Upload client metrics to the Meet Media API

Google Meet Media API clients must periodically upload client statistics over the media-stats data channel.

The entries required by the Meet Media API are a subset of the statistics gathered by WebRTC, which are accessible by calling the RTCPeerConnection::getStats() method.

Client flow

All Meet Media API clients must implement the following flow.

Initial configuration

After the client opens the media-stats data channel, Meet immediately sends a MediaStatsConfiguration resource update over the channel. This configuration specifies how the client should upload stats.

uploadIntervalSeconds Specifies how frequently the Meet Media API client should upload statistics, or zero if the client shouldn't upload any.
allowlist Specifies which RTCPeerConnection::getStats() entries the client should upload.

Stats upload

While connected to a conference, the Meet Media API client must:

  1. Call the RTCPeerConnection::getStats() method at the interval specified by uploadIntervalSeconds.

  2. Filter the resulting stats object down to the fields specified by allowlist.

  3. Upload the filtered stats by sending a UploadMediaStatsRequest across the media-stats data channel.