MOD09A1.061 Terra Surface Reflectance 8-Day Global 500m
The MOD09A1 V6.1 product provides an estimate of the surface spectral reflectance of Terra MODIS bands 1-7 at 500m resolution and corrected for atmospheric conditions such as gasses, aerosols, and Rayleigh scattering. Along with the seven reflectance bands is a quality layer and four observation … 8-day global modis nasa sr surface-reflectance -
MOD09Q1.061 Terra Surface Reflectance 8-Day Global 250m
The MOD09Q1 product provides an estimate of the surface spectral reflectance of bands 1 and 2 at 250m resolution and corrected for atmospheric conditions such as gasses, aerosols, and Rayleigh scattering. Along with the two reflectance bands, a quality layer is also included. For each … 8-day global mod09q1 modis nasa sr -
MOD11A2.061 Terra Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity 8-Day Global 1km
The MOD11A2 V6.1 product provides an average 8-day land surface temperature (LST) in a 1200 x 1200 kilometer grid. Each pixel value in MOD11A2 is a simple average of all the corresponding MOD11A1 LST pixels collected within that 8 day period. The MOD11A2 does a … 8-day emissivity global lst mod11a2 modis -
MOD14A2.061: Terra Thermal Anomalies & Fire 8-Day Global 1km
The MOD14A2 V6.1 dataset provides 8-day fire mask composites at 1km resolution. It contains the maximum value of the individual pixel classes over the compositing period. Along with the fire mask, an associated quality information layer is also provided. Documentation: User's Guide Algorithm Theoretical Basis … 8-day fire global modis nasa terra -
MOD15A2H.061: Terra Leaf Area Index/FPAR 8-Day Global 500m
The MOD15A2H V6.1 MODIS combined Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) product is an 8-day composite dataset at 500m resolution. The algorithm chooses the "best" pixel available from all the acquisitions of the Terra sensor from within the 8-day period. … 8-day fpar global lai modis nasa -
MOD16A2.061: Terra Net Evapotranspiration 8-Day Global 500m
The MOD16A2 Version 6.1 Evapotranspiration/Latent Heat Flux product is an 8-day composite product produced at 500 meter pixel resolution. The algorithm used for the MOD16 data product collection is based on the logic of the Penman-Monteith equation, which includes inputs of daily meteorological reanalysis data … 8-day evapotranspiration global mod16a2 modis nasa -
MOD16A2GF.061: Terra Net Evapotranspiration Gap-Filled 8-Day Global 500m
The Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) MOD16A2GF Version 6.1 Evapotranspiration/Latent Heat Flux (ET/LE) product is a year-end gap-filled 8-day composite dataset produced at 500 meter (m) pixel resolution. The algorithm used for the MOD16 data product collection is based on the logic of the … 8-day evapotranspiration global modis nasa -
MOD17A2H.061: Terra Gross Primary Productivity 8-Day Global 500m
The MOD17A2H V6.1 Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) product is a cumulative 8-day composite with a 500m pixel size. The product is based on the radiation-use efficiency concept and can be potentially used as inputs to data models to calculate terrestrial energy, carbon, water cycle processes, … 8-day global gpp modis nasa photosynthesis -
MOD17A2HGF.061: Terra Gross Primary Productivity 8-Day Global 500m
The MOD17A2HGF Version 6.1 Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) product is a cumulative 8-day composite of values with 500 meter (m) pixel size based on the radiation use efficiency concept that can be potentially used as inputs to data models to calculate terrestrial energy, carbon, water … 8-day global gpp modis nasa photosynthesis -
MYD09A1.061 Aqua Surface Reflectance 8-Day Global 500m
The MYD09A1 V6.1 product provides an estimate of the surface spectral reflectance of Aqua MODIS bands 1-7 at 500m resolution and corrected for atmospheric conditions such as gasses, aerosols, and Rayleigh scattering. Along with the seven reflectance bands is a quality layer and four observation … 8-day aqua global modis nasa sr -
MYD09Q1.061 Aqua Surface Reflectance 8-Day Global 250m
The MYD09Q1 product provides an estimate of the surface spectral reflectance of bands 1 and 2 at 250m resolution and corrected for atmospheric conditions such as gasses, aerosols, and Rayleigh scattering. Along with the two reflectance bands, a quality layer is also included. For each … 8-day aqua global modis nasa sr -
MYD11A2.061 Aqua Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity 8-Day Global 1km
The MYD11A2 V6.1 product provides an average 8-day land surface temperature (LST) in a 1200 x 1200 kilometer grid. Each pixel value in MYD11A2 is a simple average of all the corresponding MYD11A1 LST pixels collected within that 8 day period. The MYD11A2 does a … 8-day aqua emissivity global lst modis -
MYD14A2.061: Aqua Thermal Anomalies & Fire 8-Day Global 1km
The MYD14A2 V6.1 dataset provides 8-day fire mask composites at 1km resolution. It contains the maximum value of the individual pixel classes over the compositing period. Along with the fire mask, an associated quality information layer is also provided. Documentation: User's Guide Algorithm Theoretical Basis … 8-day aqua fire global modis nasa -
MYD15A2H.061: Aqua Leaf Area Index/FPAR 8-Day Global 500m
The MYD15A2H V6.1 MODIS combined Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) product is an 8-day composite dataset at 500m resolution. The algorithm chooses the "best" pixel available from all the acquisitions of the Aqua sensor from within the 8-day period. … 8-day aqua fpar global lai modis -
MYD17A2H.061: Aqua Gross Primary Productivity 8-Day Global 500m
The MYD17A2H V6.1 Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) product is a cumulative 8-day composite with a 500m resolution. The product is based on the radiation-use efficiency concept and can be potentially used as inputs to data models to calculate terrestrial energy, carbon, water cycle processes, and … 8-day aqua global gpp modis nasa -
MOD16A2: MODIS Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration 8-Day Global 1km
The MOD16A2 V105 product provides information about 8-day global terrestrial evapotranspiration at 1km pixel resolution. Evapotranspiration (ET) is the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from the Earth's surface to the atmosphere. With long-term ET data, the effects of changes in climate, land use, and … 8-day evapotranspiration global mod16a2 modis -
MODIS Gross Primary Production CONUS
The MODIS Gross Primary Production (GPP) CONUS dataset estimates GPP using MODIS Surface Reflectance for CONUS. GPP is the amount of carbon captured by plants in an ecosystem and is an essential component in the calculations of Net Primary Production (NPP). GPP is calculated using … 8-day conus gpp gridmet-derived mod09q1 mod17