Release Notes

June 28th, 2019

The Google Assistant Library for Python is now deprecated. Use the Google Assistant Service instead.

May 8th, 2018

The Google Assistant SDK now supports additional languages. This includes hotword models, queries, and responses for the Library.

A new developer preview (1.0.0) of the Google Assistant Library for Python is now available. The Library now supports playing news and podcasts.

The Google Assistant Service now supports visual output. You can show the visual responses (cards, suggestion chips, and more) from the Assistant using the output HTML5.

Google Assistant Library

feature Support for additional languages. This includes hotword models, queries, and responses. This setting can be selected from the Google Assistant app.
feature Support for playing news and podcasts.
feature Support for broadcasting voice messages.

Google Assistant Service

feature Support for additional languages. This setting can be passed through the Service API or selected from the Google Assistant app.
feature Support for rendering visual Assistant responses in addition to audio.

March 9th, 2018

The Google Assistant SDK now supports Custom Device Actions. In addition, new project setup and device registration can now be done in the Actions Console for a simplified developer experience.

Google Assistant Library

feature Support for Custom Device Actions.
feature Integrated project setup and device registration with the Actions Console.

Google Assistant Service

feature Support for Custom Device Actions.
feature Integrated project setup and device registration with the Actions Console.

March 1st, 2018

Google Assistant Service

The Google Assistant Service now supports six additional languages; no software update is needed.

feature Support for additional languages, including Spanish (Mexico and Spain), Italian, English (India), Korean, and Portuguese (Brazil). This setting can be passed through the Service API or selected from the Google Assistant app.
fixed Added new is_new_conversation field. Use it to reset a conversation.

February 20th, 2018

The developer preview (0.1.1) of the Google Assistant Library for Python is now available. This version brings remote-casting support to the Google Assistant Library.

Google Assistant Library

fixed Support for remote casting to Cast-enabled devices (for example, Ok Google, play Spotify on the Kitchen Speaker.

December 20th, 2017

The developer preview (0.1.0) of the Google Assistant Library for Python is now available. The developer preview (v1alpha2) of the Google Assistant Service (previously known as the Google Assistant gRPC API) is now also available. Both previews bring Device Actions to the Google Assistant SDK.

If you are migrating an existing project to the latest version of the SDK, you will need to register your device with the Google Assistant. This enables the Assistant to respond to commands appropriate to your device and the given context. The SDK includes a registration tool to register the device model. The SDK samples automatically registers a device instance based on this model. For more information, see the registration documentation for the Library or Service.

You can also use the REST API to register a device model and instance.

The Service methods and message fields were re-organized in this release. Take a look at the differences between v1alpha1 and v1alpha2 to help you transition your code over to v1alpha2.

Google Assistant Library

feature Support for Device Actions.
feature Support for more languages. This setting can be selected from the Google Assistant app.
feature Location can now be configured as a street address in the Google Assistant app.
fixed Better handling of connection errors.

Google Assistant Service

feature Support for Device Actions.
feature Support for more languages. This setting can be passed through the Service API or selected from the Google Assistant app.
feature Location can now be configured as a street address in the Google Assistant app, or as a latitude and longitude via the API.
feature Support for displaying the text of the user's request and the text response from the Google Assistant.
feature Support for submitting queries via text input.

July 19th, 2017

The developer preview (0.0.3) of the Google Assistant library for Python is now available.

Google Assistant Library

feature Support for x86_64 Linux.
feature Support for Python v2.7.
fixed Various bug fixes and improvements in error messaging.

Google Assistant gRPC API

No updates.

May 17th, 2017

The developer preview (0.0.2) of the Google Assistant library for Python is now available. This library complements the existing gRPC API providing a higher level API surface for easier integration, hotwording capability, and early support for timers and alarms.

Google Assistant Library

feature Initial release of the library for Python.
feature Ok Google and Hey Google hotword support for voice activation.
feature Ability to set alarms and timers.
issue Alarms and timers do not persist across device restarts.
issue The device location is currently not reported properly. This may affect any query that depends on the device location, or the timezone of the device.
issue Account linking for third party services requires owning a Google Home and installing the Google Home application. This affects using services like Uber, or connecting to home automation devices like Hue.
issue Playing music, news, or podcasts is not yet supported.

Google Assistant gRPC API

No updates.

April 27th, 2017

The developer preview (alpha v1) of the Google Assistant API is now available. Use this initial release to put the Google Assistant into your devices. English is the only supported language for this release (language tag "EN-US").

To install this SDK, see Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi and Python.

feature An RPC API is available to communicate with the Assistant.
feature Python sample code is available.
issue Alarms and timers are not yet supported.
issue Account linking for third party services requires owning a Google Home and installing the Google Home application. This affects using services like Uber, or connecting to home automation devices like Hue.
issue Playing music, news, or podcasts is not yet supported.
issue Precise device location is not yet available for geolocated queries. Currently, the device location is estimated from the device's IP address.