
public static abstract @interface LocationUpdateException.ErrorType implements Annotation

Indicates the type of error being reported by the Fleet Engine's location update service.

Constant Summary

int AUTH_FACTORY_EXCEPTION The FleetEngine.AuthTokenFactory threw an exception.
int BACKEND_CONNECTIVITY_ERROR There was a connectivity issue while communicating with the backend service.
int PERMISSION_DENIED An error caused by using a token with insufficient privileges.
int UNKNOWN Any other kind of exception, usually indicating a bug in the client software.
int VEHICLE_NOT_FOUND The identifier of the vehicle whose location is changing is not known to the Fleet Engine backend service.

Inherited Method Summary


public static final int AUTH_FACTORY_EXCEPTION

The FleetEngine.AuthTokenFactory threw an exception. The underlying cause may be obtained with Throwable.getCause().

Constant Value: 0

public static final int BACKEND_CONNECTIVITY_ERROR

There was a connectivity issue while communicating with the backend service. The Throwable.getCause() method will return a ERROR(/io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException) indicating the underlying connectivity issue.

Constant Value: 2

public static final int PERMISSION_DENIED

An error caused by using a token with insufficient privileges.

Constant Value: 4

public static final int UNKNOWN

Any other kind of exception, usually indicating a bug in the client software. The exception that occurred will be available in Throwable.getCause(). In this case, LocationUpdateException.willKeepTrying() will be false.

Constant Value: 3

public static final int VEHICLE_NOT_FOUND

The identifier of the vehicle whose location is changing is not known to the Fleet Engine backend service.

Constant Value: 1