How Google Assistant ranks results from Google Search

In some cases, the best way Assistant can help with your request is to provide results from Google Search. For example, Assistant may show you Search results on phones or other devices with a screen if it thinks you want to see a wider set of results, or if no other response ranks higher.

You can learn more about how Google’s Search ranking algorithms work and the different types of useful responses available from Google Search at How Search Works.

Generally, when Assistant provides results from Google Search, those results are similar to what you would find if you searched for them in Google Search. Assistant applies limited algorithmic adjustments with the aim of providing results that are appropriate and helpful for Assistant users:

  • Assistant may filter out inappropriate and explicit content on shared devices, such as smart displays.

  • Assistant may consider the context of your request, such as your previous queries, as well as the capabilities of your device, and common use patterns on that type of device. For example, more video results may be shown on TVs than phones.