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I counted and I have 129 apps installed on my phone, not including my work profile! I doubt that I’m an outlier. Do I use all of them? Nope, I totally forgot that I had installed so many of them. The biggest challenge for android developers after

The Google Smart Home platform lets users control your connected devices through the Google Home app and Google Assistant, helping to create a helpful home for your users. As the Smart Home platform has continued to mature over the past year, we’ve

Conversational Actions extend the functionality of Google Assistant by allowing you to create custom experiences, or conversations, for users of Google Assistant. Over the year we launched several tools and resources and we’ve listed all them all

App Actions allow users to launch specific features in your Android app using Google Assistant. From a user’s perspective, App Actions provide users with quick ways to verbally navigate to your app or specific activities in your app. In 2020, we

Missed our weekly video? Don’t worry, watch this week’s #AoGProTips 🎥 Many factors can affect device connectivity in the home, and it’s important to keep users aware when their devices are unreachable or offline. A critical element of your smart home

Missed our weekly video? Don’t worry, watch this week’s #AoGProTips 🎥 The test suite for smart home allows you to self-test your smart home Action and verify that it meets all the necessary criteria before you submit for review. The test suite

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