
Custom events let you add waterfall mediation for an ad network that isn't a supported ad network. You do this by implementing a custom event adapter for the ad network you want to integrate.

You can find a full sample custom event project in our GitHub repo.


Before you can create custom events, you must first integrate one of the following ad format into your app:

Create a custom event in the UI

A custom event must first be created in the AdMob UI. See the instructions in Add a custom event.

You need to supply the following:

Class Name

The fully-qualified name of the class that implements the custom event adapter—for example, SampleCustomEvent; or if your class is implemented in Swift, MediationExample.SampleCustomEventSwift.

Target name is required if you have multiple targets in your project or if the project name is different from the target name. With the target name, it would look like this: appName_targetName.className. In addition, remember to replace any non-alphanumeric characters such as dashes with underscores. Example.


A unique name defining the ad source.


An optional string argument passed to your custom event adapter.

Implement GADMediationAdapter

The first step to creating a custom event is implementing the GADMediationAdapter protocol as shown by the SampleCustomEvent class in our example.

It is the responsibility of this class to receive messages from AdMob and delegate the responsibility of creating the correct ad format.

Initialize the adapter

When the Google Mobile Ads SDK initializes, setUpWithConfiguration:completionHandler: is invoked on all supported third-party adapters and custom events configured for the app within the AdMob UI. Use this method to perform any necessary setup or initialization on the required third-party SDK for your custom event.


import GoogleMobileAds

class SampleCustomEvent: NSObject, GADMediationAdapter {

  static func setUpWith(
    _ configuration: GADMediationServerConfiguration,
    completionHandler: @escaping GADMediationAdapterSetUpCompletionBlock
  ) {
    // This is where you will initialize the SDK that this custom event is built
    // for. Upon finishing the SDK initialization, call the completion handler
    // with success.


#import "SampleCustomEvent.h"

@implementation SampleCustomEvent

+ (void)setUpWithConfiguration:(nonnull GADMediationServerConfiguration *)configuration
             completionHandler:(nonnull GADMediationAdapterSetUpCompletionBlock)completionHandler {
  // This is where you initialize the SDK that this custom event is built
  // for. Upon finishing the SDK initialization, call the completion handler
  // with success.

Report version numbers

All custom events must report to the Google Mobile Ads SDK both the version of the custom event adapter itself and the version of the third-party SDK the custom event interfaces with. Versions are reported as GADVersionNumber objects:


static func adSDKVersion() -> GADVersionNumber {
  let versionComponents = String(SampleSDKVersion).components(
    separatedBy: ".")

  if versionComponents.count >= 3 {
    let majorVersion = Int(versionComponents[0]) ?? 0
    let minorVersion = Int(versionComponents[1]) ?? 0
    let patchVersion = Int(versionComponents[2]) ?? 0

    return GADVersionNumber(
      majorVersion: majorVersion, minorVersion: minorVersion, patchVersion: patchVersion)

  return GADVersionNumber()

static func adapterVersion() -> GADVersionNumber {
  let versionComponents = String(SampleAdSDK.SampleAdSDKVersionNumber).components(
    separatedBy: ".")
  var version = GADVersionNumber()
  if versionComponents.count == 4 {
    version.majorVersion = Int(versionComponents[0]) ?? 0
    version.minorVersion = Int(versionComponents[1]) ?? 0
    version.patchVersion = Int(versionComponents[2]) * 100 + Int(versionComponents[3])
  return version


+ (GADVersionNumber)adSDKVersion {
  NSArray *versionComponents =
      [SampleSDKVersion componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
  GADVersionNumber version = {0};
  if (versionComponents.count >= 3) {
    version.majorVersion = [versionComponents[0] integerValue];
    version.minorVersion = [versionComponents[1] integerValue];
    version.patchVersion = [versionComponents[2] integerValue];
  return version;

+ (GADVersionNumber)adapterVersion {
  NSArray *versionComponents =
      [SampleCustomEventAdapterVersion componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
  GADVersionNumber version = {0};
  if (versionComponents.count == 4) {
    version.majorVersion = [versionComponents[0] integerValue];
    version.minorVersion = [versionComponents[1] integerValue];
    version.patchVersion = [versionComponents[2] integerValue] * 100 +
                           [versionComponents[3] integerValue];
  return version;

Request ad

To request an ad, refer to the instructions specific to the ad format: