
A blog is the root data class for the Blogger API. Each blog has a series of posts and pages, and each post has a series of comments

For a list of methods for this resource, see the end of this page.

Resource representations

  "kind": "blogger#blog",
  "id": value,
  "name": value,
  "description": value,
  "published": value,
  "updated": value,
  "url": value,
  "selfLink": value,
  "posts": {
    "totalItems": value,
    "selfLink": value
  "pages": {
    "totalItems": value,
    "selfLink": value
  "locale": {
    "language": value,
    "country": value,
    "variant": value
Property name Value Description Notes
kind string The kind of this entry. Always blogger#blog.
id string The ID for this resource.
name string The name of this blog, which is usually displayed in Blogger as the blog's title. The title can include HTML.
description string The description of this blog, which is usually displayed in Blogger underneath the blog's title. The description can include HTML.
published datetime RFC 3339 date-time when this blog was published, for example "2007-02-09T10:13:10-08:00".
updated datetime RFC 3339 date-time when this blog was last updated, for example "2012-04-15T19:38:01-07:00".
url string The URL where this blog is published.
posts object The container for this blog's posts.
posts.totalItems integer The total number of posts on this blog.
pages object The container for this blog's pages.
pages.totalItems integer The total number of pages for this blog.
locale object The locale this blog is set to, as broken out below.
locale.language string The language this blog is set to, for example "en" for English. string The country variant of the language, for example "US" for American English.
locale.variant string The language variant this blog is set to.
customMetaData string The JSON custom metadata for the blog
posts.items[] list The list of posts for this Blog.


To retrieve a list of blogs that a given user has access rights to, use the blogger.blogs.list method. To retrieve an individual blogs resource, use the blogger.blogs.get method.

Retrieves a blog by its ID.
Retrieves a blog by URL.
Retrieves a list of blogs.