Flux du service

Créer et importer des flux de service

Lorsque vous créez et importez des flux de service, veillez à respecter les instructions suivantes:

  • Suivez la spécification décrite dans le flux de service des fichiers de données de service. Vous devez utiliser des noms de fichiers de données de service uniques entre les importations. Nous vous recommandons d'inclure un code temporel dans le nom du fichier, par exemple service1_1633621547.json.
  • Dans le descripteur d'ensemble de fichiers, définissez le champ name sur google.food_service. Pour obtenir un exemple de fichier descripteur, consultez l'exemple JSON de fichier de descripteur. Vous devez utiliser des noms de fichiers de descripteurs uniques entre les importations. Nous vous recommandons d'inclure un code temporel dans le nom du fichier, par exemple service1_1633621547.filesetdesc.json. Le fichier descripteur doit être importé dans la boîte de dépôt SFTP générique.
  • Les flux doivent être importés tous les jours sur la boîte de dépôt SFTP générique sous forme d'actualisations complètes.
  • Vous trouverez des informations génériques sur la boîte de dépôt SFTP pour les flux dans la section Configuration > Flux du portail des partenaires.
  • Sélection des comptes "Envoi sécurisé" pour les flux

  • Vous pouvez consulter l'état générique d'ingestion du flux dans la section Flux > Historique du portail des partenaires.


Définition FoodServiceFeed

// Food Ordering Team's EPA Service Feeds Spec.
message FoodServiceFeed {
  // Service feed entity data.
  repeated ServiceData data = 1;

Définition des données de service

// Service feed entity data.
message ServiceData {
  oneof type {
    FoodOrderingService service = 1;
    ServiceHours service_hours = 2;
    ServiceArea service_area = 3;
    Fee fee = 4;

Définition du service de redirection des commandes

message FoodOrderingService {
  // Unique identifier of the provided service.
  // Required.
  string service_id = 1
  enum ServiceType {
    DELIVERY = 1;
    TAKEOUT = 2;
  // The type of the service.
  // Required and cannot be SERVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN.
  ServiceType service_type = 2
  // The parent entity’s ID.
  // Required.
  string parent_entity_id = 3
  // Indicates if the entity is disabled.
  // Optional.
  optional bool disabled = 4;
  // The lead time given in the service entity will apply to all
  // the service hours unless an overridden property is set in the
  // service hours entity.
  // Required.
  ETA lead_time = 5

  // Parent action detail's link ID.
  // Required.
  string action_link_id = 6

Définition de l'heure d'arrivée prévue

// Lead time range [min, max). At least one of min or max needs to be provided.
// A fixed value can be provided by setting both min and max to the same value.
message ETA {
  // Indicates a range of ETA duration.
  google.protobuf.Duration min_lead_time_duration = 1
  google.protobuf.Duration max_lead_time_duration = 2

Définition des frais

message Fee {
  // Unique identifier to the Fee entity.
  // Required.
  string fee_id = 1
  enum FeeType {
    DELIVERY = 1;
    SERVICE = 2;
  // Indicates the nature of the service, e.g. delivery fee/service fee.
  // Required.
  FeeType fee_type = 2

  oneof amount {

    // A fixed amount of fees to be collected.
    google.type.Money fixed_amount = 3
    // A range of fees that could be collected. Will mirror
    // madden.ingestion.MoneyRange for the starting point.
    MoneyRange range_amount = 4;
    // Fees in terms of amount percentage. Will mirror
    // madden.ingestion.QuantitativeValue for the starter.
    PercentageBasedFee cart_percentage = 5;
  // Service association needs to be provided.
  // Required.
  repeated string service_ids = 6
  // Service area can be provided to further restrict eligibility of the
  // fee.
  // Optional.
  repeated string area_ids = 7

Définition de MoneyRange

// Wrapper for a range of monetary amount that could be bounded or unbounded.
// At least one of min_amount or max_amount is required.
message MoneyRange {
  // Minimum amount.
  google.type.Money min_amount = 1
  // Maximum amount.
  google.type.Money max_amount = 2

Définition de PercentageBasedFee

// Variable fee which changes based on the price of the order.
message PercentageBasedFee {
  // Optional, base fee not including the variable percentage based fee.
  google.type.Money base_value = 1

  // Optional, overall range of possible values of the PercentageBasedFee.
  optional MoneyRange range = 2;

  // Optional, percentage representing an additional variable fee based on
  // the cart subtotal. E.g. 15.0 represents a fee of 15% of the cart.
  optional double percentage_of_cart_value = 3

Définition ServiceArea

message ServiceArea {
  // Unique identifier.
  // Required.
  string area_id = 1
  // Identifier to the parent service entity.
  // Required.
  repeated string service_ids = 2
  // One of the following needs to be provided to define the service area.
  // Required.
  oneof region {

    GeoCircle circle = 3;
    Locality locality = 4;
    Polygon polygon = 5;

  // Sets to true if the assigned area is excluded from serving.
  // Optional.
  optional bool excluded_area = 6;

GeoCircle – Définition

// Geographical circular area described by a point and radius.
message GeoCircle {
  // Geographical center of the area.
  // Required.
  google.type.LatLng center =

  // Radius for the circular area, in meters. Must be greater than 0.
  // Required.
  double radius = 2

Définition de la localité

// Geolocation of interests.
message Locality {
  string country_code = 1

  // Postal code in the country's local format in string.
  string postal_code =

Définition d'un polygone

// Represents a polygon shaped region.
message Polygon {
  reserved 1;

  // List of S2Loops which defines a polygon. A point is considered in the
  // polygon if it is contained in odd number of loops.
  repeated Loop loops = 2

Définition d'une boucle

// Represents a loop of geo coordinates. This should be a valid S2Loop.
message Loop {
  // Points making the boundary of loop.
  repeated google.type.LatLng point =

Définition de ServiceHours

// Service hours entity for ASAP/Advance orders.
message ServiceHours {
  // Unique identifier of the provided advance service hours.
  // Required.
  string hours_id =

  // The unique identifier of the Service entity correlated to this ServiceHours
  // entity.
  // Required.

  // The hours the orders can be fulfilled. For ASAP services, this is also
  // orderable time.
  // One of the fields (asap_hours/advance_hours) is required to be set.

  repeated AdvanceTimeWindow advance_hours = 4;

  // When advance ordering services, this is the time windows the orders can be
  // placed.
  // Required when advance_hour is given. Invalid when asap_hour is given.

  // Indicates if the service hours are for special occasions
  // (e.g. Thanksgiving/...)
  // Optional
  bool special_hour = 6;

  // A timestamp window indicating the validity of the special hours.
  // Optional. Required if it's special hours.

AsapTimeWindow – Définition

  message AsapTimeWindow {
  // A time window the ASAP order can be placed and fulfilled.
  // Required.

  // Indicates the lead time, specific to service_time, the service can
  // be fulfilled.
  // Optional.
  ETA lead_time = 2;

Définition de AdvanceTimeWindow

// The fulfillment time window for advance orders.
message AdvanceTimeWindow {
  // A time window the advance order can be fulfilled.
  // Required.

  // a window that an advance order can be placed.  For example, an advance
  // order must be placed at least 60 minutes ahead and not exceeding 2
  // days, the interval would be [PT60M, P2D).
  // Optional.
  DurationInterval advance_booking_interval = 2;

TimeOfDayWindow – Définition

// The TimeWindow object is a composite entity that describes a list
// of windows the user's order can be either placed or fulfilled.
message TimeOfDayWindow {
  // The time window the order can be placed/fulfilled.
  // Required.

  // The list of days in a week the windows are applied.
  // Required. If not given, we assume 7 days a week.

Définition ValidityRange

// A closed-open timestamp range.
message ValidityRange {
  // The beginning time of the range (inclusive).
  // Optional.

  // The ending time of the range (exclusive).
  // Optional.

Définition de DurationInterval

// A closed-open duration range.
message DurationInterval {
  // The minimum duration (inclusive).
  // Required.

  // The maximum duration (exclusive).
  // Required.

TimeOfDayRange – Définition

// A closed-open time range.
message TimeOfDayRange {
  // A Time indicating the beginning time of the day of the range (inclusive).
  // Required. If not given, we assume 00:00:00.
  google.type.TimeOfDay open_time = 1;

  // A Time indicating the ending time of the day of the range (exclusive).
  // Required. If not given, we assume 23:59:59.
  google.type.TimeOfDay close_time = 2;

Références proto externes:

Exemples de flux de service

Flux services

Nom du fichier : services1_1697754089.json

  "data": [
      "service": {
        "service_id": "service/entity002",
        "service_type": "DELIVERY",
        "parent_entity_id": "entity002",
        "lead_time": {
          "min_lead_time_duration": "600s",
          "max_lead_time_duration": "1800s"
        "action_link_id": "delivery_link/entity002"
      "fee": {
        "fee_id": "fee/entity002",
        "fee_type": "DELIVERY",
        "fixed_amount": {
          "currency_code": "USD",
          "units": 2,
          "nanos": 400000000
        "service_ids": ["service/entity002"]

Fichier de descripteur

Nom du fichier : services1_1697754089.filesetdesc.json

  "generation_timestamp": 1697754089,
  "name": "google.food_service",
  "data_file": ["services1_1697754089.json"]