Ad Load Errors

When an ad fails to load, there is always a delegate method or completion handler that is called which provides a NSError object.

For a GADBannerView, the following is called:


func bannerView(_ bannerView: GADBannerView, didFailToReceiveAdWithError error: Error)


- (void)bannerView:(nonnull GADBannerView *)bannerView
    didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(nonnull NSError *)error;

Here is a code snippet that illustrates the information available when an ad fails to load:


func bannerView(_ bannerView: GADBannerView, didFailToReceiveAdWithError error: Error) {
    // Gets the domain from which the error came.
    let errorDomain = error.domain
    // Gets the error code. See
    // for a list of possible codes.
    let errorCode = error.code
    // Gets an error message.
    // For example "Account not approved yet". See
    // for explanations of
    // common errors.
    let errorMessage = error.localizedDescription
    // Gets additional response information about the request. See
    // for more information.
    let responseInfo = (error as NSError).userInfo[GADErrorUserInfoKeyResponseInfo] as? GADResponseInfo
    // Gets the underlyingError, if available.
    let underlyingError = (error as NSError).userInfo[NSUnderlyingErrorKey] as? Error
    if let responseInfo = responseInfo {
        print("Received error with domain: \(errorDomain), code: \(errorCode),"
          + "message: \(errorMessage), responseInfo: \(responseInfo),"
          + "underlyingError: \(underlyingError?.localizedDescription ?? "nil")")


- (void)bannerView:(GADBannerView *)bannerView
    didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(NSError *)error {
  // Gets the domain from which the error came.
  NSString *errorDomain = error.domain;
  // Gets the error code. See
  // for a list of possible codes.
  int errorCode = error.code;
  // Gets an error message.
  // For example "Account not approved yet". See
  // for explanations of
  // common errors.
  NSString *errorMessage = error.localizedDescription;
  // Gets additional response information about the request. See
  // for more
  // information.
  GADResponseInfo *responseInfo = error.userInfo[GADErrorUserInfoKeyResponseInfo];
  // Gets the underlyingError, if available.
  NSError *underlyingError = error.userInfo[NSUnderlyingErrorKey];
  NSLog(@"Received error with domain: %@, code: %ld, message: %@, "
        @"responseInfo: %@, underlyingError: %@",
        errorDomain, errorCode, errorMessage, responseInfo,

This information can be used to more accurately determine what caused the ad load to fail. In particular, for errors under the domain GADErrorDomain, the localizedDescription can be looked up in this help center article for a more detailed explanation and possible actions that can be taken to resolve the issue.