Get started

The Google User Messaging Platform (UMP) SDK is a privacy and messaging tool to help you manage privacy choices. For more information, see About Privacy & messaging.

Create a message type

Create user messages with one of the Available user message types under the Privacy & messaging tab of your AdMob account. The UMP SDK attempts to display a privacy message created from the AdMob Application ID set in your project.

For more details, see About privacy and messaging.

To gather consent, complete the following steps:

  1. Request for the most recent user consent information.
  2. Load and present a consent form, if required.

You should request an update of the user's consent information at every app launch, using Update(). This request checks the following:

  • Whether consent is required. For example, consent is required for the first time, or the previous consent decision expired.
  • Whether a privacy options entry point is required. Some privacy messages require apps to allow users to modify their privacy options at any time.

Load and present a privacy message form if required

After you have received the most up-to-date consent status, call LoadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired() to load any forms required to collect user consent. After loading, the forms present immediately.

The following code demonstrates how to request the user's latest consent information. If required, the code loads and presents a privacy message form:

void Start()
    // Create a ConsentRequestParameters object.
    ConsentRequestParameters request = new ConsentRequestParameters();

    // Check the current consent information status.
    ConsentInformation.Update(request, OnConsentInfoUpdated);

void OnConsentInfoUpdated(FormError consentError)
    if (consentError != null)
        // Handle the error.

    // If the error is null, the consent information state was updated.
    // You are now ready to check if a form is available.
    ConsentForm.LoadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired((FormError formError) =>
        if (formError != null)
            // Consent gathering failed.

        // Consent has been gathered.

Privacy options

Some privacy message forms are presented from a publisher-rendered privacy options entry point, letting users manage their privacy options at any time. To learn more about which message your users see at the privacy options entry point, see Available user message types.

To implement a privacy options entry point, complete the following steps:

  1. After you have called Update(), check PrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus to determine if a privacy options entry point is required.
  2. If required, add a visible and interactable UI element to your app to serve as the privacy options entry point. If a privacy entry point is not required, configure your UI element to not be visible and interactable.
  3. Present the privacy options form using ShowPrivacyOptionsForm().

The following code example demonstrates these steps:

[SerializeField, Tooltip("Button to show the privacy options form.")]
private Button _privacyButton;

private void Start()
  // Enable the privacy settings button.
  if (_privacyButton != null)
      // Disable the privacy settings button by default.
      _privacyButton.interactable = false;

/// <summary>
/// Shows the privacy options form to the user.
/// </summary>
public void ShowPrivacyOptionsForm()
    Debug.Log("Showing privacy options form.");

    ConsentForm.ShowPrivacyOptionsForm((FormError showError) =>
        if (showError != null)
            Debug.LogError("Error showing privacy options form with error: " + showError.Message);
        // Enable the privacy settings button.
        if (_privacyButton != null)
            _privacyButton.interactable =
                ConsentInformation.PrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus ==

Request ads

Before requesting ads in your app, check if you have obtained consent from the user using CanRequestAds(). There are two places to check while gathering consent:

  • After consent has been gathered in the current session.
  • Immediately after you have called Update(). It is possible consent has been obtained in the previous session. As a latency best practice, we recommend not waiting for the callback to complete so you can start loading ads as soon as possible after your app launches.

If an error occurs during the consent gathering process, you should still check if you can request ads. The UMP SDK uses the consent status from the previous session.

void Start()
    // Create a ConsentRequestParameters object.
    ConsentRequestParameters request = new ConsentRequestParameters();

    // Check the current consent information status.
    ConsentInformation.Update(request, OnConsentInfoUpdated);

void OnConsentInfoUpdated(FormError consentError)
    if (consentError != null)
        // Handle the error.

    // If the error is null, the consent information state was updated.
    // You are now ready to check if a form is available.
    ConsentForm.LoadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired((FormError formError) =>
        if (formError != null)
            // Consent gathering failed.

        // Consent has been gathered.
        if (ConsentInformation.CanRequestAds())
            MobileAds.Initialize((InitializationStatus initstatus) =>
              // TODO: Request an ad.


If you want to test the integration in your app as you're developing, follow these steps to programmatically register your test device. Be sure to remove the code that sets these test device IDs before you release your app.

  1. Call Update().
  2. Check the log output for a message similar to the following example, which shows your device ID and how to add it as a test device:


    Use new ConsentDebugSettings.Builder().addTestDeviceHashedId("33BE2250B43518CCDA7DE426D04EE231")
    to set this as a debug device.


    <UMP SDK>To enable debug mode for this device,
    set: UMPDebugSettings.testDeviceIdentifiers = @[2077ef9a63d2b398840261c8221a0c9b]
  3. Copy your test device ID to your clipboard.

  4. Modify your code to call DebugGeography.TestDeviceHashedIds and pass in a list of your test device IDs.

    void Start()
        var debugSettings = new ConsentDebugSettings
            TestDeviceHashedIds =
            new List<string>
        // Create a ConsentRequestParameters object.
        ConsentRequestParameters request = new ConsentRequestParameters
            ConsentDebugSettings = debugSettings,
        // Check the current consent information status.
        ConsentInformation.Update(request, OnConsentInfoUpdated);

Force a geography

The UMP SDK provides a way to test your app's behavior as though the device was located in the EEA or UK using DebugGeography. Note that debug settings only work on test devices.

void Start()
    var debugSettings = new ConsentDebugSettings
        // Geography appears as in EEA for debug devices.
        DebugGeography = DebugGeography.EEA,
        TestDeviceHashedIds = new List<string>

    // Create a ConsentRequestParameters object.
    ConsentRequestParameters request = new ConsentRequestParameters
        ConsentDebugSettings = debugSettings,

    // Check the current consent information status.
    ConsentInformation.Update(request, OnConsentInfoUpdated);

When testing your app with the UMP SDK, you might find it helpful to reset the state of the SDK so that you can simulate a user's first install experience. The SDK provides the Reset() method to do this.


Examples on GitHub

See a full example of the UMP SDK integration covered in this page in HelloWorld.