Natural Language

Determinar la opinión expresada en un fragmento de texto

 * Calculates a measure of sentiment for supplied ad text.
 * See:
 * for details on configuring this script.
 * e.g:
 *   initializeOAuthClient();
 *   const sentiment = getAdTextSentiment('Buy our cakes today!');
 * NOTE: This script also requires the OAuth2 library to be pasted at the end,
 * as obtained from
// Service account email, e.g. ''
// Key taken from downloaded JSON key file
const KEY = '-----BEGIN ..... KEY-----\n';

let authUrlFetch;

// Call this function just once, to initialize the OAuth client.
function initializeOAuthClient() {
  if (typeof OAuth2 === 'undefined') {
    const libUrl = '';
    throw Error('OAuth2 library not found. Please take a copy of the OAuth2 ' +
        'library from ' + libUrl + ' and append to the bottom of this script.');
  const tokenUrl = '';
  const scope = '';
  authUrlFetchApp =
      OAuth2.withServiceAccount(tokenUrl, SERVICE_ACCOUNT, KEY, scope);

 * Retrieve the sentiment for a given piece of text.
 * @param {string} adText The text to analyze.
 * @return {Object} The results of the analysis.
function getAdTextSentiment(adText) {
  const body = {
      type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',
      content: adText
    encodingType: 'UTF8'

  // Natural Language API Sentiment URL
  const url =
  const options = {
    method: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    payload: JSON.stringify(body)
  const response = authUrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
  const result = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
  if (result.documentSentiment) {
    // return an object with 'polarity' and 'magnitude' properties.
    return result.documentSentiment;
  throw Error('No sentiment response returned');

// Paste in OAuth2 library here, from:

Extraer las entidades de un fragmento de texto

 * Extracts entities for a piece of text.
 * See:
 * for details on configuring this script.
 * e.g:
 *   initializeOAuthClient();
 *   const entities = getAdTextEntities('Football stadiums in London');
 * NOTE: This script also requires the OAuth2 library to be pasted at the end,
 * as obtained from
// Service account email, e.g. ''
// Key taken from downloaded JSON key file
const KEY = '-----BEGIN ..... KEY-----\n';

let authUrlFetch;

// Call this function just once, to initialize the OAuth client.
function initializeOAuthClient() {
  if (typeof OAuth2 === 'undefined') {
    const libUrl = '';
    throw Error('OAuth2 library not found. Please take a copy of the OAuth2 ' +
        'library from ' + libUrl + ' and append to the bottom of this script.');
  const tokenUrl = '';
  const scope = '';
  authUrlFetchApp =
      OAuth2.withServiceAccount(tokenUrl, SERVICE_ACCOUNT, KEY, scope);

 * Extracts entities for a given piece of text.
 * @param {string} adText The text to analyze.
 * @return {Object} The list of extracted entities.
function getAdTextEntities(adText) {
  const body = {
      type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',
      content: adText
    encodingType: 'UTF8'

  // Natural Language API Sentiment URL
  const url =
  const options = {
    method: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    payload: JSON.stringify(body)
  const response = authUrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
  const result = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
  if (result.entities) {
    // return a list of identified entities
    return result.entities;
  throw Error('No entities response returned');

// Paste in OAuth2 library here, from: