Text Search (New)

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A Text Search (New) returns information about a set of places based on a string — for example "pizza in New York" or "shoe stores near Ottawa" or "123 Main Street". The service responds with a list of places matching the text string and any location bias that has been set.

The service is especially useful for making ambiguous address queries in an automated system, and non-address components of the string may match businesses as well as addresses. Examples of ambiguous address queries are poorly-formatted addresses or requests that include non-address components such as business names. Requests like the first two examples in the following table may return zero results unless a location — such as region, location restriction, or location bias — is set.

"10 High Street, UK" or "123 Main Street, US" Multiple "High Street"s in the UK; multiple "Main Street"s in the US. Query doesn't return desirable results unless a location restriction is set.
"ChainRestaurant New York" Multiple "ChainRestaurant" locations in New York; no street address or even street name.
"10 High Street, Escher UK" or "123 Main Street, Pleasanton US" Only one "High Street" in the UK city of Escher; only one "Main Street" in the US city of Pleasanton CA.
"UniqueRestaurantName New York" Only one establishment with this name in New York; no street address needed to differentiate.
"pizza restaurants in New York" This query contains its location restriction, and "pizza restaurants" is a well-defined place type. It returns multiple results.
"+1 514-670-8700"

This query contains a phone number. It returns multiple results for places associated with that phone number.

The API Explorer lets you make live requests so that you can get familiar with the API and the API options:

Try it!

Text Search requests

A Text Search request is an HTTP POST request of the following form:


Pass all parameters in the JSON request body or in headers as part of the POST request. For example:

curl -X POST -d '{
  "textQuery" : "Spicy Vegetarian Food in Sydney, Australia"
}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: API_KEY' \
-H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: places.displayName,places.formattedAddress,places.priceLevel' \

Text Search (New) responses

Text Search (New) returns a JSON object as a response. In the response:

  • The places array contains all matching places.
  • Each place in the array is represented by a Place object. The Place object contains detailed information about a single place.
  • The FieldMask passed in the request specifies the list of fields returned in the Place object.

The complete JSON object is in the form:

  "places": [
      object (Place)

Required parameters

  • FieldMask

    Specify the list of fields to return in the response by creating a response field mask. Pass the response field mask to the method by using the URL parameter $fields or fields, or by using the HTTP header X-Goog-FieldMask. There is no default list of returned fields in the response. If you omit the field mask, the method returns an error.

    Field masking is a good design practice to ensure that you don't request unnecessary data, which helps to avoid unnecessary processing time and billing charges.

    Specify a comma-separated list of place data types to return. For example, to retrieve the display name and the address of the place.

    X-Goog-FieldMask: places.displayName,places.formattedAddress

    Use * to retrieve all fields.

    X-Goog-FieldMask: *

    Specify one or more of the following fields:

    • The following fields trigger the Text Search (ID Only) SKU:

      places.attributions, places.id, places.name*, nextPageToken

      * The places.name field contains the place resource name in the form: places/PLACE_ID. Use places.displayName to access the text name of the place.
    • The following fields trigger the Text Search (Basic) SKU:

      places.accessibilityOptions, places.addressComponents, places.adrFormatAddress, places.businessStatus, places.displayName, places.formattedAddress, places.googleMapsUri, places.iconBackgroundColor, places.iconMaskBaseUri, places.location, places.photos, places.plusCode, places.primaryType, places.primaryTypeDisplayName, places.shortFormattedAddress, places.subDestinations, places.types, places.utcOffsetMinutes, places.viewport
    • The following fields trigger the Text Search (Advanced) SKU:

      places.currentOpeningHours, places.currentSecondaryOpeningHours, places.internationalPhoneNumber, places.nationalPhoneNumber, places.priceLevel, places.rating, places.regularOpeningHours, places.regularSecondaryOpeningHours, places.userRatingCount, places.websiteUri
    • The following fields trigger the Text Search (Preferred) SKU:

      places.allowsDogs, places.curbsidePickup, places.delivery, places.dineIn, places.editorialSummary, places.evChargeOptions, places.fuelOptions, places.goodForChildren, places.goodForGroups, places.goodForWatchingSports, places.liveMusic, places.menuForChildren, places.parkingOptions, places.paymentOptions, places.outdoorSeating, places.reservable, places.restroom, places.reviews, places.routingSummaries,* places.servesBeer, places.servesBreakfast, places.servesBrunch, places.servesCocktails, places.servesCoffee, places.servesDessert, places.servesDinner, places.servesLunch, places.servesVegetarianFood, places.servesWine, places.takeout

      * Text Search and Nearby Search only
  • textQuery

    The text string on which to search, for example: "restaurant", "123 Main Street", or "best place to visit in San Francisco". The API returns candidate matches based on this string and orders the results based on their perceived relevance.

Optional parameters

  • includedType

    Restricts the results to places matching the specified type defined by Table A. Only one type may be specified. For example:

    • "includedType":"bar"
    • "includedType":"pharmacy"
  • languageCode

    The language in which to return results.

    • See the list of supported languages. Google often updates the supported languages, so this list may not be exhaustive.
    • If languageCode is not supplied, the API defaults to en. If you specify an invalid language code, the API returns an INVALID_ARGUMENT error.
    • The API does its best to provide a street address that is readable for both the user and locals. To achieve that goal, it returns street addresses in the local language, transliterated to a script readable by the user if necessary, observing the preferred language. All other addresses are returned in the preferred language. Address components are all returned in the same language, which is chosen from the first component.
    • If a name is not available in the preferred language, the API uses the closest match.
    • The preferred language has a small influence on the set of results that the API chooses to return, and the order in which they are returned. The geocoder interprets abbreviations differently depending on language, such as the abbreviations for street types, or synonyms that may be valid in one language but not in another.
  • locationBias

    Specifies an area to search. This location serves as a bias which means results around the specified location can be returned, including results outside the specified area.

    You can specify locationRestriction or locationBias, but not both. Think of locationRestriction as specifying the region which the results must be within, and locationBias as specifying the region that the results will likely be inside or near but can be outside of the area.

    Specify the region as a rectangular Viewport or as a circle.

    • A circle is defined by center point and radius in meters. The radius must be between 0.0 and 50000.0, inclusive. The default radius is 0.0. For example:

      "locationBias": {
        "circle": {
          "center": {
            "latitude": 37.7937,
            "longitude": -122.3965
          "radius": 500.0
    • A rectangle is a latitude-longitude viewport, represented as two diagonally opposite low and high points. The low point marks the southwest corner of the rectangle, and the high point represents the northeast corner of the rectangle.

      A viewport is considered a closed region, meaning it includes its boundary. The latitude bounds must range between -90 to 90 degrees inclusive, and the longitude bounds must range between -180 to 180 degrees inclusive:

      • If low = high, the viewport consists of that single point.
      • If low.longitude > high.longitude, the longitude range is inverted (the viewport crosses the 180 degree longitude line).
      • If low.longitude = -180 degrees and high.longitude = 180 degrees, the viewport includes all longitudes.
      • If low.longitude = 180 degrees and high.longitude = -180 degrees, the longitude range is empty.
      • If low.latitude > high.latitude, the latitude range is empty.

      Both low and high must be populated, and the represented box cannot be empty. An empty viewport results in an error.

      For example, this viewport fully encloses New York City:

      "locationBias": {
        "rectangle": {
          "low": {
            "latitude": 40.477398,
            "longitude": -74.259087
          "high": {
            "latitude": 40.91618,
            "longitude": -73.70018
  • locationRestriction

    Specifies an area to search. Results outside the specified area are not returned. Specify the region as a rectangular Viewport. See the description of locationBias for information on defining the Viewport.

    You can specify locationRestriction or locationBias, but not both. Think of locationRestriction as specifying the region which the results must be within, and locationBias as specifying the region that the results will likely be inside or near but can be outside of the area.

  • maxResultCount (deprecated)

    Specifies the number of results (between 1 and 20) to display per page. For example, setting a maxResultCount value of 5 will return up to 5 results on the first page. If there are more results that can be returned from the query, the response includes a nextPageToken that you can pass into a subsequent request to access the next page.

  • evOptions

    Specifies parameters for identifying available electric vehicle (EV) charging connectors and charging rates.

    • connectorTypes

      Filters by the type of EV charging connector available at a place. A place that does not support any of the connector types will be filtered out. Supported EV charging connector types include combined (AC and DC) chargers, Tesla chargers, GB/T-compliant chargers (for EV fast charging in China), and wall outlet chargers. For more information, see the reference documentation.

    • minimumChargingRateKw

      Filters places by minimum EV charging rate in kilowatts (kW). Any places with charging a rate less than the minimum charging rate are filtered out. For example, to find EV chargers with charging rates that are at least 10 kW, you can set this parameter to "10."

  • minRating

    Restricts results to only those whose average user rating is greater than or equal to this limit. Values must be between 0.0 and 5.0 (inclusive) in increments of 0.5. For example: 0, 0.5, 1.0, ... , 5.0 inclusive. Values are rounded up to the nearest 0.5. For example, a value of 0.6 eliminates all results with a rating less than 1.0.

  • openNow

    If true, return only those places that are open for business at the time the query is sent. If false, return all businesses regardless of open status. Places that don't specify opening hours in the Google Places database are returned if you set this parameter to false.

  • pageSize

    Specifies the number of results (between 1 and 20) to display per page. For example, setting a pageSize value of 5 will return up to 5 results on the first page. If there are more results that can be returned from the query, the response includes a nextPageToken that you can pass into a subsequent request to access the next page.

  • pageToken

    Specifies the nextPageToken from the response body of the previous page.

  • priceLevels

    Restrict the search to places that are marked at certain price levels. The default is to select all price levels.

    Specify an array of one or more of values defined by PriceLevel.

    For example:

  • rankPreference

    Specifies how the results are ranked in the response based on the type of query:

    • For a categorical query such as "Restaurants in New York City", RELEVANCE (rank results by search relevance) is the default. You can set rankPreference to RELEVANCE or DISTANCE (rank results by distance).
    • For a non-categorical query such as "Mountain View, CA", we recommend that you leave rankPreference unset.
  • regionCode

    The region code used to format the response, specified as a two-character CLDR code value. This parameter can also have a bias effect on the search results. There is no default value.

    If the country name of the formattedAddress field in the response matches the regionCode, the country code is omitted from formattedAddress. This parameter has no effect on adrFormatAddress, which always includes the country name when available, or on shortFormattedAddress, which never includes it.

    Most CLDR codes are identical to ISO 3166-1 codes, with some notable exceptions. For example, the United Kingdom's ccTLD is "uk" (.co.uk) while its ISO 3166-1 code is "gb" (technically for the entity of "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"). The parameter can affect results based on applicable law.

  • strictTypeFiltering

    Used with the includedType parameter. When set to true, only places that match the specified types specified by includeType are returned. When false, the default, the response can contain places that don't match the specified types.

Text Search examples

Find a place by query string

The following example shows a Text Search request for "Spicy Vegetarian Food in Sydney, Australia":

curl -X POST -d '{
  "textQuery" : "Spicy Vegetarian Food in Sydney, Australia"
}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: API_KEY' \
-H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: places.displayName,places.formattedAddress' \

Note that the X-Goog-FieldMask header specifies that the response contains the following data fields: places.displayName,places.formattedAddress. The response is then in the form:

  "places": [
      "formattedAddress": "367 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia",
      "displayName": {
        "text": "Mother Chu's Vegetarian Kitchen",
        "languageCode": "en"
      "formattedAddress": "175 First Ave, Five Dock NSW 2046, Australia",
      "displayName": {
        "text": "Veggo Sizzle - Vegan & Vegetarian Restaurant, Five Dock, Sydney",
        "languageCode": "en"
      "formattedAddress": "29 King St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia",
      "displayName": {
        "text": "Peace Harmony",
        "languageCode": "en"

Add more data types to the field mask to return additional information. For example, add places.types,places.websiteUri to include the restaurant type and Web address in the response:

curl -X POST -d '{
  "textQuery" : "Spicy Vegetarian Food in Sydney, Australia"
}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: API_KEY' \
-H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: places.displayName,places.formattedAddress,places.types,places.websiteUri' \

The response is now in the form:

  "places": [
      "types": [
      "formattedAddress": "367 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia",
      "websiteUri": "http://www.motherchusvegetarian.com.au/",
      "displayName": {
        "text": "Mother Chu's Vegetarian Kitchen",
        "languageCode": "en"
      "types": [
      "formattedAddress": "175 First Ave, Five Dock NSW 2046, Australia",
      "websiteUri": "http://www.veggosizzle.com.au/",
      "displayName": {
        "text": "Veggo Sizzle - Vegan & Vegetarian Restaurant, Five Dock, Sydney",
        "languageCode": "en"

Filter places by price level

Use the priceLevel option to filter the results to restaurants defined as inexpensive or moderately expensive:

curl -X POST -d '{
  "textQuery" : "Spicy Vegetarian Food in Sydney, Australia",
}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: API_KEY' \
-H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: places.displayName,places.formattedAddress,places.priceLevel' \

This example also uses the X-Goog-FieldMask header to add the places.priceLevel data field to the response so it is in the form:

  "places": [
      "formattedAddress": "367 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia",
      "priceLevel": "PRICE_LEVEL_MODERATE",
      "displayName": {
        "text": "Mother Chu's Vegetarian Kitchen",
        "languageCode": "en"
      "formattedAddress": "115 King St, Newtown NSW 2042, Australia",
      "priceLevel": "PRICE_LEVEL_MODERATE",
      "displayName": {
        "text": "Green Mushroom",
        "languageCode": "en"

Add additional options to refine your search, such as includedType, minRating, rankPreference, openNow, and other parameters described in Optional parameters.

Search for places in an area

Use locationRestriction or locationBias, but not both, to restrict a search to an area. Think of locationRestriction as specifying the region which the results must be within, and locationBias as specifying the region that the results must be near but can be outside of the area.

The following example shows a Text Search request for "Spicy Vegetarian Food" biased to being within 500 meters of a point in downtown San Francisco. This request only returns the first 10 results for places that are open.

curl -X POST -d '{
  "textQuery" : "Spicy Vegetarian Food",
  "openNow": true,
  "pageSize": 10,
  "locationBias": {
    "circle": {
      "center": {"latitude": 37.7937, "longitude": -122.3965},
      "radius": 500.0
}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: API_KEY' \
-H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: places.displayName,places.formattedAddress' \

Search for EV chargers with a minimum charging rate

Use minimumChargingRateKw and connectorTypes to search for places with available chargers that are compatible with your EV.

The following example shows a request for Tesla and J1772 type 1 EV charging connectors with a minimum charging rate of 10 kW in Mountain View, CA. Only four results are returned.

curl -X POST -d '{
    "textQuery": "EV Charging Station Mountain View",
    "pageSize": 4,
    "evOptions": {
      "minimumChargingRateKw": 10,
      "connectorTypes": ["EV_CONNECTOR_TYPE_J1772","EV_CONNECTOR_TYPE_TESLA"]
  }' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: API_KEY' \
-H "X-Goog-FieldMask: places.displayName,places.evChargeOptions" \

The request returns the following response:

  "places": [
      "displayName": {
        "text": "EVgo Charging Station",
        "languageCode": "en"
      "evChargeOptions": {
        "connectorCount": 16,
        "connectorAggregation": [
            "type": "EV_CONNECTOR_TYPE_CHADEMO",
            "maxChargeRateKw": 100,
            "count": 8,
            "availableCount": 5,
            "outOfServiceCount": 0,
            "availabilityLastUpdateTime": "2024-01-10T19:10:00Z"
            "type": "EV_CONNECTOR_TYPE_CCS_COMBO_1",
            "maxChargeRateKw": 100,
            "count": 2,
            "availableCount": 2,
            "outOfServiceCount": 0,
            "availabilityLastUpdateTime": "2024-01-10T19:10:00Z"
            "type": "EV_CONNECTOR_TYPE_CCS_COMBO_1",
            "maxChargeRateKw": 350,
            "count": 6,
            "availableCount": 3,
            "outOfServiceCount": 0,
            "availabilityLastUpdateTime": "2024-01-10T19:10:00Z"
      "displayName": {
        "text": "EVgo Charging Station",
        "languageCode": "en"
      "evChargeOptions": {
        "connectorCount": 6,
        "connectorAggregation": [
            "type": "EV_CONNECTOR_TYPE_CCS_COMBO_1",
            "maxChargeRateKw": 100,
            "count": 4,
            "availableCount": 3,
            "outOfServiceCount": 0,
            "availabilityLastUpdateTime": "2024-01-10T19:10:00Z"
            "type": "EV_CONNECTOR_TYPE_CCS_COMBO_1",
            "maxChargeRateKw": 350,
            "count": 2,
            "availableCount": 0,
            "outOfServiceCount": 2,
            "availabilityLastUpdateTime": "2024-01-10T19:10:00Z"
      "displayName": {
        "text": "EVgo Charging Station",
        "languageCode": "en"
      "evChargeOptions": {
        "connectorCount": 5,
        "connectorAggregation": [
            "type": "EV_CONNECTOR_TYPE_J1772",
            "maxChargeRateKw": 3.5999999046325684,
            "count": 1,
            "availableCount": 0,
            "outOfServiceCount": 1,
            "availabilityLastUpdateTime": "2024-01-10T19:10:00Z"
            "type": "EV_CONNECTOR_TYPE_CHADEMO",
            "maxChargeRateKw": 50,
            "count": 2,
            "availableCount": 0,
            "outOfServiceCount": 0,
            "availabilityLastUpdateTime": "2024-01-10T19:10:00Z"
            "type": "EV_CONNECTOR_TYPE_CCS_COMBO_1",
            "maxChargeRateKw": 50,
            "count": 2,
            "availableCount": 0,
            "outOfServiceCount": 0,
            "availabilityLastUpdateTime": "2024-01-10T19:10:00Z"
      "displayName": {
        "text": "Electric Vehicle Charging Station",
        "languageCode": "en"
      "evChargeOptions": {
        "connectorCount": 10,
        "connectorAggregation": [
            "type": "EV_CONNECTOR_TYPE_OTHER",
            "maxChargeRateKw": 210,
            "count": 10

Specify a number of results to return per page

Use the pageSize parameter to specify a number of results to return per page. The nextPageToken parameter in the response body provides a token that can be used in subsequent calls to access the next page of results.

The following example shows a request for "pizza in New York" limited to 5 results per page:

 curl -X POST -d '{
  "textQuery": "pizza in New York",
  "pageSize": 5
  }' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: API_KEY' \
-H "X-Goog-FieldMask: places.id,nextPageToken" \
  "places": [
      "id": "ChIJifIePKtZwokRVZ-UdRGkZzs"
      "id": "ChIJPxPd_P1YwokRfzLhSiACEoU"
      "id": "ChIJrXXKn5NZwokR78g0ipCnY60"
      "id": "ChIJ6ySICVZYwokR9rIK8HjXhzE"
      "id": "ChIJ6xvs94VZwokRnT1D2lX2OTw"
  "nextPageToken": "AeCrKXsZWzNVbPzO-MRWPu52jWO_Xx8aKwOQ69_Je3DxRpfdjClq8Ekwh3UcF2h2Jn75kL6PtWLGV4ecQri-GEUKN_OFpJkdVc-JL4Q"

To access the next page of results, use pageToken to pass in the nextPageToken in the request body:

 curl -X POST -d '{
  "textQuery": "pizza in New York",
  "pageSize": 5,
  "pageToken": "AeCrKXsZWzNVbPzO-MRWPu52jWO_Xx8aKwOQ69_Je3DxRpfdjClq8Ekwh3UcF2h2Jn75kL6PtWLGV4ecQri-GEUKN_OFpJkdVc-JL4Q"
  }' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: API_KEY' \
-H "X-Goog-FieldMask: places.id,nextPageToken" \
  "places": [
      "id": "ChIJL-LN1N1ZwokR8K2jACu6Ydw"
      "id": "ChIJjaD94kFZwokR-20CXqlpy_4"
      "id": "ChIJ6ffdpJNZwokRmcafdROM5q0"
      "id": "ChIJ8Q2WSpJZwokRQz-bYYgEskM"
      "id": "ChIJ8164qwFZwokRhplkmhvq1uE"
  "nextPageToken": "AeCrKXvPd6uUy-oj96W2OaqEe2pUD8QTxOM8-sKfUcFsC9t2Wey5qivrKGoGSxcZnyc7RPmaFfAktslrKbUh31ZDTkL0upRmaxA7c_c"

Try it!

The API Explorer lets you make sample requests so that you can get familiar with the API and the API options.

  1. Select the API icon, Expand the API Explorer., on the right side of the page.

  2. Optionally expand Show standard parameters and set the fields parameter to the field mask.

  3. Optionally edit the Request body.

  4. Select Execute button. In the pop-up dialog box, choose the account that you want to use to make the request.

  5. In the API Explorer panel, select the expand icon, Expand the API Explorer., to expand the API Explorer window.