DEA Land Cover 1.0.0 [deprecated]


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Catalog Owner
Geoscience Australia
Dataset Availability
Dataset Provider
Geoscience Australia
Earth Engine Snippet
australia ga geoscience-aus-cat landcover landsat-derived publisher-dataset


Digital Earth Australia (DEA) Land Cover provides annual land cover classifications for Australia using the Food and Agriculture Organisation Land Cover Classification System taxonomy Version 2 (Di Gregorio and Jansen, 1998; 2005).

DEA Land Cover translates over 30 years of satellite imagery into evidence of how Australia's land, vegetation and waterbodies have changed over time.

Land cover is the observed physical cover on the Earth's surface including trees, shrubs, grasses, soils, exposed rocks, water bodies, plantations, crops and built structures. A consistent, Australia-wide land cover product helps understanding of how the different parts of the environment change and inter-relate. Earth observation data recorded over a period of time firstly allows the observation of the state of land cover at a specific time and secondly the way that land cover changes by comparison between times.

For more information, please see the DEA Landcover Landsat

This product is part of the Digital Earth Australia Program


Pixel Size
25 meters


Name Units Min Max Description
baregrad_phy_cat_l4d 0 15

Bare gradation. Describes the percentage of bare in naturally bare areas.

canopyco_veg_cat_l4d 0 16

Vegetation Cover. The measured cover of vegetated areas.

inttidal_wat_cat_l4a 0 3

Intertidal. Delineates the intertidal zone.

level3 0 220

The base Level 3 land cover classification.

level3_R m 0 255

R band of RGB composite for level 3 data.

level3_G m 0 255

G band of RGB composite for level 3 data.

level3_B m 0 255

B band of RGB composite for level 3 data.

level4 0 104

All level 3 and level 4 classes for a given pixel are combined to give a single classification value.

level4_R 0 255

R band of RGB composite for level 4 data.

level4_G 0 255

G band of RGB composite for level 4 data.

level4_B 0 255

B band of RGB composite for level 4 data.

lifeform_veg_cat_l4a 0 2

Lifeform. Describes the detail of vegetated classes, separating woody from herbaceous.

waterper_wat_cat_l4d 0 9

Water Persistence. Describes the number of months a water body contains water.

watersea_veg_cat_l4a 0 7

Water Seasonality. The length of time an aquatic vegetated area was measured as being inundated.

waterstt_wat_cat_l4a 0 1

Water State. Describes whether the detected water is snow, ice or liquid water. Only liquid water is described in this release.

baregrad_phy_cat_l4d Class Table

Value Color Description
10 #622f22 Sparsely vegetated (< 20 % bare)
12 #5c3317 Very sparsely vegetated (20 to 60 % bare)
15 #804a00 Bare areas, unvegetated (> 60 % bare)

canopyco_veg_cat_l4d Class Table

Value Color Description
10 #8fb31d Closed (>65 %)
12 #b0bf1a Open (40 to 65 %)
13 #9dc209 Open (15 to 40 %)
15 #77dd77 Sparse (4 to 15 %)
16 #64e986 Scattered (1 to 4 %)

inttidal_wat_cat_l4a Class Table

Value Color Description
3 #151b54 Intertidal zone

level3 Class Table

Value Color Description
111 #4aa02c Cultivated Terrestrial Vegetation (CTV)
112 #54c571 (Semi-)Natural Terrestrial Vegetation (NTV)
124 #306eff Natural Aquatic Vegetation (NAV)
215 #e6e6fa Artificial Surface (AS)
216 #5c3317 Natural Bare Surface (NS)
220 #0020c2 Water

level4 Class Table

Value Color Description
1 #347c17 Cultivated Terrestrial Vegetated
3 #347c17 Cultivated Terrestrial Vegetated: Herbaceous
4 #347c17 Cultivated Terrestrial Vegetated: Closed (> 65 %)
5 #347c17 Cultivated Terrestrial Vegetated: Open (40 to 65 %)
6 #347c17 Cultivated Terrestrial Vegetated: Open (15 to 40 %)
7 #347c17 Cultivated Terrestrial Vegetated: Sparse (4 to 15 %)
8 #347c17 Cultivated Terrestrial Vegetated: Scattered (1 to 4 %)
14 #347c17 Cultivated Terrestrial Vegetated: Herbaceous Closed (> 65 %)
15 #347c17 Cultivated Terrestrial Vegetated: Herbaceous Open (40 to 65 %)
16 #347c17 Cultivated Terrestrial Vegetated: Herbaceous Open (15 to 40 %)
17 #347c17 Cultivated Terrestrial Vegetated: Herbaceous Sparse (4 to 15 %)
18 #347c17 Cultivated Terrestrial Vegetated: Herbaceous Scattered (1 to 4 %)
19 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated
20 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Woody
21 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Herbaceous
22 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Closed (> 65 %)
23 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Open (40 to 65 %)
24 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Open (15 to 40 %)
25 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Sparse (4 to 15 %)
26 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Scattered (1 to 4 %)
27 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Woody Closed (> 65 %)
28 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Woody Open (40 to 65 %)
29 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Woody Open (15 to 40 %)
30 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Woody Sparse (4 to 15 %)
31 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Woody Scattered (1 to 4 %)
32 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Herbaceous Closed (> 65 %)
33 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Herbaceous Open (40 to 65 %)
34 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Herbaceous Open (15 to 40 %)
35 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Herbaceous Sparse (4 to 15 %)
36 #12ad2b Natural Terrestrial Vegetated: Herbaceous Scattered (1 to 4 %)
55 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated
56 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody
57 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous
58 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Closed (> 65 %)
59 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Open (40 to 65 %)
60 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Open (15 to 40 %)
61 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Sparse (4 to 15 %)
62 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Scattered (1 to 4 %)
63 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody Closed (> 65 %)
64 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody Closed (> 65 %) Water > 3 months (semi-) permanent
65 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody Closed (> 65 %) Water < 3 months (temporary or seasonal)
66 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody Open (40 to 65 %)
67 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody Open (40 to 65 %) Water > 3 months (semi-) permanent
68 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody Open (40 to 65 %) Water < 3 months (temporary or seasonal)
69 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody Open (15 to 40 %)
70 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody Open (15 to 40 %) Water > 3 months (semi-) permanent
71 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody Open (15 to 40 %) Water < 3 months (temporary or seasonal)
72 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody Sparse (4 to 15 %)
73 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody Sparse (4 to 15 %) Water > 3 months (semi-) permanent
74 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody Sparse (4 to 15 %) Water < 3 months (temporary or seasonal)
75 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody Scattered (1 to 4 %)
76 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody Scattered (1 to 4 %) Water > 3 months (semi-) permanent
77 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Woody Scattered (1 to 4 %) Water < 3 months (temporary or seasonal)
78 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous Closed (> 65 %)
79 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous Closed (> 65 %) Water > 3 months (semi-) permanent
80 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous Closed (> 65 %) Water < 3 months (temporary or seasonal)
81 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous Open (40 to 65 %)
82 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous Open (40 to 65 %) Water > 3 months (semi-) permanent
83 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous Open (40 to 65 %) Water < 3 months (temporary or seasonal)
84 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous Open (15 to 40 %)
85 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous Open (15 to 40 %) Water > 3 months (semi-) permanent
86 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous Open (15 to 40 %) Water < 3 months (temporary or seasonal)
87 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous Sparse (4 to 15 %)
88 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous Sparse (4 to 15 %) Water > 3 months (semi-) permanent
89 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous Sparse (4 to 15 %) Water < 3 months (temporary or seasonal)
90 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous Scattered (1 to 4 %)
91 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous Scattered (1 to 4 %) Water > 3 months (semi-) permanent
92 #a0d6b4 Natural Aquatic Vegetated: Herbaceous Scattered (1 to 4 %) Water < 3 months (temporary or seasonal)
93 #e6e6fa Artificial Surface
94 #4b5320 Natural Surface
95 #4b5320 Natural Surface: Sparsely vegetated
96 #4b5320 Natural Surface: Very sparsely vegetated
97 #4b5320 Natural Surface: Bare areas, unvegetated
98 #3bb9ff Water
99 #3bb9ff Water: (Water)
100 #3bb9ff Water: (Water) Tidal area
101 #3bb9ff Water: (Water) Perennial (> 9 months)
102 #3bb9ff Water: (Water) Non-perennial (7 to 9 months)
103 #3bb9ff Water: (Water) Non-perennial (4 to 6 months)
104 #3bb9ff Water: (Water) Non-perennial (1 to 3 months)

lifeform_veg_cat_l4a Class Table

Value Color Description
1 #808000 Woody (trees, shrubs)
2 #848b79 Herbaceous (grasses, forbs)

waterper_wat_cat_l4d Class Table

Value Color Description
1 #357ec7 > 9 months
7 #6495ed 7-9 months
8 #5cb3ff 4-6 months
9 #87ceeb 1-3 months

watersea_veg_cat_l4a Class Table

Value Color Description
1 #357ec7 Semi-permanent or permanent (> 3 months)
7 #00bfff Temporary or seasonal (< 3 months)

waterstt_wat_cat_l4a Class Table

Value Color Description
1 #357ec7 Water

Terms of Use

Terms of Use



  • Lucas R, Mueller N, Siggins A, Owers C, Clewley D, Bunting P, Kooymans C, Tissott B, Lewis B, Lymburner L, Metternicht G. Land Cover Mapping using Digital Earth Australia. Data. 2019; 4(4):143. doi:10.3390/data4040143. Christopher J. Owers, Richard M. Lucas, Daniel Clewley, Carole Planque, Suvarna Punalekar, Belle Tissott, Sean M. T. Chua, Pete Bunting, Norman Mueller & Graciela Metternicht (2021) Living Earth: Implementing national standardised land cover classification systems for Earth Observation in support of sustainable development, Big Earth Data, 5:3, 368-390. doi:10.1080/20964471.2021.1948179.