Automated Alerts

Google sends automated alerts to live Ordering E2E partners. Alerts monitor feed errors, real-time update errors, fulfillment APIs and order states.

Feed and real-time update alerts

Google emails the alerts regarding feed and real-time update error rates to the technical non-emergency contacts listed in your Actions Center Contact Information.

Name What it means How to fix
Entity Age Too High Alert 1% or more of total inventory has a last modified timestamp greater than 3 days ago. Ensure that feeds are transferred at least once a day and all dateModified timestamps are updated with the feed creation time at least once every 3 days.
Feed Entity Error Alert Error rate by entity type is greater than 10% for any entity type and the total entities are greater than 100 or entity error rate is greater than 20% for any entity type. The alert runs at the beginning of every hour. The Stale Entity and Recon Failure errors are excluded. Ensure that feed entitiy errors are corrected. View Feed History to see the entities with errors in the latest feed.
Real-time Update Entity Error Entity error rate is greater than 10% for any entity type and total entities are greater than 100 or entity error rate is greater than 20% for any entity type. The alert runs at the beginning of every hour and aggregates errors rates from the last 24 hours. To fix the issue, correct the errors displayed in the RTU Reporting - Entity level feedback table.

Fulfillment alerts

Google emails the alerts regarding fulfillment API error rates to the technical emergency contacts listed in your Actions Center Contact Information.

Name What it means How to fix
Checkout Error Alert The checkout error rate is greater than 50% in the last 30 minutes, there are at least 25 total errors and 5 or more unique restaurants affected. Reduce checkout errors reported in the Fulfillment API dashboard. Use real-time updates for time sensitive updates.
Submit Order Error Alert The submit order error rate is greater than 50% in the last 30 minutes, there are at least 25 total errors and 5 or more unique restaurants affected. The alert excludes the PAYMENT_DECLINED error type. Reduce submit order errors reported in the Fulfillment API dashboard. Use real-time updates for time sensitive updates.
Payment Declined Alert The payment declined submit order error rate is greater than 50% in the last 30 minutes, there are at least 25 total errors and 5 or more unique restaurants affected. Reduce submit order PAYMENT_DECLINED errors reported in the Fulfillment API dashboard.

Order states

Google emails the alerts regarding order state conditions to either the technical emergency contacts or technical non-emergency contacts listed in your Actions Center Contact Information.

Name What it means How to fix Contacts
Missing Order Updates Alert 75% of orders are in the CREATED state in the last 50 minutes. The alert excludes orders created in the last 20 minutes and only triggers if there are at least 200 orders during this time window. Runs every 15 minutes. Ensure Async Order Updates are successfully updating order states. Technical non-emergency contacts
Rejected Order State Alert 50% of orders are in the REJECTED state in the last 30 minutes. Runs every 15 minutes. Reduce the amount of REJECTED orders reported in the Business Overview Dashboard. Technical emergency contacts