The Google Mobile Ads SDK supports fixed ad sizes for situations where adaptive banners ads don't meet your needs.
The following table lists the standard banner sizes.
Size in dp (WxH) | Description | Availability | AdSize constant |
320x50 | Banner | Phones and tablets | GADAdSizeBanner |
320x100 | Large banner | Phones and tablets | GADAdSizeLargeBanner |
300x250 | IAB medium rectangle | Phones and tablets | GADAdSizeMediumRectangle |
468x60 | IAB full-size banner | Tablets | GADAdSizeFullBanner |
728x90 | IAB leaderboard | Tablets | GADAdSizeLeaderboard |
To define a custom banner size, set your size using GADAdSizeFromCGSize
let adSize = adSizeFor(cgSize: CGSize(width: 250, height: 250))
GADAdSize size = GADAdSizeFromCGSize(CGSizeMake(250, 250));
Fixed size banner ads example
Custom ad size
In addition to the standard ad units, Google Ad Manager lets you serve any sized
ad unit into an app. The ad size (width, height) defined for an ad request
should match the dimensions of the ad view (GAMBannerView
) displayed on the
app. To set a custom size, use GADAdSizeFromCGSize
// Define custom GADAdSize of 250x250 for GAMBannerView.
let customAdSize = adSizeFor(cgSize: CGSize(width: 250, height: 250))
bannerView = GAMBannerView(adSize: customAdSize)
// Define custom GADAdSize of 250x250 for GAMBannerView
GADAdSize customAdSize = GADAdSizeFromCGSize(CGSizeMake(250, 250));
self.bannerView = [[GAMBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:customAdSize];
Multiple ad sizes
Ad Manager lets you specify multiple ad sizes which could be eligible to serve
into a GAMBannerView
. There are three steps needed in order to use this
In the Ad Manager UI, create a line item targeting the same ad unit that is associated with different size creatives.
In your app, set the
property onGAMBannerView
// Define an optional array of GADAdSize to specify all valid sizes that are appropriate // for this slot. Never create your own GADAdSize directly. Use one of the // predefined standard ad sizes (such as GADAdSizeBanner), or create one using // the GADAdSizeFromCGSize method. // // Note: Ensure that the allocated GAMBannerView is defined with an ad size. Also note // that all desired sizes should be included in the validAdSizes array. bannerView.validAdSizes = [NSValueFromGADAdSize(AdSizeBanner), NSValueFromGADAdSize(AdSizeMediumRectangle), NSValueFromGADAdSize(adSizeFor(cgSize: CGSize(width: 120, height: 20)))]
// Define an optional array of GADAdSize to specify all valid sizes that are appropriate // for this slot. Never create your own GADAdSize directly. Use one of the // predefined standard ad sizes (such as GADAdSizeBanner), or create one using // the GADAdSizeFromCGSize method. // // Note: Ensure that the allocated GAMBannerView is defined with an ad size. Also note // that all desired sizes should be included in the validAdSizes array. self.bannerView.validAdSizes = @[ NSValueFromGADAdSize(GADAdSizeBanner), NSValueFromGADAdSize(GADAdSizeMediumRectangle), NSValueFromGADAdSize(GADAdSizeFromCGSize(CGSizeMake(120, 20))) ];
Implement the
method to detect an ad size change.Swift
public func bannerView(_ bannerView: BannerView, willChangeAdSizeTo size: AdSize)
- (void)bannerView:(GAMBannerView *)view willChangeAdSizeTo:(GADAdSize)size;
Remember to set the delegate before making the request for an ad.
bannerView.adSizeDelegate = self
self.bannerView.adSizeDelegate = self;