The client object that an add-on uses to communicate with Meet web.
interface MeetAddonClient
Method signatures
Name | Description |
clearCollaborationStartingState() |
Clears the information about the initial state of the add-on used in the collaboration. |
endCollaboration() |
Ends an ongoing collaboration. Will fail if: - There is not an ongoing coActivity. - The user is not the initiator of the collaboration. |
getCollaborationStartingState() |
Retrieves information about the initial state of the add-on when the participant accepts the invitation to collaborate. |
getFrameOpenReason() |
Retrieves the action causing the add-on frame to be opened. |
getMeetingInfo() |
Retrieves information about the meeting in which the add-on is running. |
getMeetPlatformInfo() |
Retrieves information about the Meet platform in which the add-on is running. |
on(eventId, eventHandler) |
Provides access to the AddonCallbacks that the add-on can utilize. |
setCollaborationStartingState(collaborationStartingState) |
Sets or updates information about the initial state of the add-on that's used when the participant accepts the invitation to collaborate. |
startCollaboration(collaborationStartingState) |
Starts a collaboration with the provided starting state of frames that the initiator and participants can use during the activity. |