

A histogram is a chart that groups numeric data into bins, displaying the bins as segmented columns. They're used to depict the distribution of a dataset: how often values fall into ranges.

Google Charts automatically chooses the number of bins for you. All bins are equal width and have a height proportional to the number of data points in the bin. In other respects, histograms are similar to column charts.


Here's a histogram of dinosaur lengths:

The histogram tells us that the most common bin is < 10 meters, and that there's only one dinosaur over 40 meters. We can hover over the bar to discover that it's the Seismosaurus (which might be just a very big Diplodocus; paleontologists aren't sure).

The code to generate this histogram is shown below. After defining the data (here, with google.visualization.arrayToDataTable), the chart is defined with a call to google.visualization.Histogram and drawn with the draw method.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      google.charts.load("current", {packages:["corechart"]});
      function drawChart() {
        var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
          ['Dinosaur', 'Length'],
          ['Acrocanthosaurus (top-spined lizard)', 12.2],
          ['Albertosaurus (Alberta lizard)', 9.1],
          ['Allosaurus (other lizard)', 12.2],
          ['Apatosaurus (deceptive lizard)', 22.9],
          ['Archaeopteryx (ancient wing)', 0.9],
          ['Argentinosaurus (Argentina lizard)', 36.6],
          ['Baryonyx (heavy claws)', 9.1],
          ['Brachiosaurus (arm lizard)', 30.5],
          ['Ceratosaurus (horned lizard)', 6.1],
          ['Coelophysis (hollow form)', 2.7],
          ['Compsognathus (elegant jaw)', 0.9],
          ['Deinonychus (terrible claw)', 2.7],
          ['Diplodocus (double beam)', 27.1],
          ['Dromicelomimus (emu mimic)', 3.4],
          ['Gallimimus (fowl mimic)', 5.5],
          ['Mamenchisaurus (Mamenchi lizard)', 21.0],
          ['Megalosaurus (big lizard)', 7.9],
          ['Microvenator (small hunter)', 1.2],
          ['Ornithomimus (bird mimic)', 4.6],
          ['Oviraptor (egg robber)', 1.5],
          ['Plateosaurus (flat lizard)', 7.9],
          ['Sauronithoides (narrow-clawed lizard)', 2.0],
          ['Seismosaurus (tremor lizard)', 45.7],
          ['Spinosaurus (spiny lizard)', 12.2],
          ['Supersaurus (super lizard)', 30.5],
          ['Tyrannosaurus (tyrant lizard)', 15.2],
          ['Ultrasaurus (ultra lizard)', 30.5],
          ['Velociraptor (swift robber)', 1.8]]);

        var options = {
          title: 'Lengths of dinosaurs, in meters',
          legend: { position: 'none' },

        var chart = new google.visualization.Histogram(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
        chart.draw(data, options);
    <div id="chart_div" style="width: 900px; height: 500px;"></div>

The labels (here, the dinosaur names) can be omitted, in which case the tooltips will show only the numeric value.

Controlling Colors

Here's a histogram of national populations:

There are over two hundred countries with populations less than a hundred million, and a severe tailing off after that.

This histogram uses the colors option to draw the data in green:

  var options = {
    title: 'Country Populations',
    legend: { position: 'none' },
    colors: ['green'],

As with all Google Charts, colors can be specified either as English names or as hex values.

Controlling Buckets

By default, Google Charts will choose the bucket size automatically, using a well-known algorithm for histograms. However, sometimes you'll want to override that, and the chart above is an example. With so many countries in the first bucket, it's hard to examine those in others.

For situations like this, the Histogram chart provides two options: histogram.bucketSize, which overrides the algorithm and hardcodes the bucket size; and histogram.lastBucketPercentile. The second option needs more explanation: it changes the computation of bucket sizes to ignore the values that are higher or lower than the remaining values by the percentage you specify. The values are still included in the histogram, but do not affect how they're bucketed. This is useful when you don't want outliers to land in their own buckets; they will be grouped with the first or last buckets instead.

In the above chart, we ignored the top five and bottom five percent of values when calculating bucket size. The values are still charted; the only thing that's changed is the bucket size, but it makes for a more readable histogram.

This example also shows how we can change the scale of the vertical axis to use "mirror log" scale, which also helps when charting data that has a long tail of small values.

  var options = {
    title: 'Country Populations',
    legend: { position: 'none' },
    colors: ['#e7711c'],
    histogram: { lastBucketPercentile: 5 },
    vAxis: { scaleType: 'mirrorLog' }

As you can see, removing the top and bottom five percent from the calculation led to a bucket size of 10,000,000 rather than the 100,000,000 it would have been otherwise. If you knew all along that a bucket size of 10,000,000 was what you wanted, you could have used histogram.bucketSize to do that:

  var options = {
    title: 'Country Populations',
    legend: { position: 'none' },
    colors: ['#e7711c'],
    histogram: { bucketSize: 10000000 }

In the following example, we show how to expand the range of the buckets and display many more buckets with no gap between them. The maxNumBuckets option can be used to increase the default number of buckets. The histogram.minValue and histogram.maxValue options will expand the range of the buckets, but note that if there is data outside this range, these options will not shrink the range.

This example also shows that you can specify the ticks to display for each of the buckets using the explicit ticks option for the hAxis. This does not affect the buckets themselves, but only how the ticks are displayed.

Note also that we specify the chartArea.width such that the number of buckets will fit more precisely without visual artifacts. Here are the options for this example.

  var options = {
    title: 'Approximating Normal Distribution',
    legend: { position: 'none' },
    colors: ['#4285F4'],

    chartArea: { width: 405 },
    hAxis: {
      ticks: [-1, -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]
    bar: { gap: 0 },

    histogram: {
      bucketSize: 0.01,
      maxNumBuckets: 400,
      minValue: -1,
      maxValue: 1

Multiple Series

Here's a histogram of the charges of subatomic particles, according to the Standard Model:

The above chart has one series containing all the particles. Subatomic particles can be divided into four groups: quarks, leptons, and bosons. Let's treat each as its own series:

In this chart, we use a different series (and therefore color) for each of the four types of subatomic particle. We explicitly set interpolateNulls to false to ensure that the null values (needed because the series are of unequal length) aren't plotted. We also set legend.maxLines to add another line to the legend:

  var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
    ['Quarks', 'Leptons', 'Gauge Bosons', 'Scalar Bosons'],
    [2/3, -1, 0, 0],
    [2/3, -1, 0, null],
    [2/3, -1, 0, null],
    [-1/3, 0, 1, null],
    [-1/3, 0, -1, null],
    [-1/3, 0, null, null],
    [-1/3, 0, null, null]

  var options = {
    title: 'Charges of subatomic particles',
    legend: { position: 'top', maxLines: 2 },
    colors: ['#5C3292', '#1A8763', '#871B47', '#999999'],
    interpolateNulls: false,


The google.charts.load package name is "corechart".

  google.charts.load("current", {packages: ["corechart"]});

The visualization's class name is google.visualization.Histogram:

  var visualization = new google.visualization.Histogram(container);

Data Format

There are two ways to populate a histogram datatable. When there's only one series:

  var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
    ['Name', 'Number'],
    ['Name 1', number1],
    ['Name 2', number2],
    ['Name 3', number3],

...and when there are multiple series:

  var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
    ['Series Name 1', 'Series Name 2', 'Series Name 3', ...],
    [series1_number1, series2_number1, series3_number1, ...],
    [series1_number2, series2_number2, series3_number2, ...],
    [series1_number3, series2_number3, series3_number3, ...],

No optional column roles are supported for histograms at the moment.

Configuration Options


The duration of the animation, in milliseconds. For details, see the animation documentation.

Type: number
Default: 0

The easing function applied to the animation. The following options are available:

  • 'linear' - Constant speed.
  • 'in' - Ease in - Start slow and speed up.
  • 'out' - Ease out - Start fast and slow down.
  • 'inAndOut' - Ease in and out - Start slow, speed up, then slow down.
Type: string
Default: 'linear'

Determines if the chart will animate on the initial draw. If true, the chart will start at the baseline and animate to its final state.

Type: boolean
Default false

Where to place the axis titles, compared to the chart area. Supported values:

  • in - Draw the axis titles inside the chart area.
  • out - Draw the axis titles outside the chart area.
  • none - Omit the axis titles.
Type: string
Default: 'out'

The background color for the main area of the chart. Can be either a simple HTML color string, for example: 'red' or '#00cc00', or an object with the following properties.

Type: string or object
Default: 'white'

The color of the chart border, as an HTML color string.

Type: string
Default: '#666'

The border width, in pixels.

Type: number
Default: 0

The chart fill color, as an HTML color string.

Type: string
Default: 'white'
The width of a group of bars, specified in either of these formats:
  • Pixels (e.g. 50).
  • Percentage of the available width for each group (e.g. '20%'), where '100%' means that groups have no space between them.
Type: number or string
Default: The golden ratio, approximately '61.8%'.

An object with members to configure the placement and size of the chart area (where the chart itself is drawn, excluding axis and legends). Two formats are supported: a number, or a number followed by %. A simple number is a value in pixels; a number followed by % is a percentage. Example: chartArea:{left:20,top:0,width:'50%',height:'75%'}

Type: object
Default: null
Chart area background color. When a string is used, it can be either a hex string (e.g., '#fdc') or an English color name. When an object is used, the following properties can be provided:
  • stroke: the color, provided as a hex string or English color name.
  • strokeWidth: if provided, draws a border around the chart area of the given width (and with the color of stroke).
Type: string or object
Default: 'white'

How far to draw the chart from the left border.

Type: number or string
Default: auto

How far to draw the chart from the top border.

Type: number or string
Default: auto

Chart area width.

Type: number or string
Default: auto

Chart area height.

Type: number or string
Default: auto

The colors to use for the chart elements. An array of strings, where each element is an HTML color string, for example: colors:['red','#004411'].

Type: Array of strings
Default: default colors

The transparency of data points, with 1.0 being completely opaque and 0.0 fully transparent. In scatter, histogram, bar, and column charts, this refers to the visible data: dots in the scatter chart and rectangles in the others. In charts where selecting data creates a dot, such as the line and area charts, this refers to the circles that appear upon hover or selection. The combo chart exhibits both behaviors, and this option has no effect on other charts. (To change the opacity of a trendline, see trendline opacity .)

Type: number
Default: 1.0

Whether the chart throws user-based events or reacts to user interaction. If false, the chart will not throw 'select' or other interaction-based events (but will throw ready or error events), and will not display hovertext or otherwise change depending on user input.

Type: boolean
Default: true

The type of the entity that receives focus on mouse hover. Also affects which entity is selected by mouse click, and which data table element is associated with events. Can be one of the following:

  • 'datum' - Focus on a single data point. Correlates to a cell in the data table.
  • 'category' - Focus on a grouping of all data points along the major axis. Correlates to a row in the data table.

In focusTarget 'category' the tooltip displays all the category values. This may be useful for comparing values of different series.

Type: string
Default: 'datum'

The default font size, in pixels, of all text in the chart. You can override this using properties for specific chart elements.

Type: number
Default: automatic

The default font face for all text in the chart. You can override this using properties for specific chart elements.

Type: string
Default: 'Arial'

Draws the chart inside an inline frame. (Note that on IE8, this option is ignored; all IE8 charts are drawn in i-frames.)

Type: boolean
Default: false

An object with members to configure various horizontal axis elements. To specify properties of this object, you can use object literal notation, as shown here:

  title: 'Hello',
  titleTextStyle: {
    color: '#FF0000'
Type: object
Default: null

An object with properties to configure the gridlines on the horizontal axis. Note that horizontal axis gridlines are drawn vertically. To specify properties of this object, you can use object literal notation, as shown here:

{color: '#333', minSpacing: 20}
Type: object
Default: null

The color of the horizontal gridlines inside the chart area. Specify a valid HTML color string.

Type: string
Default: '#CCC'

The approximate number of horizontal gridlines inside the chart area. If you specify a positive number for gridlines.count, it will be used to compute the minSpacing between gridlines. You can specify a value of 1 to only draw one gridline, or 0 to draw no gridlines. Specify -1, which is the default, to automatically compute the number of gridlines based on other options.

Type: number
Default: -1

An array of sizes (as data values, not pixels) between adjacent gridlines. This option is only for numeric axes at this time, but it is analogous to the gridlines.units.<unit>.interval options which are used only for dates and times. For linear scales, the default is [1, 2, 2.5, 5] which means the gridline values can fall on every unit (1), on even units (2), or on multiples of 2.5 or 5. Any power of 10 times these values is also considered (e.g. [10, 20, 25, 50] and [.1, .2, .25, .5]). For log scales, the default is [1, 2, 5].

Type: number between 1 and 10, not including 10.
Default: computed

The minimum screen space, in pixels, between hAxis major gridlines. The default for major gridlines is 40 for linear scales, and 20 for log scales. If you specify the count and not the minSpacing, the minSpacing is computed from the count. And conversely, if you specify the minSpacing and not the count, the count is computed from the minSpacing. If you specify both, the minSpacing overrides.

Type: number
Default: computed

All gridline and tick values must be a multiple of this option's value. Note that, unlike for intervals, powers of 10 times the multiple are not considered. So you can force ticks to be integers by specifying gridlines.multiple = 1, or force ticks to be multiples of 1000 by specifying gridlines.multiple = 1000.

Type: number
Default: 1

Overrides the default format for various aspects of date/datetime/timeofday data types when used with chart computed gridlines. Allows formatting for years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.

General format is:

gridlines: {
  units: {
    years: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},
    months: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},
    days: {format: [/*format strings here*/]}
    hours: {format: [/*format strings here*/]}
    minutes: {format: [/*format strings here*/]}
    seconds: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},
    milliseconds: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},

Additional information can be found in Dates and Times.

Type: object
Default: null

An object with members to configure the minor gridlines on the horizontal axis, similar to the hAxis.gridlines option.

Type: object
Default: null

The color of the horizontal minor gridlines inside the chart area. Specify a valid HTML color string.

Type: string
Default: A blend of the gridline and background colors

The minorGridlines.count option is mostly deprecated, except for disabling minor gridlines by setting the count to 0. The number of minor gridlines now depends entirely on the interval between major gridlines (see hAxis.gridlines.interval) and the minimum required space (see hAxis.minorGridlines.minSpacing).

Type: number

The minorGridlines.interval option is like the major gridlines interval option, but the interval that is chosen will always be an even divisor of the major gridline interval. The default interval for linear scales is [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 5], and for log scales is [1, 2, 5].

Type: number

The minimum required space, in pixels, between adjacent minor gridlines, and between minor and major gridlines. The default value is 1/2 the minSpacing of major gridlines for linear scales, and 1/5 the minSpacing for log scales.

Type: number

Same as for major gridlines.multiple.

Type: number
Default: 1

Overrides the default format for various aspects of date/datetime/timeofday data types when used with chart computed minorGridlines. Allows formatting for years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.

General format is:

gridlines: {
  units: {
    years: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},
    months: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},
    days: {format: [/*format strings here*/]}
    hours: {format: [/*format strings here*/]}
    minutes: {format: [/*format strings here*/]}
    seconds: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},
    milliseconds: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},

Additional information can be found in Dates and Times.

Type: object
Default: null

Position of the horizontal axis text, relative to the chart area. Supported values: 'out', 'in', 'none'.

Type: string
Default: 'out'

An object that specifies the horizontal axis text style. The object has this format:

{ color: <string>,
  fontName: <string>,
  fontSize: <number>,
  bold: <boolean>,
  italic: <boolean> }

The color can be any HTML color string, for example: 'red' or '#00cc00'. Also see fontName and fontSize.

Type: object
Default: {color: 'black', fontName: <global-font-name>, fontSize: <global-font-size>}

hAxis property that specifies the title of the horizontal axis.

Type: string
Default: null

An object that specifies the horizontal axis title text style. The object has this format:

{ color: <string>,
  fontName: <string>,
  fontSize: <number>,
  bold: <boolean>,
  italic: <boolean> }

The color can be any HTML color string, for example: 'red' or '#00cc00'. Also see fontName and fontSize.

Type: object
Default: {color: 'black', fontName: <global-font-name>, fontSize: <global-font-size>}

If false, will hide outermost labels rather than allow them to be cropped by the chart container. If true, will allow label cropping.

Type: boolean
Default: false

If true, draw the horizontal axis text at an angle, to help fit more text along the axis; if false, draw horizontal axis text upright. Default behavior is to slant text if it cannot all fit when drawn upright. Notice that this option is available only when the hAxis.textPosition is set to 'out' (which is the default). The default is false for dates and times.

Type: boolean
Default: automatic

The angle of the horizontal axis text, if it's drawn slanted. Ignored if hAxis.slantedText is false, or is in auto mode, and the chart decided to draw the text horizontally. If the angle is positive, the rotation is counter-clockwise, and if negative, it is clockwise.

Type: number, -90—90
Default: 30

Maximum number of levels of horizontal axis text. If axis text labels become too crowded, the server might shift neighboring labels up or down in order to fit labels closer together. This value specifies the most number of levels to use; the server can use fewer levels, if labels can fit without overlapping. For dates and times, the default is 1.

Type: number
Default: 2

Maximum number of lines allowed for the text labels. Labels can span multiple lines if they are too long, and the number of lines is, by default, limited by the height of the available space.

Type: number
Default: auto

Minimum horizontal spacing, in pixels, allowed between two adjacent text labels. If the labels are spaced too densely, or they are too long, the spacing can drop below this threshold, and in this case one of the label-unclutter measures will be applied (e.g, truncating the labels or dropping some of them).

Type: number
Default: The value of hAxis.textStyle.fontSize

How many horizontal axis labels to show, where 1 means show every label, 2 means show every other label, and so on. Default is to try to show as many labels as possible without overlapping.

Type: number
Default: automatic

Specifies how to scale the horizontal axis to render the values within the chart area. The following string values are supported:

  • 'pretty' - Scale the horizontal values so that the maximum and minimum data values are rendered a bit inside the left and right of the chart area. The viewWindow is expanded to the nearest major gridline for numbers, or the nearest minor gridline for dates and times.
  • 'maximized' - Scale the horizontal values so that the maximum and minimum data values touch the left and right of the chart area. This will cause haxis.viewWindow.min and haxis.viewWindow.max to be ignored.
  • 'explicit' - A deprecated option for specifying the left and right scale values of the chart area. (Deprecated because it's redundant with haxis.viewWindow.min and haxis.viewWindow.max.) Data values outside these values will be cropped. You must specify an hAxis.viewWindow object describing the maximum and minimum values to show.
Type: string
Default: Equivalent to 'pretty', but haxis.viewWindow.min and haxis.viewWindow.max take precedence if used.

Specifies the cropping range of the horizontal axis.

Type: object
Default: null

The zero-based row index where the cropping window ends. Data points at this index and higher will be cropped out. In conjunction with vAxis.viewWindowMode.min, it defines a half-opened range [min, max) that denotes the element indices to display. In other words, every index such that min <= index < max will be displayed.

Ignored when hAxis.viewWindowMode is 'pretty' or 'maximized'.

Type: number
Default: auto

The zero-based row index where the cropping window begins. Data points at indices lower than this will be cropped out. In conjunction with vAxis.viewWindowMode.max, it defines a half-opened range [min, max) that denotes the element indices to display. In other words, every index such that min <= index < max will be displayed.

Ignored when hAxis.viewWindowMode is 'pretty' or 'maximized'.

Type: number
Default: auto

Hardcode the size of each histogram bar, rather than letting it be determined algorithmically.

Type: number
Default: auto

Omit the thin divisions between the blocks of the histogram, making it into a series of solid bars.

Type: boolean
Default: false

When calculating the histogram's bucket size, ignore the top and bottom lastBucketPercentile percent. The values are still included in the histogram, but do not affect bucketing.

Type: number
Default: 0

Expand the range of buckets to include this value.

Type: number
Default: auto - use data min

Expand the range of buckets to include this value.

Type: number
Default: auto - use data max

How to compute the default number of buckets. Possible values are:

  • 'sqrt' - Computes the square root of the number of data points.
  • 'sturges' - Derived from the binomial distribution. Implicitly assumes an approximately normal distribution.
  • 'rice' - A simpler alternative to Sturges's rule.
For more details, see Wikipedia - Histogram: Number of bins and width

Type: string

Height of the chart, in pixels.

Type: number
Default: height of the containing element

Whether to guess the value of missing points. If true, it will guess the value of any missing data based on neighboring points. If false, it will leave a break in the line at the unknown point.

This is not supported by Area charts with the isStacked: true/'percent'/'relative'/'absolute' option.

Type: boolean
Default: false

If set to true, stacks the elements for all series at each domain value. Note: In Column, Area, and SteppedArea charts, Google Charts reverses the order of legend items to better correspond with the stacking of the series elements (E.g. series 0 will be the bottom-most legend item). This does not apply to Bar Charts.

The isStacked option also supports 100% stacking, where the stacks of elements at each domain value are rescaled to add up to 100%.

The options for isStacked are:

  • false — elements will not stack. This is the default option.
  • true — stacks elements for all series at each domain value.
  • 'percent' — stacks elements for all series at each domain value and rescales them such that they add up to 100%, with each element's value calculated as a percentage of 100%.
  • 'relative' — stacks elements for all series at each domain value and rescales them such that they add up to 1, with each element's value calculated as a fraction of 1.
  • 'absolute' — functions the same as isStacked: true.

For 100% stacking, the calculated value for each element will appear in the tooltip after its actual value.

The target axis will default to tick values based on the relative 0-1 scale as fractions of 1 for 'relative', and 0-100% for 'percent' (Note: when using the 'percent' option, the axis/tick values are displayed as percentages, however the actual values are the relative 0-1 scale values. This is because the percentage axis ticks are the result of applying a format of "#.##%" to the relative 0-1 scale values. When using isStacked: 'percent', be sure to specify any ticks/gridlines using the relative 0-1 scale values). You can customize the gridlines/tick values and formatting using the appropriate hAxis/vAxis options.

100% stacking only supports data values of type number, and must have a baseline of zero.

Type: boolean/string
Default: false

An object with members to configure various aspects of the legend. To specify properties of this object, you can use object literal notation, as shown here:

{position: 'top', textStyle: {color: 'blue', fontSize: 16}}
Type: object
Default: null

Alignment of the legend. Can be one of the following:

  • 'start' - Aligned to the start of the area allocated for the legend.
  • 'center' - Centered in the area allocated for the legend.
  • 'end' - Aligned to the end of the area allocated for the legend.

Start, center, and end are relative to the style -- vertical or horizontal -- of the legend. For example, in a 'right' legend, 'start' and 'end' are at the top and bottom, respectively; for a 'top' legend, 'start' and 'end' would be at the left and right of the area, respectively.

The default value depends on the legend's position. For 'bottom' legends, the default is 'center'; other legends default to 'start'.

Type: string
Default: automatic

Maximum number of lines in the legend. Set this to a number greater than one to add lines to your legend. Note: The exact logic used to determine the actual number of lines rendered is still in flux.

This option currently works only when legend.position is 'top'.

Type: number
Default: 1

Initial selected zero-based page index of the legend.

Type: number
Default: 0

Position of the legend. Can be one of the following:

  • 'bottom' - Below the chart.
  • 'left' - To the left of the chart, provided the left axis has no series associated with it. So if you want the legend on the left, use the option targetAxisIndex: 1.
  • 'in' - Inside the chart, by the top left corner.
  • 'none' - No legend is displayed.
  • 'right' - To the right of the chart. Incompatible with the vAxes option.
  • 'top' - Above the chart.
Type: string
Default: 'right'

An object that specifies the legend text style. The object has this format:

{ color: <string>,
  fontName: <string>,
  fontSize: <number>,
  bold: <boolean>,
  italic: <boolean> }

The color can be any HTML color string, for example: 'red' or '#00cc00'. Also see fontName and fontSize.

Type: object
Default: {color: 'black', fontName: <global-font-name>, fontSize: <global-font-size>}

The orientation of the chart. When set to 'vertical', rotates the axes of the chart so that (for instance) a column chart becomes a bar chart, and an area chart grows rightward instead of up:

Type: string
Default: 'horizontal'

If set to true, will draw series from right to left. The default is to draw left-to-right.

Type: boolean
Default: false

An array of objects, each describing the format of the corresponding series in the chart. To use default values for a series, specify an empty object {}. If a series or a value is not specified, the global value will be used. Each object supports the following properties:

  • color - The color to use for this series. Specify a valid HTML color string.
  • labelInLegend - The description of the series to appear in the chart legend.
  • targetAxisIndex - Which axis to assign this series to, where 0 is the default axis, and 1 is the opposite axis. Default value is 0; set to 1 to define a chart where different series are rendered against different axes. At least one series much be allocated to the default axis. You can define a different scale for different axes.
  • visibleInLegend - A boolean value, where true means that the series should have a legend entry, and false means that it should not. Default is true.

You can specify either an array of objects, each of which applies to the series in the order given, or you can specify an object where each child has a numeric key indicating which series it applies to. For example, the following two declarations are identical, and declare the first series as black and absent from the legend, and the fourth as red and absent from the legend:

series: [
  {color: 'black', visibleInLegend: false}, {}, {},
  {color: 'red', visibleInLegend: false}
series: {
  0:{color: 'black', visibleInLegend: false},
  3:{color: 'red', visibleInLegend: false}
Type: Array of objects, or object with nested objects
Default: {}

A theme is a set of predefined option values that work together to achieve a specific chart behavior or visual effect. Currently only one theme is available:

  • 'maximized' - Maximizes the area of the chart, and draws the legend and all of the labels inside the chart area. Sets the following options:
    chartArea: {width: '100%', height: '100%'},
    legend: {position: 'in'},
    titlePosition: 'in', axisTitlesPosition: 'in',
    hAxis: {textPosition: 'in'}, vAxis: {textPosition: 'in'}
Type: string
Default: null

Text to display above the chart.

Type: string
Default: no title

Where to place the chart title, compared to the chart area. Supported values:

  • in - Draw the title inside the chart area.
  • out - Draw the title outside the chart area.
  • none - Omit the title.
Type: string
Default: 'out'

An object that specifies the title text style. The object has this format:

{ color: <string>,
  fontName: <string>,
  fontSize: <number>,
  bold: <boolean>,
  italic: <boolean> }

The color can be any HTML color string, for example: 'red' or '#00cc00'. Also see fontName and fontSize.

Type: object
Default: {color: 'black', fontName: <global-font-name>, fontSize: <global-font-size>}

An object with members to configure various tooltip elements. To specify properties of this object, you can use object literal notation, as shown here:

{textStyle: {color: '#FF0000'}, showColorCode: true}
Type: object
Default: null

If set to true, use HTML-rendered (rather than SVG-rendered) tooltips. See Customizing Tooltip Content for more details.

Note: customization of the HTML tooltip content via the tooltip column data role is not supported by the Bubble Chart visualization.

Type: boolean
Default: false

If true, show colored squares next to the series information in the tooltip. The default is true when focusTarget is set to 'category', otherwise the default is false.

Type: boolean
Default: automatic

An object that specifies the tooltip text style. The object has this format:

{ color: <string>,
  fontName: <string>,
  fontSize: <number>,
  bold: <boolean>,
  italic: <boolean> }

The color can be any HTML color string, for example: 'red' or '#00cc00'. Also see fontName and fontSize.

Type: object
Default: {color: 'black', fontName: <global-font-name>, fontSize: <global-font-size>}

The user interaction that causes the tooltip to be displayed:

  • 'focus' - The tooltip will be displayed when the user hovers over the element.
  • 'none' - The tooltip will not be displayed.
Type: string
Default: 'focus'

Specifies properties for individual vertical axes, if the chart has multiple vertical axes. Each child object is a vAxis object, and can contain all the properties supported by vAxis. These property values override any global settings for the same property.

To specify a chart with multiple vertical axes, first define a new axis using series.targetAxisIndex, then configure the axis using vAxes. The following example assigns series 2 to the right axis and specifies a custom title and text style for it:

  series: {
    2: {
  vAxes: {
    1: {
      textStyle: {color: 'red'}

This property can be either an object or an array: the object is a collection of objects, each with a numeric label that specifies the axis that it defines--this is the format shown above; the array is an array of objects, one per axis. For example, the following array-style notation is identical to the vAxis object shown above:

vAxes: [
  {}, // Nothing specified for axis 0
    textStyle: {color: 'red'} // Axis 1
Type: Array of object, or object with child objects
Default: null

An object with members to configure various vertical axis elements. To specify properties of this object, you can use object literal notation, as shown here:

{title: 'Hello', titleTextStyle: {color: '#FF0000'}}
Type: object
Default: null

vAxis property that specifies the baseline for the vertical axis. If the baseline is larger than the highest grid line or smaller than the lowest grid line, it will be rounded to the closest gridline.

Type: number
Default: automatic

Specifies the color of the baseline for the vertical axis. Can be any HTML color string, for example: 'red' or '#00cc00'.

Type: number
Default: 'black'

The direction in which the values along the vertical axis grow. By default, low values are on the bottom of the chart. Specify -1 to reverse the order of the values.

Type: 1 or -1
Default: 1

A format string for numeric axis labels. This is a subset of the ICU pattern set . For instance, {format:'#,###%'} will display values "1,000%", "750%", and "50%" for values 10, 7.5, and 0.5. You can also supply any of the following:

  • {format: 'none'}: displays numbers with no formatting (e.g., 8000000)
  • {format: 'decimal'}: displays numbers with thousands separators (e.g., 8,000,000)
  • {format: 'scientific'}: displays numbers in scientific notation (e.g., 8e6)
  • {format: 'currency'}: displays numbers in the local currency (e.g., $8,000,000.00)
  • {format: 'percent'}: displays numbers as percentages (e.g., 800,000,000%)
  • {format: 'short'}: displays abbreviated numbers (e.g., 8M)
  • {format: 'long'}: displays numbers as full words (e.g., 8 million)

The actual formatting applied to the label is derived from the locale the API has been loaded with. For more details, see loading charts with a specific locale .

In computing tick values and gridlines, several alternative combinations of all the relevant gridline options will be considered and alternatives will be rejected if the formatted tick labels would be duplicated or overlap. So you can specify format:"#" if you want to only show integer tick values, but be aware that if no alternative satisfies this condition, no gridlines or ticks will be shown.

Type: string
Default: auto

An object with members to configure the gridlines on the vertical axis. Note that vertical axis gridlines are drawn horizontally. To specify properties of this object, you can use object literal notation, as shown here:

{color: '#333', minSpacing: 20}
Type: object
Default: null

The color of the vertical gridlines inside the chart area. Specify a valid HTML color string.

Type: string
Default: '#CCC'

The approximate number of horizontal gridlines inside the chart area. If you specify a positive number for gridlines.count, it will be used to compute the minSpacing between gridlines. You can specify a value of 1 to only draw one gridline, or 0 to draw no gridlines. Specify -1, which is the default, to automatically compute the number of gridlines based on other options.

Type: number
Default: -1

An array of sizes (as data values, not pixels) between adjacent gridlines. This option is only for numeric axes at this time, but it is analogous to the gridlines.units.<unit>.interval options which are used only for dates and times. For linear scales, the default is [1, 2, 2.5, 5] which means the gridline values can fall on every unit (1), on even units (2), or on multiples of 2.5 or 5. Any power of 10 times these values is also considered (e.g. [10, 20, 25, 50] and [.1, .2, .25, .5]). For log scales, the default is [1, 2, 5].

Type: number between 1 and 10, not including 10.
Default: computed

The minimum screen space, in pixels, between hAxis major gridlines. The default for major gridlines is 40 for linear scales, and 20 for log scales. If you specify the count and not the minSpacing, the minSpacing is computed from the count. And conversely, if you specify the minSpacing and not the count, the count is computed from the minSpacing. If you specify both, the minSpacing overrides.

Type: number
Default: computed

All gridline and tick values must be a multiple of this option's value. Note that, unlike for intervals, powers of 10 times the multiple are not considered. So you can force ticks to be integers by specifying gridlines.multiple = 1, or force ticks to be multiples of 1000 by specifying gridlines.multiple = 1000.

Type: number
Default: 1

Overrides the default format for various aspects of date/datetime/timeofday data types when used with chart computed gridlines. Allows formatting for years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.

General format is:

gridlines: {
  units: {
    years: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},
    months: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},
    days: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},
    hours: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},
    minutes: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},
    seconds: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},
    milliseconds: {format: [/*format strings here*/]}

Additional information can be found in Dates and Times.

Type: object
Default: null

An object with members to configure the minor gridlines on the vertical axis, similar to the vAxis.gridlines option.

Type: object
Default: null

The color of the vertical minor gridlines inside the chart area. Specify a valid HTML color string.

Type: string
Default: A blend of the gridline and background colors

The minorGridlines.count option is mostly deprecated, except for disabling minor gridlines by setting the count to 0. The number of minor gridlines depends on the interval between major gridlines (see vAxis.gridlines.interval) and the minimum required space (see vAxis.minorGridlines.minSpacing).

Type: number
Default: 1

The minorGridlines.interval option is like the major gridlines interval option, but the interval that is chosen will always be an even divisor of the major gridline interval. The default interval for linear scales is [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 5], and for log scales is [1, 2, 5].

Type: number

The minimum required space, in pixels, between adjacent minor gridlines, and between minor and major gridlines. The default value is 1/2 the minSpacing of major gridlines for linear scales, and 1/5 the minSpacing for log scales.

Type: number

Same as for major gridlines.multiple.

Type: number
Default: 1

Overrides the default format for various aspects of date/datetime/timeofday data types when used with chart computed minorGridlines. Allows formatting for years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.

General format is:

gridlines: {
  units: {
    years: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},
    months: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},
    days: {format: [/*format strings here*/]}
    hours: {format: [/*format strings here*/]}
    minutes: {format: [/*format strings here*/]}
    seconds: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},
    milliseconds: {format: [/*format strings here*/]},

Additional information can be found in Dates and Times.

Type: object
Default: null

If true, makes the vertical axis a logarithmic scale. Note: All values must be positive.

Type: boolean
Default: false

vAxis property that makes the vertical axis a logarithmic scale. Can be one of the following:

  • null - No logarithmic scaling is performed.
  • 'log' - Logarithmic scaling. Negative and zero values are not plotted. This option is the same as setting vAxis: { logscale: true }.
  • 'mirrorLog' - Logarithmic scaling in which negative and zero values are plotted. The plotted value of a negative number is the negative of the log of the absolute value. Values close to 0 are plotted on a linear scale.
Type: string
Default: null

Position of the vertical axis text, relative to the chart area. Supported values: 'out', 'in', 'none'.

Type: string
Default: 'out'

An object that specifies the vertical axis text style. The object has this format:

{ color: <string>,
  fontName: <string>,
  fontSize: <number>,
  bold: <boolean>,
  italic: <boolean> }

The color can be any HTML color string, for example: 'red' or '#00cc00'. Also see fontName and fontSize.

Type: object
Default: {color: 'black', fontName: <global-font-name>, fontSize: <global-font-size>}

Replaces the automatically generated Y-axis ticks with the specified array. Each element of the array should be either a valid tick value (such as a number, date, datetime, or timeofday), or an object. If it's an object, it should have a v property for the tick value, and an optional f property containing the literal string to be displayed as the label.

The viewWindow will be automatically expanded to include the min and max ticks unless you specify a viewWindow.min or viewWindow.max to override.


  • vAxis: { ticks: [5,10,15,20] }
  • vAxis: { ticks: [{v:32, f:'thirty two'}, {v:64, f:'sixty four'}] }
  • vAxis: { ticks: [new Date(2014,3,15), new Date(2013,5,15)] }
  • vAxis: { ticks: [16, {v:32, f:'thirty two'}, {v:64, f:'sixty four'}, 128] }
Type: Array of elements
Default: auto

vAxis property that specifies a title for the vertical axis.

Type: string
Default: no title

An object that specifies the vertical axis title text style. The object has this format:

{ color: <string>,
  fontName: <string>,
  fontSize: <number>,
  bold: <boolean>,
  italic: <boolean> }

The color can be any HTML color string, for example: 'red' or '#00cc00'. Also see fontName and fontSize.

Type: object
Default: {color: 'black', fontName: <global-font-name>, fontSize: <global-font-size>}

Moves the max value of the vertical axis to the specified value; this will be upward in most charts. Ignored if this is set to a value smaller than the maximum y-value of the data. vAxis.viewWindow.max overrides this property.

Type: number
Default: automatic

Moves the min value of the vertical axis to the specified value; this will be downward in most charts. Ignored if this is set to a value greater than the minimum y-value of the data. vAxis.viewWindow.min overrides this property.

Type: number
Default: null

Specifies how to scale the vertical axis to render the values within the chart area. The following string values are supported:

  • 'pretty' - Scale the vertical values so that the maximum and minimum data values are rendered a bit inside the bottom and top of the chart area. The viewWindow is expanded to the nearest major gridline for numbers, or the nearest minor gridline for dates and times.
  • 'maximized' - Scale the vertical values so that the maximum and minimum data values touch the top and bottom of the chart area. This will cause vaxis.viewWindow.min and vaxis.viewWindow.max to be ignored.
  • 'explicit' - A deprecated option for specifying the top and bottom scale values of the chart area. (Deprecated because it's redundant with vaxis.viewWindow.min and vaxis.viewWindow.max. Data values outside these values will be cropped. You must specify a vAxis.viewWindow object describing the maximum and minimum values to show.
Type: string
Default: Equivalent to 'pretty', but vaxis.viewWindow.min and vaxis.viewWindow.max take precedence if used.

Specifies the cropping range of the vertical axis.

Type: object
Default: null

The maximum vertical data value to render.

Ignored when vAxis.viewWindowMode is 'pretty' or 'maximized'.

Type: number
Default: auto

The minimum vertical data value to render.

Ignored when vAxis.viewWindowMode is 'pretty' or 'maximized'.

Type: number
Default: auto

Width of the chart, in pixels.

Type: number
Default: width of the containing element


draw(data, options)

Draws the chart. The chart accepts further method calls only after the readyevent is fired. Extended description.

Return Type: none

Returns the tooltip action object with the requested actionID.

Return Type: object

Returns an object containing the left, top, width, and height of chart element id. The format for id isn't yet documented (they're the return values of event handlers), but here are some examples:

var cli = chart.getChartLayoutInterface();

Height of the chart area
Width of the third bar in the first series of a bar or column chart
Bounding box of the fifth wedge of a pie chart
Bounding box of the chart data of a vertical (e.g., column) chart:
Bounding box of the chart data of a horizontal (e.g., bar) chart:

Values are relative to the container of the chart. Call this after the chart is drawn.

Return Type: object

Returns an object containing the left, top, width, and height of the chart content (i.e., excluding labels and legend):

var cli = chart.getChartLayoutInterface();


Values are relative to the container of the chart. Call this after the chart is drawn.

Return Type: object

Returns an object containing information about the onscreen placement of the chart and its elements.

The following methods can be called on the returned object:

  • getBoundingBox
  • getChartAreaBoundingBox
  • getHAxisValue
  • getVAxisValue
  • getXLocation
  • getYLocation

Call this after the chart is drawn.

Return Type: object
getHAxisValue(xPosition, optional_axis_index)

Returns the horizontal data value at xPosition, which is a pixel offset from the chart container's left edge. Can be negative.

Example: chart.getChartLayoutInterface().getHAxisValue(400).

Call this after the chart is drawn.

Return Type: number

Returns the chart serialized as an image URI.

Call this after the chart is drawn.

See Printing PNG Charts.

Return Type: string

Returns an array of the selected chart entities. Selectable entities are bars, legend entries and categories. For this chart, only one entity can be selected at any given moment. Extended description .

Return Type: Array of selection elements
getVAxisValue(yPosition, optional_axis_index)

Returns the vertical data value at yPosition, which is a pixel offset down from the chart container's top edge. Can be negative.

Example: chart.getChartLayoutInterface().getVAxisValue(300).

Call this after the chart is drawn.

Return Type: number
getXLocation(dataValue, optional_axis_index)

Returns the pixel x-coordinate of dataValue relative to the left edge of the chart's container.

Example: chart.getChartLayoutInterface().getXLocation(400).

Call this after the chart is drawn.

Return Type: number
getYLocation(dataValue, optional_axis_index)

Returns the pixel y-coordinate of dataValue relative to the top edge of the chart's container.

Example: chart.getChartLayoutInterface().getYLocation(300).

Call this after the chart is drawn.

Return Type: number

Removes the tooltip action with the requested actionID from the chart.

Return Type: none

Sets a tooltip action to be executed when the user clicks on the action text.

The setAction method takes an object as its action parameter. This object should specify 3 properties: id— the ID of the action being set, text —the text that should appear in the tooltip for the action, and action — the function that should be run when a user clicks on the action text.

Any and all tooltip actions should be set prior to calling the chart's draw() method. Extended description.

Return Type: none

Selects the specified chart entities. Cancels any previous selection. Selectable entities are bars, legend entries and categories. For this chart, only one entity can be selected at a time. Extended description .

Return Type: none

Clears the chart, and releases all of its allocated resources.

Return Type: none


For more information on how to use these events, see Basic Interactivity, Handling Events, and Firing Events.


Fired when transition animation is complete.

Properties: none

Fired when the user clicks inside the chart. Can be used to identify when the title, data elements, legend entries, axes, gridlines, or labels are clicked.

Properties: targetID

Fired when an error occurs when attempting to render the chart.

Properties: id, message

Fired when the user clicks legend pagination arrows. Passes back the current legend zero-based page index and the total number of pages.

Properties: currentPageIndex, totalPages

Fired when the user mouses over a visual entity. Passes back the row and column indices of the corresponding data table element. A bar correlates to a cell in the data table, a legend entry to a column (row index is null), and a category to a row (column index is null).

Properties: row, column

Fired when the user mouses away from a visual entity. Passes back the row and column indices of the corresponding data table element. A bar correlates to a cell in the data table, a legend entry to a column (row index is null), and a category to a row (column index is null).

Properties: row, column

The chart is ready for external method calls. If you want to interact with the chart, and call methods after you draw it, you should set up a listener for this event before you call the draw method, and call them only after the event was fired.

Properties: none

Fired when the user clicks a visual entity. To learn what has been selected, call getSelection().

Properties: none

Data Policy

All code and data are processed and rendered in the browser. No data is sent to any server.