Prepare for launch

This section covers how to prepare your Ordering End-to-End integration for production launch.

  1. Host your production data feeds that you plan to launch.
  2. Make sure your fulfillment API URL is set to the correct URL for your production environment.
  3. Run the Automated Testing Tool with your production data feeds and production fulfillment endpoint.
  4. After you complete all of the previous steps, conduct production end-to-end testing of your integration using the test links in the Restaurant Status Report. The Restaurant Status Report allows you to access and test your production ordering flow before you are launched in production.
  5. Fix any issues detected.
  6. During fulfillment, ensure that the Async Order Update API is getting called to update the order status back to Google.
  7. Perform tests for the real-time-updates, such as disable a service, change the price, or delete a menu item.
  8. Check that your contacts are up to date in the Contact Information screen.
  9. Verify that you have completed all the steps needed to fulfill Regulatory Requirements.
  10. When you are ready, reach out to your Google consultant to launch in production.