AbortCountExceptionHandler |
Exception handler that is configured with a count of allowable retries before forcing an abort. |
Application<H extends AbstractApplicationHelper, T extends ConnectorContext> |
Main object and access point for the SDK. |
Application.AbstractApplicationHelper<C extends AbstractBuilder<C, T extends ConnectorContext>, S extends AbstractBuilder<S, T>, T> |
Helper class to make our class more testable: factory and util methods
Application.Builder |
Builder object for creating Application instance. |
Application.ShutdownHook |
Runnable implementation to register with addShutdownHook(Thread) . |
AsyncRequest<T> |
Individual batched request wrapper as consumed by add(AsyncRequest) |
AsyncRequest.SettableFutureCallback<T> |
JsonBatchCallback wrapper which updates ListenableFuture associated with
individual batched request. |
BaseApiService<T extends AbstractGoogleJsonClient> |
Base object encapsulating common functionality for interacting with Google APIs such as setting
credentials, request timeouts, error handling and retry etc. |
BaseApiService.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B, T extends AbstractGoogleJsonClient>, T> |
Builder object for creating an instance of BaseApiService . |
BaseApiService.RetryRequestInitializer |
Adds a backoff and retry response and exception handlers to the HttpRequest . |
BatchPolicy |
Policy for flushing batched requests. |
BatchPolicy.Builder |
Builder object for creating an instance of BatchRequest . |
BatchRequestService |
Batch multiple requests. |
BatchRequestService.Builder |
Builder object for creating an instance of BatchRequestService |
BatchRequestService.ExecutorFactoryImpl |
BatchRequestService.ExecutorFactory implementation to get ExecutorService and ScheduledExecutorService instances used by BatchRequestService . |
BatchRequestService.SystemTimeProvider |
BatchRequestService.TimeProvider implementation to get current system time. |
CheckpointCloseableIterableImpl<T> |
CheckpointCloseableIterable implementation which supports lazy initialization of getCheckpoint() value and hasMore() . |
CheckpointCloseableIterableImpl.Builder<T> |
Builder object for CheckpointCloseableIterableImpl |
CheckpointCloseableIterableImpl.CompareCheckpointCloseableIterableRule<T> |
A TestRule to compare two instances of CheckpointCloseableIterable s. |
CloseableIterableOnce<T> |
A CloseableIterable that can be iterated over at most once. |
ConnectorContextImpl |
Context for Connector . |
ConnectorScheduler<T extends ConnectorContext> |
Handles scheduling and execution of connector traversal related tasks. |
ConnectorScheduler.Builder |
Builder for ConnectorScheduler instances. |
ConnectorScheduler.OneAtATimeRunnable |
Runnable implementation which allows only one thread to run given runnable at a time. |
ExponentialBackoffExceptionHandler |
ExceptionHandler implementation that uses exponential backoff before retrying. |
GoogleProxy |
Encapsulates an @{link Proxy} object and the token for proxy authentication. |
GoogleProxy.Builder |
Builder for GoogleProxy . |
GroupIdEncoder |
Helper utility to encode Group identifier in a consistent way between identity and indexing
connectors. |
IgnoreExceptionHandler |
Exception handler that simply ignores all errors. |
LocalFileCredentialFactory |
Factory to create a GoogleCredential object for accessing the Cloud Search API. |
LocalFileCredentialFactory.Builder |
Builder for creating instance of LocalFileCredentialFactory . |
PaginationIterable<T, Q> |
Iterable which handles pagination for iterating over set of objects. |
PaginationIterable.Page<T, Q> |
Represents set of items and optional continuation token to fetch additional items. |
QuotaServer<T extends Enum<T>> |
Utility object to enforce quota requirements. |
QuotaServer.Builder<T extends Enum<T>, K extends QuotaServer<T>> |
Builder for QuotaServer instances. |
RepositoryException.Builder |
Builder for creating RepositoryException |
RetryPolicy |
Object to store policy parameters used for backoff and retry recoverable errors. |
RetryPolicy.Builder |
Builder for creating an instance of RetryPolicy |
RetryPolicy.DefaultBackOffFactoryImpl |
Default factory object used to create an ExponentialBackOff with an initial delay of
1 second(s) and a multiplier of 2. |
StatsManager |
Object used to manage operation execution statistics. |
StatsManager.OperationStats |
Object used to log events, operations, and actions
StatsManager.ResetStatsRule |
TestRule to reset static StatsManager object for unit tests. |
TestProperties |
Common configuration properties for test case classes. |
Util |
Common utility methods for integration tests. |