Interface MediaEntry

Serves as the central relational object between the participant, media canvas and meet stream. This object represents media in a Meet call and holds metadata for the media.


interface MediaEntry

Property signatures

Name Description
audioMeetStreamTrack The audio meet stream track associated with this media entry. Contains the webrtc media stream track.
audioMuted Whether this participant muted their audio stream.
isPresenter Whether the current entry is a presenter self-view.
mediaLayout The media layout associated with this media entry.
participant Participant abstraction associated with this media entry. participant is immutable.
screenShare Whether the current entry is a screenshare.
session Participant session name. There should be a one to one mapping of session to Media Entry. You can use this to retrieve additional information about the participant session from the Meet REST API - ParticipantSessions resource
sessionName The session ID of the media entry.
videoMeetStreamTrack The video meet stream track associated with this media entry. Contains the webrtc media stream track.
videoMuted Whether this participant muted their video stream.