
Camera.Perspective A Perspective is a parameter given to the Camera object to specify the location and orientation of the camera. 
CustomRoutesOptions.TravelMode Specifies the type of transportation used to tailor the directions. 
ForceNightMode Values used for overriding the default night mode (AUTO, FORCE_DAY, FORCE_NIGHT). 
LocationUpdateException.ErrorType Indicates the type of error being reported by the Fleet Engine's location update service. 
NavigationApi.ErrorCode An ErrorCode is a status code returned by NavigationApi.getNavigator(Activity, NavigatorListener) and NavigationApi.getNavigator(Application, NavigatorListener) when a Navigator could not be successfully obtained. 
Navigator.AudioGuidance AudioGuidance is a set of flags used to specify what kinds of audio alerts and guidance are used during navigation. 
RoutingOptions.RoutingStrategy The routing strategy specifies how routes are ranked, which affects the route that is chosen initially, and during re-routing. 
RoutingOptions.TravelMode Specifies the type of transportation used to tailor the directions. 
TimeAndDistance.DelaySeverity Indicates how heavy traffic is. 
TripUpdateException.ErrorType Indicates the type of error being reported by the Fleet Engine's location update service. 
VehicleUpdateException.ErrorType Indicates the type of error being reported by the Fleet Engine's location update service. 


Camera Provides methods for modifying the viewport of the navigation map. 
FleetEngine.AuthTokenFactory Instances of this interface will be asked to provide an authorization token when various operations are performed. 
FleetEngine.FleetEngineConfig This interface is deprecated. legacy hook  
FleetEngine.StatusListener Listener for status updates. 
ListenableResultFuture<T> A Future that accepts an onResult listener that will be called on the UI thread. 
ListenableResultFuture.OnResultListener<T> Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a result is available. 
NavigationApi.NavigatorListener Register a NavigatorListener with NavigationApi.getNavigator(Activity, NavigatorListener) to be notified about the status of said Navigator
NavigationApi.OnTermsResponseListener Register an OnTermsResponseListener with NavigationApi.showTermsAndConditionsDialog(Activity, String, OnTermsResponseListener) to be notified when the user accepts or declines the terms and conditions. 
NavigationMap Provides methods for modifying the contents of the navigation map, e.g. 
NavigationMap.OnMapClickListener Callback interface for when the user taps on the map. 
NavigationMap.OnMarkerClickListener Defines signatures for methods that are called when a marker is clicked or tapped. 
NavigationView.OnNightModeChangedListener Interface for a listener which will be notified when the UI enters or exits "night mode". 
NavigationView.OnRecenterButtonClickedListener Interface for a listener which will be notified when the recenter button is clicked. 
Navigator A singleton which provides methods for controlling navigation. 
Navigator.ArrivalListener Defines signatures for methods that are called when the driver arrives at a waypoint. 
Navigator.NavigationSessionListener Defines signatures for methods that are called when a new navigation session starts. 
Navigator.RemainingTimeOrDistanceChangedListener Defines signatures for methods that are called when the remaining time or distance to the next destination changes. 
Navigator.RouteChangedListener Defines signatures for methods that are called when the route changes. 
NotificationContentProvider This interface is used by ForegroundServiceManager to provide the notification content when a persistent notification is shared. 
OfflineListener Callback interface that clients can register to be informed of Offline update state or progress percentage changes. 
Projection A projection is used to translate between on screen location and geographic coordinates on the surface of the Earth (LatLng). 
RoadSnappedLocationProvider Allows subscription to road-snapped user locations. 
RoadSnappedLocationProvider.LocationListener Defines signatures for methods that are called when road-snapped location updates become available. 
RouteInfo Provides the ETA and distance information for routes to a specific waypoint using each RoutingOptions.RoutingStrategy value. 
RouteSegment A RouteSegment is an immutable class which represents a single "leg" of a journey, either from the device's current position to the destination, or from one destination to a subsequent destination. 
Simulator An interface to send simulated locations to the Nav API, or run the Nav API along simulated routes. 
SpeedingListener Callback to notify you the percentage above the speed limit the driver is currently driving at, and the SpeedAlertSeverity


ArrivalEvent An immutable event fired upon arrival at a destination. 
CameraPosition Represents a position of the camera in relation to the map. 
CustomRoutesOptions Defines the options used by the Navigator for calculating routes to one or multiple destinations using a route token. 
CustomRoutesOptions.Builder A Builder class to construct instances of CustomRoutesOptions. 
DirectionsListView A View which displays a list of directions for navigation. 
DisplayOptions Defines the options used by the Navigator for displaying a route to a destination. 
FleetEngine A client for Google's Fleet Engine. 
FleetEngine.ErrorListener The Fleet Engine client will use instances of this interface to inform the developer when important exceptions occur. 
ForegroundServiceManager This class allows clients to share a persistent notification by using a common notification id. 
LatLng An immutable class representing a pair of latitude and longitude coordinates, stored as degrees. 
LatLngBounds An immutable class representing a latitude/longitude aligned rectangle. 
LatLngBounds.Builder This is a builder that is able to create a minimum bound based on a set of LatLng points. 
LocationEvent An immutable event containing road-snapped location data. 
Marker A marker which can be added to a NavigationMap
MarkerOptions Defines the options for a marker. 
NavigationApi Entry point to the Navigation API. 
NavigationFragment A navigation component in an app. 
NavigationTransactionRecorder Contains methods for recording transactions. 
NavigationView A View which displays a map for navigation. 
NightModeChangedEvent An immutable event representing a change in state relating to night mode. 
NotificationContentProviderBase Clients should extend this class if they wish to control the content of the persistent notification. 
RoutingOptions Defines the options used by the Navigator for calculating a route to a destination. 
SimulationOptions Options to be used inside the Simulator. 
SpeedAlertOptions Encapsulates triggering thresholds for different severity levels of speed alerts, represented by SpeedAlertSeverity
SpeedAlertOptions.Builder Builder for building SpeedAlertOptions. 
SpeedometerUiOptions Encapsulates speedometer UI configuration for different severity levels of speed alerts, represented by SpeedAlertSeverity
SpeedometerUiOptions.Builder Builder for building SpeedometerUiOptions
StylingOptions Defines styling options for a NavigationView or NavigationFragment
SupportNavigationFragment A navigation component in an app. 
TermsAndConditionsUIParams An immutable class that represents the parameters used to customize the look and feel of a TermsAndConditionsDialog. 
TermsAndConditionsUIParams.Builder A builder that helps to configure an instance of TermsAndConditionsUIParams
TimeAndDistance A TimeAndDistance is an immutable class which represents both time and distance to a destination. 
VisibleRegion An immutable trapezoid describing the area on the map that is visible from a specific camera position. 
Waypoint An immutable waypoint class, used to specify navigation destinations. 
Waypoint.Builder A Builder class to construct instances of Waypoint. 


AlternateRoutesStrategy Desired display strategy for showing alternate routes. 
CustomControlPosition A set of positions where custom UI controls can be placed on the map. 
FleetEngine.StatusListener.StatusLevel Enums for the severity level of the status message being updated. 
FleetEngine.VehicleState Indicates whether a vehicle is accepting new trips. 
NavigationCalloutDisplayMode Desired display strategy for showing route callouts. 
Navigator.RouteStatus A RouteStatus is a status code that represents the result of a route calculation, accessed via the Future returned by Navigator.setDestination(Waypoint)
OfflineListener.OfflineState Possible states of the offlining of tiles process. 
RouteCalloutInfoFormat The format specifies whether to show distance or ETA information in route callouts. 
SpeedAlertSeverity A set of values used to specify the severity levels of speed alerts. 
TermsAndConditionsCheckOption An enum specifying options for checking terms and conditions. 


LocationUpdateException Instances of LocationUpdateException are thrown when an error occurs sending vehicle location updates to the Fleet Engine backend service. 
NavigationTransactionRecorder.TransactionException An exception thrown when trying to record a transaction with invalid input. 
TripUpdateException Instances of TripUpdateException are thrown when an error occurs sending trip updates to the Fleet Engine backend service. 
VehicleUpdateException Instances of VehicleUpdateException are thrown when an error occurs sending vehicle updates to the Fleet Engine backend service. 
Waypoint.InvalidSegmentHeadingException An exception thrown when trying to create a Waypoint with an invalid segment heading. 
Waypoint.UnsupportedPlaceIdException An exception thrown when trying to create a Waypoint from an unsupported Place ID.