Integrar myTarget com mediação

This guide shows you how to use the Google Mobile Ads SDK to load and display ads from myTarget using mediation, covering waterfall integrations. It covers how to add myTarget to an ad unit's mediation configuration, and how to integrate the myTarget SDK and adapter into a Unity app.

Supported integrations and ad formats

Rewarded Interstitial


  • Unity 4 or higher
  • Latest Google Mobile Ads SDK
  • To deploy on Android
    • Android API level 21 or higher
  • To deploy on iOS
    • iOS deployment target of 12.0 or higher
  • A working Unity project configured with the Google Mobile Ads SDK. See Get Started for details.
  • Complete the mediation Get started guide

Step 1: Set up configurations in myTarget UI

Primeiro, inscreva-se ou faça login na sua conta do myTarget. Navegue até a página "Apps" clicando em APPS no cabeçalho. Clique em ADICIONAR APP para adicionar seu app.

Se o app for compatível com as plataformas Android e iOS, você precisará configurar cada uma delas separadamente.


Em seguida, forneça o URL do Google Play do seu app.


Em seguida, forneça o URL do iTunes** do seu aplicativo.

Ao adicionar um aplicativo, o myTarget exige que você crie um bloco de anúncios antes de concluir o processo.

Selecione BANNER nos formatos de anúncio disponíveis e clique no botão ADICIONAR BLOCO DE ANÚNCIOS.


Selecione INTERSTITIAL nos formatos de anúncio disponíveis e clique no botão ADICIONAR BLOCO DE ANÚNCIOS.


Selecione VÍDEO PREMIADO nos formatos de anúncio disponíveis e clique no botão ADICIONAR BLOCO DE ANÚNCIOS.


Selecione NATIVE nos formatos de anúncio disponíveis e clique em ADICIONAR BLOCO DE ANÚNCIOS.

Na página de detalhes do bloco de anúncios, anote o código do espaço, que pode ser encontrado nas configurações do bloco de anúncios como slot_id. Esse ID de espaço será usado para configurar seu bloco de anúncios AdMob na próxima seção.

Além do slot_id, você também vai precisar do token de acesso permanente do myTarget para configurar o ID do bloco de anúncios da AdMob. Navegue até a guia Perfil e selecione Tokens de acesso. Clique em Criar token ou Mostrar token para conferir o token de acesso permanente do myTarget.

Ativar modo de teste

Siga as instruções na documentação do myTarget para adicionar e configurar um dispositivo de teste na interface do myTarget.

Step 2: Set up myTarget demand in AdMob UI

Definir as configurações de mediação para seu bloco de anúncios


Para conferir instruções, consulte a etapa 2 no guia para Android.


Para instruções, consulte a etapa 2 no guia para iOS.

Add to GDPR and US state regulations ad partners list

Siga as etapas em Configurações do GDPR e Configurações das regulamentações estaduais dos EUA para adicionar à lista de parceiros de anúncios do GDPR e das regulamentações estaduais dos EUA na AdMob IU.

Step 3: Import the myTarget SDK and adapter

Download the latest version of Google Mobile Ads mediation plugin for myTarget from the download link in the Changelog and extract the GoogleMobileAdsMyTargetMediation.unitypackage from the zip file.

In your Unity project editor, select Assets > Import Package > Custom Package and find the GoogleMobileAdsMyTargetMediation.unitypackage file you downloaded. Make sure that all the files are selected and click Import.

Then, select Assets > Play Services Resolver > Android Resolver > Force Resolve. The Unity Play Services Resolver library will perform dependency resolution from scratch and copy the declared dependencies into the Assets/Plugins/Android directory of your Unity app.

Step 4: Implement privacy settings on myTarget SDK

Under the Google EU User Consent Policy, you must ensure that certain disclosures are given to, and consents obtained from, users in the European Economic Area (EEA) regarding the use of device identifiers and personal data. This policy reflects the requirements of the EU ePrivacy Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). When seeking consent, you must identify each ad network in your mediation chain that may collect, receive, or use personal data and provide information about each network's use. Google currently is unable to pass the user's consent choice to such networks automatically.

The Google Mobile Ads mediation plugin for myTarget version 2.1.0 includes the SetUserConsent() and SetUserAgeRestricted() methods. The following sample code shows how to pass user consent information to the myTarget SDK. If you choose to call this method, it is recommended that you do so prior to requesting ads through the Google Mobile Ads SDK.

using GoogleMobileAds.Api.Mediation.MyTarget;
// ...


If the user is known to be in an age-restricted category, you can also call the SetUserAgeRestricted() method.


See myTarget's Privacy and GDPR guide for more information.

US states privacy laws

U.S. states privacy laws require giving users the right to opt out of the "sale" of their "personal information" (as the law defines those terms), with the opt-out offered via a prominent "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" link on the "selling" party's homepage. The U.S. states privacy laws compliance guide offers the ability to enable restricted data processing for Google ad serving, but Google is unable to apply this setting to each ad network in your mediation chain. Therefore, you must identify each ad network in your mediation chain that may participate in the sale of personal information and follow guidance from each of those networks to ensure compliance.

The Google Mobile Ads mediation plugin for myTarget version 3.13.3 includes the SetCCPAUserConsent(bool) method. The following sample code shows how to pass user consent information to the myTarget SDK. If you choose to call this method, it is recommended that you do so prior to requesting ads through the Google Mobile Ads SDK.

using GoogleMobileAds.Api.Mediation.MyTarget;
// ...


Contact myTarget support for more information.

Step 5: Add required code


No additional code is required for myTarget integration.


SKAdNetwork integration

Follow myTarget's documentation to add the SKAdNetwork identifiers to your project's Info.plist file.

Step 6: Test your implementation

Ativar anúncios de teste

Registre seu dispositivo de teste em AdMob e ative o modo de teste na myTarget interface.

Verificar anúncios de teste

Para verificar se você está recebendo anúncios de teste do myTarget, ative os testes de uma única origem no Ad Inspector usando as myTarget (Waterfall) origens de anúncios.

Error codes

If the adapter fails to receive an ad from myTarget, publishers can check the underlying error from the ad response using ResponseInfo under the following classes:




Here are the codes and accompanying messages thrown by the myTarget adapter when an ad fails to load:


Error code Reason
100 myTarget SDK returned an error.
101 myTarget server parameters configured in the AdMob UI are missing/invalid.
102 The requested ad size does not match a myTarget supported banner size.
103 Ad request is not a Unified native ad request.
104 The loaded native ad from myTarget is different from the requested native ad.
105 The loaded native ad from myTarget is missing some required assets (e.g. image or icon).


Error code Reason
100 myTarget SDK does not yet have an ad available.
101 myTarget server parameters configured in the AdMob UI are missing/invalid.
102 myTarget Adapter does not support the ad format being requested.
103 Tried to show a myTarget ad that is not loaded.
104 The requested ad size does not match a myTarget supported banner size.
105 Missing required native ad assets.

myTarget Unity Mediation Plugin Changelog

Version Next

  • Renamed DummyClient to PlaceholderClient.

Version 3.17.0

Version 3.16.2

Version 3.16.1

Version 3.16.0

Version 3.15.0

Version 3.14.0

Version 3.13.2

Version 3.13.1

Version 3.13.0

Version 3.12.0

Version 3.11.4

Version 3.11.3

Version 3.11.2

Version 3.11.1

Version 3.11.0

Version 3.10.2

Version 3.10.1

Version 3.10.0

Version 3.9.0

Version 3.8.2

Version 3.8.1

Version 3.8.0

Version 3.7.0

Version 3.6.1

Version 3.6.0

Version 3.5.2

Version 3.5.1

Version 3.5.0

Version 3.4.0

Version 3.3.0

Version 3.2.0

Version 3.1.0

Version 3.0.0

  • Updated the plugin to support the new open-beta Rewarded API.
  • Supports myTarget Android adapter version
  • Supports myTarget iOS adapter version

Version 2.3.2

  • Supports myTarget Android adapter version
  • Supports myTarget iOS adapter version

Version 2.3.1

  • Supports myTarget Android adapter version
  • Supports myTarget iOS adapter version

Version 2.3.0

  • Supports myTarget Android adapter version
  • Supports myTarget iOS adapter version

Version 2.2.0

  • Supports myTarget Android adapter version
  • Supports myTarget iOS adapter version

Version 2.1.2

  • Supports myTarget Android adapter version
  • Supports myTarget iOS adapter version

Version 2.1.1

  • Supports myTarget Android adapter version
  • Supports myTarget iOS adapter version

Version 2.1.0

  • Supports myTarget Android SDK version 5.1.0.
  • Supports myTarget iOS SDK version 4.7.9.
  • Added the following methods:
    • MyTarget.SetUserConsent() method to forward the user's consent status to the MyTarget SDK.
    • MyTarget.SetUserAgeRestricted method that sets a flag to indicate if the user is known to be in an age-restricted category (i.e., under the age of 16).
    • MyTarget.IsUserConsent() method to get the user's current consent status.
    • MyTarget.IsUserAgeRestricted() method to get the flag indicating that the user is known to be in an age-restricted category (i.e., under the age of 16).

Version 2.0.1

  • Supports myTarget Android SDK version 5.0.2.
  • Supports myTarget iOS SDK version 4.7.8.

Version 2.0.0

  • Supports myTarget Android SDK version 5.0.0.
  • Supports myTarget iOS SDK version 4.7.7.

Version 1.1.0

  • Supports myTarget Android SDK version 4.7.2.
  • Supports myTarget iOS SDK version 4.7.6.

Version 1.0.0

  • First release!
  • Supports myTarget Android SDK version 4.6.27.
  • Supports myTarget iOS SDK version 4.6.24.