function getAllShoppingCampaigns() {
// AdsApp.shoppingCampaigns() will return all campaigns that are not removed
// by default.
const campaignIterator = AdsApp.shoppingCampaigns().get();
console.log(`Total shopping campaigns found : ${
return campaignIterator;
function getShoppingCampaignByName(shoppingCampaignName) {
const campaignIterator = AdsApp.shoppingCampaigns()
.withCondition(` = "${shoppingCampaignName}"`)
if (campaignIterator.hasNext()) {
const campaign =;
console.log(`Campaign Name: ${campaign.getName()}`);
console.log(`Enabled: ${campaign.isEnabled()}`);
console.log(`Bidding strategy: ${campaign.getBiddingStrategyType()}`);
console.log(`Ad rotation: ${campaign.getAdRotationType()}`);
console.log(`Start date: ${formatDate(campaign.getStartDate())}`);
console.log(`End date: ${formatDate(campaign.getEndDate())}`);
return campaign;
} else {
throw new Error(
`No shopping campaign named "${shoppingCampaignName}" found`);
function formatDate(date) {
function zeroPad(number) {
return Utilities.formatString('%02d', number);
return (date == null) ?
'None' :
zeroPad(date.year) + zeroPad(date.month) + zeroPad(;
function getShoppingAdGroupByName(shoppingAdGroupName) {
const adGroupIterator = AdsApp.shoppingAdGroups()
.withCondition(` = "${shoppingAdGroupName}"`)
if (!adGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
throw new Error(`No ad group with name "${shoppingAdGroupName}" found`);
const shoppingAdGroup =;
if (adGroupIterator.totalNumEntities() > 1) {
console.warn(`Multiple ad groups named "${shoppingAdGroupName}" found.
Using the one from campaign "${shoppingAdGroup.getCampaign().getName()}"`);
return shoppingAdGroup;
function createElectronicsShoppingAdGroup() {
// This example snippet assumes a user has a shopping campaign named
// 'Shopping' and creates a new ad group named 'Electronics' in the campaign.
// Please customize the snippet to suit your use case.
const shoppingCampaignName = 'Shopping';
const newAdGroupName = 'Electronics';
const shoppingCampaign = AdsApp.shoppingCampaigns()
.withCondition(` = "${shoppingCampaignName}"`)
const adGroupOperation = shoppingCampaign.newAdGroupBuilder()
if (adGroupOperation.isSuccessful()) {
const adGroup = adGroupOperation.getResult();
console.log(`Successfully created ad group "${
adGroup.getName()}" in campaign "${adGroup.getCampaign().getName()}"`);
} else {
const errors = adGroupOperation.getErrors();
console.error(`Creation failed with errors: ${errors}`);
throw new Error(`Failed to create ad group "${
newAdGroupName}" in campaign "${shoppingCampaignName}"`);
function createElectronicsProductGroups() {
// This example snippet assumes a user has a shopping campaign named
// 'Shopping' that includes an ad group named 'Electronics'. Please customize
// the product group hierarchy to suit your use case.
const shoppingCampaignName = 'Shopping';
const shoppingAdGroupName = 'Electronics';
const shoppingAdGroup = AdsApp.shoppingAdGroups()
.withCondition(` = "${shoppingCampaignName}"`)
.withCondition(` = "${shoppingAdGroupName}"`)
const rootProductGroup = shoppingAdGroup.rootProductGroup();
// The created product group hierarchy will be
// - root
// - 'Cardcow' brand
// - New condition
// - Refurbished condition
// - Other conditions
// - Other brands
// Add a brand product group for 'Cardcow' under the root product group.
const brandNode = rootProductGroup.newChild()
// Add groups for new and refurbished Cardcow brand items.
const newItems = brandNode.newChild()
const refurbishedItems = brandNode.newChild()
function actOnAllElectronicsProductGroups() {
// This example snippet assumes a user has a hierarchy of product groups under
// an ad group named 'Electronics' in a shopping campaign named 'Shopping'. It
// applies the function 'actOnProductGroupAndChildren' to each product group
// in the hierarchy. Please customize the 'actOnProductGroupAndChildren'
// function to suit your specific use case.
const shoppingCampaignName = 'Shopping';
const shoppingAdGroupName = 'Electronics';
const shoppingAdGroup = AdsApp.shoppingAdGroups()
.withCondition(` = "${shoppingCampaignName}"`)
.withCondition(` = "${shoppingAdGroupName}"`)
const rootProductGroup = shoppingAdGroup.rootProductGroup();
actOnProductGroupAndChildren(rootProductGroup, 0);
function actOnProductGroupAndChildren(productGroup, level) {
// This example function logs descriptive information about the given
// productGroup and all children of the given productGroup. Please customize
// the function to suit your particular use case.
let description = '';
if (productGroup.isOtherCase()) {
description = 'Other';
} else if (productGroup.getDimension() == 'CATEGORY') {
description = productGroup.asCategory().getName();
} else {
description = productGroup.getValue();
// Note: Child product groups may not have a max cpc if it has been excluded.
const padding = new Array(level + 1).join('-');
'%s %s, %s, %s, %s, %s', padding, description,
productGroup.getDimension(), productGroup.getMaxCpc(),
productGroup.isOtherCase(), productGroup.getId().toFixed());
for (const childProductGroup of productGroup.children()) {
actOnProductGroupAndChildren(childProductGroup, level + 1);
function getEverythingElseProductGroupForAdGroup(shoppingAdGroupName) {
const adGroupIterator = AdsApp.shoppingAdGroups()
.withCondition(` = "${shoppingAdGroupName}"`)
if (!adGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
throw new Error(`No ad group with name "${shoppingAdGroupName}" found`);
const shoppingAdGroup =;
if (adGroupIterator.totalNumEntities() > 1) {
console.warn(`Multiple ad groups named "${shoppingAdGroupName}" found.
Using the one from campaign "${shoppingAdGroup.getCampaign().getName()}"`);
const rootProductGroup = shoppingAdGroup.rootProductGroup();
for (const childProductGroup of rootProductGroup.children()) {
if (childProductGroup.isOtherCase()) {
// Note: Child product groups may not have a max cpc if it has been
// excluded.
`"Everything else" product group found. Type of the product group is ${
childProductGroup.getDimension()} and bid is ${
return childProductGroup;
'"Everything else" product group not found under root product group.');
return null;
function updateVariousProductGroupBids() {
// This example snippet modifies the bids of some product groups based on
// criteria. Please modify the snippet to suit your use case.
const productGroups = AdsApp.productGroups()
.withCondition('Clicks > 5')
.withCondition('Ctr > 0.01')
for (const productGroup of productGroups) {
productGroup.setMaxCpc(productGroup.getMaxCpc() + 0.01);
function getProductAdsInShoppingAdGroup(shoppingAdGroupName) {
const adGroupIterator = AdsApp.shoppingAdGroups()
.withCondition(` = "${shoppingAdGroupName}"`)
if (!adGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
throw new Error(`No ad group with name "${shoppingAdGroupName}" found`);
const shoppingAdGroup =;
if (adGroupIterator.totalNumEntities() > 1) {
console.warn(`Multiple ad groups named "${shoppingAdGroupName}" found.
Using the one from campaign "${shoppingAdGroup.getCampaign().getName()}"`);
const productAdIterator =;
console.log(`Ad Group "${shoppingAdGroup.getName()}" has ${
productAdIterator.totalNumEntities()} ads`);
return productAdIterator;
function createElectronicsProductAd() {
// This example snippet assumes a user has a shopping campaign named
// 'Shopping' that includes an ad group named 'Electronics'. Please customize
// the snippet to suit your use case.
const shoppingCampaignName = 'Shopping';
const shoppingAdGroupName = 'Electronics';
const shoppingAdGroup = AdsApp.shoppingAdGroups()
.withCondition(` = "${shoppingCampaignName}"`)
.withCondition(` = "${shoppingAdGroupName}"`)
const adOperation =
if (adOperation.isSuccessful()) {
const productAd = adOperation.getResult();
console.log(`Successfully created product ad in ad group "${
} else {
const errors = adOperation.getErrors();
console.error(`Creation failed with errors: ${errors}`);
throw new Error(
`Failed to create product ad in ad group "${shoppingAdGroupName}"`);