Style a map

Select platform: Android iOS JavaScript

This guide describes ways you can customize the map that is displayed in your Android app when you follow a trip. You can customize the look and feel of the map in the following ways:

Style the map with cloud-based maps styling

Customize the look and feel of the maps component using cloud-based maps styling. You create and edit map styles on the Google Cloud console for any of your apps that use Google Maps, without requiring any changes to your code. For more information, see Cloud-based maps styling.

Both the ConsumerMapView and the ConsumerMapFragment classes support cloud-based maps styling. In order to use cloud-based maps styling, ensure that the selected maps renderer is LATEST. The following sections show examples of how to use cloud-based maps styling with your project.


To use cloud-based maps styling in the ConsumerMapView, set the mapId field on GoogleMapOptions and pass the GoogleMapOptions to getConsumerGoogleMapAsync(ConsumerMapReadyCallback, Fragment, GoogleMapOptions) or getConsumerGoogleMapAsync(ConsumerMapReadyCallback, FragmentActivity, GoogleMapOptions)



public class SampleAppActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    ConsumerMapView mapView = findViewById(;

    if (mapView != null) {
      GoogleMapOptions optionsWithMapId = new GoogleMapOptions().mapId("map-id");
          new ConsumerMapReadyCallback() {
            public void onConsumerMapReady(@NonNull ConsumerGoogleMap consumerGoogleMap) {
              // ...
          /* fragmentActivity= */ this,
          /* googleMapOptions= */ optionsWithMapId);


class SampleAppActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    val mapView = findViewById( as ConsumerMapView

    val optionsWithMapId = GoogleMapOptions().mapId("map-id")
      object : ConsumerGoogleMap.ConsumerMapReadyCallback() {
        override fun onConsumerMapReady(consumerGoogleMap: ConsumerGoogleMap) {
          // ...
      /* fragmentActivity= */ this,
      /* googleMapOptions= */ optionsWithMapId)


There are two ways to use cloud-based maps styling in ConsumerMapFragments:

  • Statically with the XML.
  • Dynamically with newInstance.

Statically with the XML

To use cloud-based maps styling with the XML in the ConsumerMapFragment, add the map:mapId XML attribute with the specified mapId. See the following example:


Dynamically with newInstance

To use cloud-based maps styling with newInstance in ConsumerMapFragment, set the mapId field on GoogleMapOptions and pass the GoogleMapOptions to newInstance. See the following example:


public class SampleFragmentJ extends Fragment {

  public View onCreateView(
      @NonNull LayoutInflater inflater,
      @Nullable ViewGroup container,
      @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    final View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.consumer_map_fragment, container, false);

    GoogleMapOptions optionsWithMapId = new GoogleMapOptions().mapId("map-id");
    ConsumerMapFragment consumerMapFragment = ConsumerMapFragment.newInstance(optionsWithMapId);

        .add(, consumerMapFragment)

        new ConsumerMapReadyCallback() {
          public void onConsumerMapReady(@NonNull ConsumerGoogleMap consumerGoogleMap) {
            // ...

    return view;


class SampleFragment : Fragment() {
  override fun onCreateView(
    inflater: LayoutInflater,
    container: ViewGroup?,
    savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {

    val view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.consumer_map_fragment, container, false)

    val optionsWithMapId = GoogleMapOptions().mapId("map-id")
    val consumerMapFragment = ConsumerMapFragment.newInstance(optionsWithMapId)

      .add(, consumerMapFragment)

      object : ConsumerMapReadyCallback() {
        override fun onConsumerMapReady(consumerGoogleMap: ConsumerGoogleMap) {
          // ...

    return view

Adjust the camera zoom to focus on a trip

During an active trip sharing session, you can handle camera zoom and focus in one of two ways:

  • AutoCamera: If you want to use AutoCamera, you don't have to do anything. The camera follows the trip. For details, see AutoCamera.

  • Customize camera behavior: To customize camera behavior, you must disable AutoCamera and then make your customizations. For details, see Customize camera behavior.

AutoCamera centers the camera

The Consumer SDK provides an AutoCamera feature that is enabled by default on the built-in My Location button for the Maps SDK. The camera zooms to focus on the trip route and the next trip waypoint.

If you want to use AutoCamera, make sure to enable it. For more details, see isAutoCameraEnabled.


For details on the My Location button, see My Location button in the Maps JavaScript API documentation.

Customize camera behavior

For more control of the camera behavior, follow these steps to disable AutoCamera and customize the camera behavior manually.

  1. Disable AutoCamera using ConsumerController.setAutoCameraEnabled().

  2. Get the recommended camera bounds using ConsumerController.getCameraUpdate().

  3. Provide the CameraUpdate as an argument to one of these Android functions:

What's next

Follow a trip in Android