id, args.deal_id) print(f'Resuming finalized deal with name "{finalized_deal_name}":') try: # Construct and execute the request. response = marketplace.buyers().finalizedDeals().resume( name=finalized_deal_name).execute() except HttpError as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) pprint.pprint(response) if __name__ == '__main__': try: service = util.get_service(version='v1') except IOError as ex: print(f'Unable to create marketplace service - {ex}') print('Did you specify the key file in util.py?') sys.exit(1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=('Resume a finalized deal for the given buyer account ID ' 'and deal ID.')) # Required fields. parser.add_argument( '-a', '--account_id', default=DEFAULT_BUYER_RESOURCE_ID, help=('The resource ID of the buyers resource for which the finalized ' 'deal is being resumed. This will be used to construct the name ' 'used as a path parameter for the finalizedDeals.resume request.' )) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--deal_id', default=DEFAULT_FINALIZED_DEAL_RESOURCE_ID, help=('The resource ID of the buyers.finalizedDeals resource that is ' 'being resumed. This will be used to construct the name used as ' 'a path parameter for the finalizedDeals.resume request.')) main(service, parser.parse_args())