
The Google Apps Script API lets you programmatically create, modify, and deploy Apps Script projects—actions that otherwise require you to use the Apps Script editor. Your apps can use the API to manage your script projects, create and deploy new script versions, and monitor script executions.

The Apps Script API also replaces and extends the Apps Script Execution API. You can use the Apps Script API to execute Apps Script functions remotely, just as you could with the Execution API.

Overview of the API

The Apps Script API is divided into several resources, each with a specific purpose and set of requests you can make. These resources are the following:

  • projects — A representation of a script project. The API provides methods to create, read, monitor, and modify projects.
  • projects.deployments — A representation of a script deployment. The API provides methods to create, list, update, and delete script project deployments.
  • projects.versions — A representation of a script project version. The API provides methods to create and read project versions.
  • processes — A representation of a script function execution. The API provides methods to list existing processes and gather information about them, such as type and current status.
  • scripts — The endpoint that provides methods to remotely execute Apps Script functions.