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Para instruções de integração, acesse as páginas individuais do parceiro na seção Integrar redes de parceiros na barra de navegação à esquerda.

Network details

AdMob Mediation supports several ad sources, which accommodate integrations for both bidding and waterfall methods. Click an ad source for integration instructions specific to that ad source.

Origem de anúncios Banner Intersticial Premiado Intersticial premiado Lances Suporte à otimização da origem de anúncios
Nenhum SDK de terceiros é necessário
Ad Generation Somente lances
Chocolate Platform Somente lances
Equativ (formerly Smart Adserver) Somente lances
Fluct Somente lances
Improve Digital Somente lances
Index Exchange Somente lances
InMobi Exchange Somente lances Somente lances
MobFox Somente lances
Nexxen (previously UnrulyX) Somente lances
Troca de OneTag Somente lances
OpenX Somente lances
PubMatic Somente lances
Rubicon Somente lances
Sharethrough Somente lances
Smaato Somente lances
Sonobi Somente lances
TripleLift Somente lances
Verve Group (em inglês) Somente lances
Yieldmo Somente lances
YieldOne Somente lances
Código aberto e com controle de versão: SDK de terceiros obrigatório
AppLovin Específico a país
Chartboost Específico a país
DT Exchange Específico a país
i-mobile Apenas no Japão
InMobi 1 Específico a país
ironSource Ads 1 Específico a país
Liftoff Monetize 1 Específico a país
Line Específico a país
maio Apenas no Japão
Meta Audience Network Específico a país
Mintegral Específico a país
myTarget Específico a país
Pangle Específico a país
Unity Ads 1 Específico a país
Não código aberto — SDK de terceiros obrigatório
AdFalcon Específico a país
Flurry Específico a país
Leadbolt Específico a país
LG U+AD Nenhum
Tencent GDT Nenhum
Vpon Nenhum
Zucks Específico a país

1 A integração de lances está na versão Beta.

Open source and versioned adapters

If an adapter is labeled with "Open source and versioned" in the previous table, it means the adapter source code is open-sourced in Google's GitHub repository (Android or iOS), enabling you to debug issues yourself should you choose to do so.

Each adapter is built against a specific version of the third-party ad network SDK. Follow the specific partner's integration guide for more details.

Adapter versioning

Unity adapters follow a <major>.<minor>.<patch> versioning scheme that models the underlying Android and iOS SDK dependencies for that ad network. If either the Android or iOS dependency gets a major or minor version bump, the Unity adapter also gets a corresponding version bump. All other releases get a patch version bump.

Ad source optimization

When you configure multiple ad networks for mediation, you have to specify what order to request these networks by setting their respective CPM. This can be difficult to manage, since ad network performance changes over time.

Ad source optimization is a feature that lets you generate the highest CPM from the ad networks in your mediation chain by automating the process of ordering the mediation chain to maximize revenue.

The previous mediation networks table uses the following values for ad source optimization support:

Ad source optimization support What it means
Bidding only The ad network only participates in bidding. Ad source optimization is not applicable.
Country-specific eCPM values are automatically updated on your behalf on a per-country basis. This is the optimal type of optimization.
None You must manually configure an eCPM value for that ad network.

Click a specific ad network's guide for details on how to configure ad source optimization for that network.