Resource summary for TypeScript reference client


Name Description
AnonymousUser An anonymous user in a Meet call.
BaseParticipant Base participant type. Only one of signedInUser, anonymousUser, or phoneUser fields will be set to determine the type of participant.
CanvasDimensions The dimensions of the canvas for video streams.
LogEvent Log event that is propagated to the callback.
MediaApiCommunicationProtocol An abstract communication protocol.
MediaApiCommunicationResponse The response from the communication protocol.
MediaEntry Serves as the central relational object between the participant, media canvas and meet stream. This object represents media in a Meet call and holds metadata for the media.
MediaLayout A Media layout for the Media API Web client. This must be created by the Media API client to be valid. This is used to request a video stream.
MediaLayoutRequest A request for a MediaLayout. This is required to be able to request a video stream.
MeetMediaApiClient Interface for the MeetMediaApiClient. Takes a required configuration and provides a set of subscribables to the client. Takes a MeetMediaClientRequiredConfiguration as a constructor parameter.
MeetMediaClientRequiredConfiguration Required configuration for the MeetMediaApiClient.
MeetStreamTrack An abstraction of a track in a Meet stream. This is used to represent both audio and video tracks and their relationship to Media Entries.
Participant An abstraction that represents a participant in a Meet call. Contains the participant object and the media entries associated with this participant.
PhoneUser A dial-in user in a Meet call.
SignedInUser A signed in user in a Meet call.
Subscribable A helper class that can be used to get and subscribe to updates on a value.

Type aliases

Name Description
LogSourceType List of log source types.