RCMAP Rangeland Component Timeseries Trends (1985-2021), v05 [deprecated]

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climate-change disturbance landsat-derived nlcd rangeland trends usgs


The RCMAP product suite includes nine fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, shrub, and tree. It also includes rule-based error maps and the temporal trends of each component. Data characterize the percentage of each 30-meter pixel in the Western United States covered by each component for each year from 1985-2021, providing change information for 36 years.

The temporal patterns in each RCMAP component are assessed with two approaches: 1) linear trends and 2) a breaks and stable states method with an 8-year temporal moving window based on structural change at the pixel level. Linear trend products include slope and p-value calculated from least squares linear regression. The slope represents the average percent cover change per year over the time series and the p-value reflects the confidence of change in each pixel. The structural change method partitions the time series into segments of similar slope values, with statistically significant break-points indicating perturbations to the prior trajectory. The break point trends analysis suite relies on structural break methods, resulting in the identification of the number and timing of breaks in the following statistics are produced: 1) for each component, each year, the presence/absence of breaks, 2) the slope, p-value, and standard error of the segment occurring in each year, 3) the overall model R2 (quality of model fit to the temporal profile), and 4) an index, Total Change Intensity. This index reflects the total amount of change occurring across components in that pixel. The linear and structural change methods generally agreed on patterns of change, but the latter found breaks more often, with at least one break point in most pixels. The structural change model provides more robust statistics on the significant minority of pixels with non-monotonic trends, while detrending some interannual signal potentially superfluous from a long-term perspective.


30 meters


Name Units Min Max Scale Description
annual_herbaceous_break_point count 0 3

Number of structural breaks observed in the annual herbaceous time series

bare_ground_break_point count 0 3

Number of structural breaks observed in the bare ground time series

herbaceous_break_point count 0 3

Number of structural breaks observed in the herbaceous time series

litter_break_point count 0 3

Number of structural breaks observed in the litter time series

sagebrush_break_point count 0 3

Number of structural breaks observed in the sagebrush time series

shrub_break_point count 0 3

Number of structural breaks observed in the shrub time series

non_sagebrush_shrub_break_point count 0 3

Number of structural breaks observed in the non sagebrush shrub time series

perennial_herbaceous_break_point count 0 3

Number of structural breaks observed in the perennial herbaceous time series

tree_break_point count 0 3

Number of structural breaks observed in the tree time series

annual_herbaceous_linear_model_pvalue P-value 0 100 0.01

P-value of linear trends model for annual herbaceous time series

bare_ground_linear_model_pvalue P-value 0 100 0.01

P-value of linear trends model for bare ground time series

herbaceous_linear_model_pvalue P-value 0 100 0.01

P-value of linear trends model for herbaceous time series

litter_linear_model_pvalue P-value 0 100 0.01

P-value of linear trends model for litter time series

sagebrush_linear_model_pvalue P-value 0 100 0.01

P-value of linear trends model for sagebrush time series

shrub_linear_model_pvalue P-value 0 100 0.01

P-value of linear trends model for shrub time series

non_sagebrush_shrub_linear_model_pvalue P-value 0 100 0.01

P-value of linear trends model for non sagebrush shrub time series

perennial_herbaceous_linear_model_pvalue P-value 0 100 0.01

P-value of linear trends model for perennial herbaceous time series

tree_linear_model_pvalue P-value 0 100 0.01

P-value of linear trends model for tree time series

annual_herbaceous_linear_model_slope % change/y -383 351 0.01

Slope of linear trends model for annual herbaceous time series

bare_ground_linear_model_slope % change/y -383 351 0.01

Slope of linear trends model for bare ground time series

herbaceous_linear_model_slope % change/y -383 351 0.01

Slope of linear trends model for herbaceous time series

litter_linear_model_slope % change/y -383 351 0.01

Slope of linear trends model for litter time series

sagebrush_linear_model_slope % change/y -383 351 0.01

Slope of linear trends model for sagebrush time series

shrub_linear_model_slope % change/y -383 351 0.01

Slope of linear trends model for shrub time series

non_sagebrush_shrub_linear_model_slope % change/y -383 351 0.01

Slope of linear trends model for non sagebrush shrub time series

perennial_herbaceous_linear_model_slope % change/y -383 351 0.01

Slope of linear trends model for perennial herbaceous time series

tree_linear_model_slope % change/y -383 351 0.01

Slope of linear trends model for tree time series

annual_herbaceous_most_recent_break_point y 1986 2019

Year of most recent break in the time-series for each component of annual herbaceous time series

bare_ground_most_recent_break_point y 1986 2019

Year of most recent break in the time-series for each component of bare ground time series

herbaceous_most_recent_break_point y 1986 2019

Year of most recent break in the time-series for each component of herbaceous time series

litter_most_recent_break_point y 1986 2019

Year of most recent break in the time-series for each component of litter time series

sagebrush_most_recent_break_point y 1986 2019

Year of most recent break in the time-series for each component of sagebrush time series

shrub_most_recent_break_point y 1986 2019

Year of most recent break in the time-series for each component of shrub time series

non_sagebrush_shrub_most_recent_break_point y 1986 2019

Year of most recent break in the time-series for each component of non sagebrush shrub time series

perennial_herbaceous_most_recent_break_point y 1986 2019

Year of most recent break in the time-series for each component of perennial herbaceous time series

tree_most_recent_break_point y 1986 2019

Year of most recent break in the time-series for each component of tree time series

total_change_intensity_index Dimensionless 0 100

Total Change Intensity is a derivative index designed to highlight the total amount of change across primary components (shrub, bare ground, litter, and herbaceous). Change indicates the slope values from the structural change analysis. Values are constructed so that 100 means the maximum observed change across all components and 0 means no change.

Terms of Use

Terms of Use

This work was authored as part of the Contributor's official duties as an Employee of the United States Government and is therefore a work of the United States Government. In accordance with 17 U.S.C. 105, no copyright protection is available for such works under U.S. Law. This is an Open Access article that has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/). You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.


  • Rigge, M.B., Bunde, B., Postma, K., Shi, H., 2022, Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) Fractional Component Time-Series Across the Western U.S. 1985-2021: U.S. Geological Survey data release. doi:10.5066/P9ODAZHC

  • Rigge, M., C. Homer, L. Cleeves, D. K. Meyer, B. Bunde, H. Shi, G. Xian, S. Schell, and M. Bobo. 2020. Quantifying western U.S. rangelands as fractional components with multi-resolution remote sensing and in situ data. Remote Sensing 12. doi:10.3390/rs12030412

  • Rigge, M., C. Homer, H. Shi, D. Meyer, B. Bunde, B. Granneman, K. Postma, P. Danielson, A. Case, and G. Xian. 2021. Rangeland Fractional Components Across the Western United States from 1985 to 2018. Remote Sensing 13:813. doi:10.3390/rs13040813


Explore with Earth Engine

Code Editor (JavaScript)

// Import the NLCD RCMAP TRENDS image.
var dataset = ee.Image('USGS/NLCD_RELEASES/2019_REL/RCMAP/V5/TRENDS');
var trends = dataset.select('annual_herbaceous_break_point');
var vis = {
  min: [0],
  max: [5],
  'palette': [
    '000000', 'f9e8b7', 'f7e3ac', 'f0dfa3', 'eedf9c', 'eada91', 'e8d687',
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    '0141ac', '013da7', '013aa0', '01399d', '013693', '013491', '012f8a',
    '012d85', '012c82', '01297a'
// Display the image on the map.
Map.setCenter(-114, 38, 6);
Map.addLayer(trends, vis, 'annual herbaceous breakpoint in integer');
Open in Code Editor