
public interface QueriedCoWatchingState

Known direct subclasses

Represents the state of the co-watching activity.

Represents the state of the co-watching activity for onStateQuery.

This is a subset CoWatchingState. The query mechanism is only used to ensure that media playback is proceeding as expected; to actually set the state, call the methods on .


Public methods

abstract Duration

Returns the current position of the media playout.

default static QueriedCoWatchingState
of(Duration mediaPlayoutPosition)

Creates a new QueriedCoWatchingState with the given playout position.

Public methods


abstract Duration mediaPlayoutPosition()

Returns the current position of the media playout.


default static QueriedCoWatchingState of(Duration mediaPlayoutPosition)

Creates a new QueriedCoWatchingState with the given playout position.