Конечная точка прогноза предоставляет ежедневную информацию о пыльце за 5 дней. Вы можете контролировать следующую информацию, которая отображается пользователям:
- Количество прогнозируемых дней
- Код языка для переведенных полей
- Размер страницы ответа
- Подробная информация о растениях данной местности и их аллергенном потенциале.
Обозреватель API позволяет вам делать запросы в реальном времени, чтобы вы могли ознакомиться с API и опциями API:
О запросах прогнозов
Чтобы запросить ежедневную информацию о пыльце с помощью конечной точки прогноза, отправьте запрос HTTP GET по адресу:
Включите свои параметры в URL. Запрос содержит местоположение, для которого вы хотите получить прогноз пыльцы, количество прогнозируемых дней и информацию о пыльце, которую нужно включить в ответ.
Об ответах на прогнозы
Тело ответа предоставляет код региона с запрошенными координатами и информацию о ежедневном прогнозе на каждый запрошенный день. Если вы запрашиваете информацию на срок более одного дня, тело ответа также включает токен для получения следующей страницы, если информация не умещается в запрошенный размер страницы.
Тело ответа также включает в себя три объекта:
DayInfo предоставляет дату представленного прогноза вместе с PollenTypeInfo и PlantInfo.
PollenTypeInfo предоставляет сезонность доступных типов пыльцы (
), индекс пыльцы и соответствующие рекомендации по здоровью в запрошенных координатах.PlantInfo предоставляет названия и описания растений, включая сезонность, внешний вид и перекрестные реакции, по запрошенным координатам.
Основные параметры
Пример запроса
Следующий код показывает, как создать базовый запрос для прогноза: запрос поиска . В этом примере вы устанавливаете местоположение и количество дней получения информации о пыльце.
curl -X GET "https://pollen.googleapis.com/v1/forecast:lookup?key=YOUR_API_KEY&location.longitude=35.32 &location.latitude=32.32 &days=1"
Пример ответа
Вызов выше генерирует следующий ответ JSON .
{ "regionCode": "IL", "dailyInfo": [ { "date": { "year": 2023, "month": 7, "day": 11 }, "pollenTypeInfo": [ { "code": "GRASS", "displayName": "Grass", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Pollen levels are very low right now. It's a great day to enjoy theoutdoors!" ] }, { "code": "TREE", "displayName": "Tree", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Pollen levels are very low right now. It's a great day to enjoy theoutdoors!" ] }, { "code": "WEED", "displayName": "Weed", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Pollen levels are very low right now. It's a great day to enjoy theoutdoors!" ] } ], "plantInfo": [ { "code": "BIRCH", "displayName": "Birch", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "TREE", "family": "Betulaceae (the Birch family)", "season": "Late winter, spring", "specialColors": "The bark is usually whitish-gray, silver, orsometimes red." , "specialShapes": "Birch leaves are often triangular with jaggededges. The bark on most birch trees has horizontal dark streaks that look like scoring. Birch tree bark is also , "crossReaction": "Alder, Hazel, Hornbeam, Beech, Willow, and Oakwell-known for its paper-like texture and peeling nature." pollen. In addition, there may be a higher risk for food allergies like hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, pears, apples, , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/birch_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/birch_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "OLIVE", "displayName": "Olive" }, { "code": "GRAMINALES", "displayName": "Grasses", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arecherries and carrots." likely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "GRASS", "family": "Poaceae", "season": "Late spring, summer", "specialColors": "None", "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate, long and narrow and theleaf margin is smooth." , "crossReaction": "Plantain (Plantago) pollen. In addition, there maybe a higher risk for food allergies like melons, oranges, tomatoes, peanuts, soy, potato, and other legumes." , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/graminales_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/graminales_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "RAGWEED", "displayName": "Ragweed", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 0, "category": "None", "indexDescription": "Pollen levels are very low and are not likelyto trigger allergic reactions" , "color": {} }, "plantDescription": { "type": "WEED", "family": "Asteraceae (the daisy family)", "season": "Late summer, fall", "specialColors": "None", "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate or opposite, divided andlobed. The leaf margin is smooth or serrated." , "crossReaction": "Mugwort and Goldenrod as well as daisies such asSunflower, Dandelion, and Chamomile." , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/ragweed_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/ragweed_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "ALDER", "displayName": "Alder" }, { "code": "MUGWORT", "displayName": "Mugwort", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "WEED", "family": "Asteraceae (the daisy family)", "season": "Late summer, fall", "specialColors": "The leaves are green on the upper side andgray-green on the lower side." , "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate, divided and pinnate.", "crossReaction": "Ragweed and Goldenrod pollen as well as daisiessuch as Sunflower, Dandelion and Chamomile. In addition, there may be a higher risk for food allergies like mustard, , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/mugwort_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/mugwort_closeup.jpg" } } ] } ] }peach, celery and various herbs and spices."
Дополнительные параметры
Пример запроса
Следующий код показывает, как создать запрос прогноза:lookup . В этом примере вы задаете местоположение, дни и язык ответа и удаляете описание завода.
curl -X GET "https://pollen.googleapis.com/v1/forecast:lookup?key=YOUR_API_KEY&location.longitude=35.32 &location.latitude=32.32 &days=1 &languageCode=fr &plantsDescription=false"
Пример ответа
Вызов выше генерирует следующий ответ JSON:
{ "regionCode": "IL", "dailyInfo": [ { "date": { "year": 2023, "month": 7, "day": 11 }, "pollenTypeInfo": [ { "code": "GRASS", "displayName": "Herbacée", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Très faible", "indexDescription": "Les personnes extrêmement sensibles au pollensont susceptibles de ressentir des symptômes." , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Les niveaux de pollen sont très faibles actuellement. La journéeest idéale pour profiter du grand air !" ] }, { "code": "TREE", "displayName": "Arbre", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Très faible", "indexDescription": "Les personnes extrêmement sensibles au pollensont susceptibles de ressentir des symptômes." , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Les niveaux de pollen sont très faibles actuellement. La journéeest idéale pour profiter du grand air !" ] }, { "code": "WEED", "displayName": "Herbacées", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Très faible", "indexDescription": "Les personnes extrêmement sensibles au pollensont susceptibles de ressentir des symptômes." , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Les niveaux de pollen sont très faibles actuellement. La journéeest idéale pour profiter du grand air !" ] } ], "plantInfo": [ { "code": "BIRCH", "displayName": "Bouleau", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Très faible", "indexDescription": "Les personnes extrêmement sensibles au pollensont susceptibles de ressentir des symptômes." , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } } }, { "code": "OLIVE", "displayName": "Olivier" }, { "code": "GRAMINALES", "displayName": "Graminées", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Très faible", "indexDescription": "Les personnes extrêmement sensibles au pollensont susceptibles de ressentir des symptômes." , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } } }, { "code": "RAGWEED", "displayName": "Ambroisie", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 0, "category": "Aucun", "indexDescription": "Les niveaux de pollen sont très faibles et ontpeu de risque de déclencher des réactions allergiques." , "color": {} } }, { "code": "ALDER", "displayName": "Aulne" }, { "code": "MUGWORT", "displayName": "Armoise", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Très faible", "indexDescription": "Les personnes extrêmement sensibles au pollensont susceptibles de ressentir des symptômes." , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } } } ] } ] }
Ограничения размера страницы
Пример запроса
Следующий код показывает, как создать запрос прогноза:lookup . В этом примере вы задаете местоположение, количество прогнозируемых дней (в данном случае 4) и ограничение размера страницы, равное 1. Этот запрос возвращает прогноз только для первого дня. Ответ включает свойство nextPageToken
, которое вы затем используете во втором запросе для доступа ко второму дню из 4.
curl -X GET "https://pollen.googleapis.com/v1/forecast:lookup?key=YOUR_API_KEY&location.longitude=35.32 &location.latitude=32.32 &days=4 &pageSize=1"
Пример ответа
Приведенный выше вызов генерирует следующий ответ JSON, включая nextPageToken
. Вы используете nextPageToken
во втором запросе для доступа к прогнозу на следующий день.
{ "regionCode": "IL", "dailyInfo": [ { "date": { "year": 2023, "month": 7, "day": 14 }, "pollenTypeInfo": [ { "code": "GRASS", "displayName": "Grass", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 2, "category": "Low", "indexDescription": "People with high allergy to pollen are likelyto experience symptoms" , "color": { "red": 0.5176471, "green": 0.8117647, "blue": 0.2 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "It's a good day for outdoor activities since pollen levels arelow." , "Do you know which plants cause your pollen allergy? Check out thepollen data to be prepared." ] }, { "code": "TREE", "displayName": "Tree", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Pollen levels are very low right now. It's a great day to enjoythe outdoors!" ] }, { "code": "WEED", "displayName": "Weed", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Pollen levels are very low right now. It's a great day to enjoy theoutdoors!" ] } ], "plantInfo": [ { "code": "BIRCH", "displayName": "Birch", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "TREE", "family": "Betulaceae (the Birch family)", "season": "Late winter, spring", "specialColors": "The bark is usually whitish-gray, silver, orsometimes red." , "specialShapes": "Birch leaves are often triangular with jaggededges. The bark on most birch trees has horizontal dark streaks that look like scoring. Birch tree bark is also , "crossReaction": "Alder, Hazel, Hornbeam, Beech, Willow, and Oakwell-known for its paper-like texture and peeling nature." pollen. In addition, there may be a higher risk for food allergies like hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, pears, apples, , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/birch_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/birch_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "OLIVE", "displayName": "Olive" }, { "code": "GRAMINALES", "displayName": "Grasses", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 2, "category": "Low", "indexDescription": "People with high allergy to pollen are likelycherries and carrots." to experience symptoms" , "color": { "red": 0.5176471, "green": 0.8117647, "blue": 0.2 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "GRASS", "family": "Poaceae", "season": "Late spring, summer", "specialColors": "None", "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate, long and narrow and theleaf margin is smooth." , "crossReaction": "Plantain (Plantago) pollen. In addition, there maybe a higher risk for food allergies like melons, oranges, tomatoes, peanuts, soy, potato, and other legumes." , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/graminales_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/graminales_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "RAGWEED", "displayName": "Ragweed", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 0, "category": "None", "indexDescription": "Pollen levels are very low and are not likelyto trigger allergic reactions" , "color": {} }, "plantDescription": { "type": "WEED", "family": "Asteraceae (the daisy family)", "season": "Late summer, fall", "specialColors": "None", "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate or opposite, divided andlobed. The leaf margin is smooth or serrated." , "crossReaction": "Mugwort and Goldenrod as well as daisies such asSunflower, Dandelion, and Chamomile." , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/ragweed_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/ragweed_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "ALDER", "displayName": "Alder" }, { "code": "MUGWORT", "displayName": "Mugwort", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "WEED", "family": "Asteraceae (the daisy family)", "season": "Late summer, fall", "specialColors": "The leaves are green on the upper side andgray-green on the lower side." , "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate, divided and pinnate.", "crossReaction": "Ragweed and Goldenrod pollen as well as daisiessuch as Sunflower, Dandelion and Chamomile. In addition, there may be a higher risk for food allergies like mustard, , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/mugwort_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/mugwort_closeup.jpg" } } ] } ], "nextPageToken": "CAESdApadHlwZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLm..." }peach, celery and various herbs and spices."
Чтобы получить доступ к странице 2, вставьте в запрос nextPageToken
. Ответ включает в себя nextPageToken
, который затем можно использовать для доступа к третьему дню прогноза.
curl -X GET "https://pollen.googleapis.com/v1/forecast:lookup?key=YOUR_API_KEY&location.longitude=35.32 &location.latitude=32.32 &days=4 &pageSize=1 &pageToken=CAESdApadHlwZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLm..."
В ответе представлена информация о втором дне прогноза пыльцы:
{ "regionCode": "IL", "dailyInfo": [ { "date": { "year": 2023, "month": 7, "day": 15 }, "pollenTypeInfo": [ { "code": "GRASS", "displayName": "Grass", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 2, "category": "Low", "indexDescription": "People with high allergy to pollen are likely to experience symptoms", "color": { "red": 0.5176471, "green": 0.8117647, "blue": 0.2 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "It's a good day for outdoor activities since pollen levels are low.", "Do you know which plants cause your pollen allergy? Check out thepollen data to be prepared." ] }, { "code": "TREE", "displayName": "Tree", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Pollen levels are very low right now. It's a great day to enjoy theoutdoors!" ] }, { "code": "WEED", "displayName": "Weed", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Pollen levels are very low right now. It's a great day to enjoy theoutdoors!" ] } ], "plantInfo": [ { "code": "BIRCH", "displayName": "Birch", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "TREE", "family": "Betulaceae (the Birch family)", "season": "Late winter, spring", "specialColors": "The bark is usually whitish-gray, silver, orsometimes red." , "specialShapes": "Birch leaves are often triangular with jagged edges.The bark on most birch trees has horizontal dark streaks that look like scoring. Birch tree bark is also , "crossReaction": "Alder, Hazel, Hornbeam, Beech, Willow, and Oakwell-known for its paper-like texture and peeling nature." pollen. In addition, there may be a higher risk for food allergies like hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, pears, apples, cherries and carrots." , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/birch_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/birch_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "OLIVE", "displayName": "Olive" }, { "code": "GRAMINALES", "displayName": "Grasses", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 2, "category": "Low", "indexDescription": "People with high allergy to pollen are likelyto experience symptoms" , "color": { "red": 0.5176471, "green": 0.8117647, "blue": 0.2 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "GRASS", "family": "Poaceae", "season": "Late spring, summer", "specialColors": "None", "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate, long and narrow and theleaf margin is smooth." , "crossReaction": "Plantain (Plantago) pollen. In addition, there maybe a higher risk for food allergies like melons, oranges, tomatoes, peanuts, soy, potato, and other legumes." , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/graminales_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/graminales_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "RAGWEED", "displayName": "Ragweed", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 0, "category": "None", "indexDescription": "Pollen levels are very low and are not likelyto trigger allergic reactions" , "color": {} }, "plantDescription": { "type": "WEED", "family": "Asteraceae (the daisy family)", "season": "Late summer, fall", "specialColors": "None", "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate or opposite, divided andlobed. The leaf margin is smooth or serrated." , "crossReaction": "Mugwort and Goldenrod as well as daisies such asSunflower, Dandelion, and Chamomile." , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/ragweed_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/ragweed_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "ALDER", "displayName": "Alder" }, { "code": "MUGWORT", "displayName": "Mugwort", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "WEED", "family": "Asteraceae (the daisy family)", "season": "Late summer, fall", "specialColors": "The leaves are green on the upper side andgray-green on the lower side." , "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate, divided and pinnate.", "crossReaction": "Ragweed and Goldenrod pollen as well as daisiessuch as Sunflower, Dandelion and Chamomile. In addition, there may be a higher risk for food allergies like mustard, , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/mugwort_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/mugwort_closeup.jpg" } } ] } ], "nextPageToken": "CAISdApadHlwZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLm..." }peach, celery and various herbs and spices."
Обозреватель API позволяет вам создавать образцы запросов, чтобы вы могли ознакомиться с API и опциями API.
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