
abstract class ServerQueueParams

Contains metadata for a queue stored on the server of a add-on application.


Nested types

Builder for a ServerQueueParams object.

Public functions

java-static ServerQueueParams.Builder!
abstract String!

Gets the queue ID of a server.

abstract Long

Gets the version of a queue on a server.

Public functions


java-static fun builder(): ServerQueueParams.Builder!


abstract fun queueId(): String!

Gets the queue ID of a server. Generally, an app would do something like GET: yourserver.domain/queue/$QUEUE_ID, based on this information, but the implementation is entirely up to the add-on application.


abstract fun queueVersion(): Long

Gets the version of a queue on a server. Generally, this would be incremented to indicate to other clients that the queue has changed and should be reloaded. When either field is changed, the add-on application will be notified, and can act based on their own logic.