GOES-16 FDCC Series ABI Level 2 Fire/Hot Spot Characterization CONUS
The Fire (HSC) product contains four images: one in the form of a fire mask and the other three with pixel values identifying fire temperature, fire area, and fire radiative power. The ABI L2+ FHS metadata mask assigns a flag to every earth-navigated pixel that … abi climate fdc fire goes goes-16 -
GOES-16 FDCF Series ABI Level 2 Fire/Hot Spot Characterization Full Disk
The Fire (HSC) product contains four images: one in the form of a fire mask and the other three with pixel values identifying fire temperature, fire area, and fire radiative power. The ABI L2+ FHS metadata mask assigns a flag to every earth-navigated pixel that … abi climate fdc fire goes goes-16 -
GOES-16 MCMIPC Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery CONUS
The Cloud and Moisture Imagery products are all at 2km resolution. Bands 1-6 are reflective. The dimensionless "reflectance factor" quantity is normalized by the solar zenith angle. These bands support the characterization of clouds, vegetation, snow/ice, and aerosols. Bands 7-16 are emissive. The brightness temperature … abi climate goes goes-16 goes-east goes-r -
GOES-16 MCMIPF Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery Full Disk
The Cloud and Moisture Imagery products are all at 2km resolution. Bands 1-6 are reflective. The dimensionless "reflectance factor" quantity is normalized by the solar zenith angle. These bands support the characterization of clouds, vegetation, snow/ice, and aerosols. Bands 7-16 are emissive. The brightness temperature … abi climate goes goes-16 goes-east goes-r -
GOES-16 MCMIPM Series ABI Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery Mesoscale
The Cloud and Moisture Imagery products are all at 2km resolution. Bands 1-6 are reflective. The dimensionless "reflectance factor" quantity is normalized by the solar zenith angle. These bands support the characterization of clouds, vegetation, snow/ice, and aerosols. Bands 7-16 are emissive. The brightness temperature … abi climate goes goes-16 goes-east goes-r
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "missingTheInformationINeed",
"label":"Missing the information I need"
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "tooComplicatedTooManySteps",
"label":"Too complicated / too many steps"
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "outOfDate",
"label":"Out of date"
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "samplesCodeIssue",
"label":"Samples / code issue"
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "otherDown",
"type": "thumb-up",
"id": "easyToUnderstand",
"label":"Easy to understand"
"type": "thumb-up",
"id": "solvedMyProblem",
"label":"Solved my problem"
"type": "thumb-up",
"id": "otherUp",