Google Ads Query Builder

The interactive Google Ads Query Language query builder is organized by the resource in the FROM clause of a query. To begin building a query, choose a resource from the list below:

You can also manually enter and validate queries using the Query Validator.

List of all resources

Resource types
accessible_bidding_strategy Represents a view of BiddingStrategies owned by and shared with the customer. In contrast to BiddingStrategy, this resource includes strategies owned by managers of the customer and shared with this customer - in addition to strategies owned by this customer. This resource does not provide metrics and only exposes a limited subset of the BiddingStrategy attributes.
account_budget An account-level budget. It contains information about the budget itself, as well as the most recently approved changes to the budget and proposed changes that are pending approval. The proposed changes that are pending approval, if any, are found in 'pending_proposal'. Effective details about the budget are found in fields prefixed 'approved_', 'adjusted_' and those without a prefix. Since some effective details may differ from what the user had originally requested (for example, spending limit), these differences are juxtaposed through 'proposed_', 'approved_', and possibly 'adjusted_' fields. This resource is mutated using AccountBudgetProposal and cannot be mutated directly. A budget may have at most one pending proposal at any given time. It is read through pending_proposal. Once approved, a budget may be subject to adjustments, such as credit adjustments. Adjustments create differences between the 'approved' and 'adjusted' fields, which would otherwise be identical.
account_budget_proposal An account-level budget proposal. All fields prefixed with 'proposed' may not necessarily be applied directly. For example, proposed spending limits may be adjusted before their application. This is true if the 'proposed' field has an 'approved' counterpart, for example, spending limits. Note that the proposal type (proposal_type) changes which fields are required and which must remain empty.
account_link Represents the data sharing connection between a Google Ads account and another account
ad An ad.
ad_group An ad group.
ad_group_ad An ad group ad.
ad_group_ad_asset_combination_view A view on the usage of ad group ad asset combination. Now we only support AdGroupAdAssetCombinationView for Responsive Search Ads, with more ad types planned for the future.
ad_group_ad_asset_view A link between an AdGroupAd and an Asset. Currently we only support AdGroupAdAssetView for AppAds and Responsive Search Ads.
ad_group_ad_label A relationship between an ad group ad and a label.
ad_group_asset A link between an ad group and an asset.
ad_group_asset_set AdGroupAssetSet is the linkage between an ad group and an asset set. Creating an AdGroupAssetSet links an asset set with an ad group.
ad_group_audience_view An ad group audience view. Includes performance data from interests and remarketing lists for Display Network and YouTube Network ads, and remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA), aggregated at the audience level.
ad_group_bid_modifier Represents an ad group bid modifier.
ad_group_criterion An ad group criterion. The ad_group_criterion report only returns criteria that were explicitly added to the ad group.
ad_group_criterion_customizer A customizer value for the associated CustomizerAttribute at the AdGroupCriterion level.
ad_group_criterion_label A relationship between an ad group criterion and a label.
ad_group_criterion_simulation An ad group criterion simulation. Supported combinations of advertising channel type, criterion type, simulation type, and simulation modification method are detailed below respectively. Hotel AdGroupCriterion simulation operations starting in V5. 1. DISPLAY - KEYWORD - CPC_BID - UNIFORM 2. SEARCH - KEYWORD - CPC_BID - UNIFORM 3. SHOPPING - LISTING_GROUP - CPC_BID - UNIFORM 4. HOTEL - LISTING_GROUP - CPC_BID - UNIFORM 5. HOTEL - LISTING_GROUP - PERCENT_CPC_BID - UNIFORM
ad_group_customizer A customizer value for the associated CustomizerAttribute at the AdGroup level.
ad_group_extension_setting An ad group extension setting.
ad_group_feed An ad group feed.
ad_group_label A relationship between an ad group and a label.
ad_group_simulation An ad group simulation. Supported combinations of advertising channel type, simulation type and simulation modification method is detailed below respectively. 1. SEARCH - CPC_BID - DEFAULT 2. SEARCH - CPC_BID - UNIFORM 3. SEARCH - TARGET_CPA - UNIFORM 4. SEARCH - TARGET_ROAS - UNIFORM 5. DISPLAY - CPC_BID - DEFAULT 6. DISPLAY - CPC_BID - UNIFORM 7. DISPLAY - TARGET_CPA - UNIFORM
ad_parameter An ad parameter that is used to update numeric values (such as prices or inventory levels) in any text line of an ad (including URLs). There can be a maximum of two AdParameters per ad group criterion. (One with parameter_index = 1 and one with parameter_index = 2.) In the ad the parameters are referenced by a placeholder of the form "{param#:value}". For example, "{param1:$17}"
ad_schedule_view An ad schedule view summarizes the performance of campaigns by AdSchedule criteria.
age_range_view An age range view.
android_privacy_shared_key_google_ad_group An Android privacy shared key view for Google ad group key.
android_privacy_shared_key_google_campaign An Android privacy shared key view for Google campaign key.
android_privacy_shared_key_google_network_type An Android privacy shared key view for Google network type key.
asset Asset is a part of an ad which can be shared across multiple ads. It can be an image (ImageAsset), a video (YoutubeVideoAsset), etc. Assets are immutable and cannot be removed. To stop an asset from serving, remove the asset from the entity that is using it.
asset_field_type_view An asset field type view. This view reports non-overcounted metrics for each asset field type when the asset is used as extension.
asset_group An asset group. AssetGroupAsset is used to link an asset to the asset group. AssetGroupSignal is used to associate a signal to an asset group.
asset_group_asset AssetGroupAsset is the link between an asset and an asset group. Adding an AssetGroupAsset links an asset with an asset group.
asset_group_listing_group_filter AssetGroupListingGroupFilter represents a listing group filter tree node in an asset group.
asset_group_product_group_view An asset group product group view.
asset_group_signal AssetGroupSignal represents a signal in an asset group. The existence of a signal tells the performance max campaign who's most likely to convert. Performance Max uses the signal to look for new people with similar or stronger intent to find conversions across Search, Display, Video, and more.
asset_group_top_combination_view A view on the usage of ad group ad asset combination.
asset_set An asset set representing a collection of assets. Use AssetSetAsset to link an asset to the asset set.
asset_set_asset AssetSetAsset is the link between an asset and an asset set. Adding an AssetSetAsset links an asset with an asset set.
asset_set_type_view An asset set type view. This view reports non-overcounted metrics for each asset set type. Child asset set types are not included in this report. Their stats are aggregated under the parent asset set type.
audience Audience is an effective targeting option that lets you intersect different segment attributes, such as detailed demographics and affinities, to create audiences that represent sections of your target segments.
batch_job A list of mutates being processed asynchronously. The mutates are uploaded by the user. The mutates themselves aren't readable and the results of the job can only be read using BatchJobService.ListBatchJobResults.
bidding_data_exclusion Represents a bidding data exclusion. See "About data exclusions" at
bidding_seasonality_adjustment Represents a bidding seasonality adjustment. See "About seasonality adjustments" at
bidding_strategy A bidding strategy.
bidding_strategy_simulation A bidding strategy simulation. Supported combinations of simulation type and simulation modification method are detailed below respectively. 1. TARGET_CPA - UNIFORM 2. TARGET_ROAS - UNIFORM
billing_setup A billing setup, which associates a payments account and an advertiser. A billing setup is specific to one advertiser.
call_view A call view that includes data for call tracking of call-only ads or call extensions.
campaign A campaign.
campaign_aggregate_asset_view A campaign-level aggregate asset view that shows where the asset is linked, performamce of the asset and stats.
campaign_asset A link between a Campaign and an Asset.
campaign_asset_set CampaignAssetSet is the linkage between a campaign and an asset set. Adding a CampaignAssetSet links an asset set with a campaign.
campaign_audience_view A campaign audience view. Includes performance data from interests and remarketing lists for Display Network and YouTube Network ads, and remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA), aggregated by campaign and audience criterion. This view only includes audiences attached at the campaign level.
campaign_bid_modifier Represents a bid-modifiable only criterion at the campaign level.
campaign_budget A campaign budget shared amongst various budget recommendation types.
campaign_conversion_goal The biddability setting for the specified campaign only for all conversion actions with a matching category and origin.
campaign_criterion A campaign criterion.
campaign_customizer A customizer value for the associated CustomizerAttribute at the Campaign level.
campaign_draft A campaign draft.
campaign_extension_setting A campaign extension setting.
campaign_feed A campaign feed.
campaign_group A campaign group.
campaign_label Represents a relationship between a campaign and a label.
campaign_lifecycle_goal Campaign level customer lifecycle goal settings.
campaign_search_term_insight A Campaign search term view. Historical data is available starting March 2023.
campaign_shared_set CampaignSharedSets are used for managing the shared sets associated with a campaign.
carrier_constant A carrier criterion that can be used in campaign targeting.
change_event Describes the granular change of returned resources of certain resource types. Changes made through the UI or API in the past 30 days are included. Previous and new values of the changed fields are shown. ChangeEvent could have up to 3 minutes delay to reflect a new change.
change_status Describes the status of returned resource. ChangeStatus could have up to 3 minutes delay to reflect a new change.
channel_aggregate_asset_view A channel-level aggregate asset view that shows where the asset is linked, performamce of the asset and stats.
click_view A click view with metrics aggregated at each click level, including both valid and invalid clicks. For non-Search campaigns, metrics.clicks represents the number of valid and invalid interactions. Queries including ClickView must have a filter limiting the results to one day and can be requested for dates back to 90 days before the time of the request.
combined_audience Describe a resource for combined audiences which includes different audiences.
content_criterion_view A content criterion view.
conversion_action A conversion action.
conversion_custom_variable A conversion custom variable See "About custom variables for conversions" at
conversion_goal_campaign_config Conversion goal settings for a Campaign.
conversion_value_rule A conversion value rule
conversion_value_rule_set A conversion value rule set
currency_constant A currency constant.
custom_audience A custom audience. This is a list of users by interest.
custom_conversion_goal Custom conversion goal that can make arbitrary conversion actions biddable.
custom_interest A custom interest. This is a list of users by interest.
customer A customer.
customer_asset A link between a customer and an asset.
customer_asset_set CustomerAssetSet is the linkage between a customer and an asset set. Adding a CustomerAssetSet links an asset set with a customer.
customer_client A link between the given customer and a client customer. CustomerClients only exist for manager customers. All direct and indirect client customers are included, as well as the manager itself.
customer_client_link Represents customer client link relationship.
customer_conversion_goal Biddability control for conversion actions with a matching category and origin.
customer_customizer A customizer value for the associated CustomizerAttribute at the Customer level.
customer_extension_setting A customer extension setting.
customer_feed A customer feed.
customer_label Represents a relationship between a customer and a label. This customer may not have access to all the labels attached to it. Additional CustomerLabels may be returned by increasing permissions with login-customer-id.
customer_lifecycle_goal Account level customer lifecycle goal settings.
customer_manager_link Represents customer-manager link relationship.
customer_negative_criterion A negative criterion for exclusions at the customer level.
customer_search_term_insight A Customer search term view. Historical data is available starting March 2023.
customer_user_access Represents the permission of a single user onto a single customer.
customer_user_access_invitation Represent an invitation to a new user on this customer account.
customizer_attribute A customizer attribute. Use CustomerCustomizer, CampaignCustomizer, AdGroupCustomizer, or AdGroupCriterionCustomizer to associate a customizer attribute and set its value at the customer, campaign, ad group, or ad group criterion level, respectively.
data_link Represents the data sharing connection between a Google Ads customer and another product's data.
detail_placement_view A view with metrics aggregated by ad group and URL or YouTube video.
detailed_demographic A detailed demographic: a particular interest-based vertical to be targeted to reach users based on long-term life facts.
display_keyword_view A display keyword view.
distance_view A distance view with metrics aggregated by the user's distance from an advertiser's location extensions. Each DistanceBucket includes all impressions that fall within its distance and a single impression will contribute to the metrics for all DistanceBuckets that include the user's distance.
domain_category A category generated automatically by crawling a domain. If a campaign uses the DynamicSearchAdsSetting, then domain categories will be generated for the domain. The categories can be targeted using WebpageConditionInfo. See:
dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view A dynamic search ads search term view.
expanded_landing_page_view A landing page view with metrics aggregated at the expanded final URL level.
experiment A Google ads experiment for users to experiment changes on multiple campaigns, compare the performance, and apply the effective changes.
experiment_arm A Google ads experiment for users to experiment changes on multiple campaigns, compare the performance, and apply the effective changes.
extension_feed_item An extension feed item.
feed A feed.
feed_item A feed item.
feed_item_set Represents a set of feed items. The set can be used and shared among certain feed item features. For instance, the set can be referenced within the matching functions of CustomerFeed, CampaignFeed, and AdGroupFeed.
feed_item_set_link Represents a link between a FeedItem and a FeedItemSet.
feed_item_target A feed item target.
feed_mapping A feed mapping.
feed_placeholder_view A feed placeholder view.
gender_view A gender view. The gender_view resource reflects the effective serving state, rather than what criteria were added. An ad group without gender criteria by default shows to all genders, so all genders appear in gender_view with stats.
geo_target_constant A geo target constant.
geographic_view A geographic view. Geographic View includes all metrics aggregated at the country level, one row per country. It reports metrics at either actual physical location of the user or an area of interest. If other segment fields are used, you may get more than one row per country.
group_placement_view A group placement view.
hotel_group_view A hotel group view.
hotel_performance_view A hotel performance view.
hotel_reconciliation A hotel reconciliation. It contains conversion information from Hotel bookings to reconcile with advertiser records. These rows may be updated or canceled before billing through Bulk Uploads.
income_range_view An income range view.
keyword_plan A Keyword Planner plan. Max number of saved keyword plans: 10000. It's possible to remove plans if limit is reached.
keyword_plan_ad_group A Keyword Planner ad group. Max number of keyword plan ad groups per plan: 200.
keyword_plan_ad_group_keyword A Keyword Plan ad group keyword. Max number of keyword plan keywords per plan: 10000.
keyword_plan_campaign A Keyword Plan campaign. Max number of keyword plan campaigns per plan allowed: 1.
keyword_plan_campaign_keyword A Keyword Plan Campaign keyword. Only negative keywords are supported for Campaign Keyword.
keyword_theme_constant A Smart Campaign keyword theme constant.
keyword_view A keyword view.
label A label.
landing_page_view A landing page view with metrics aggregated at the unexpanded final URL level.
language_constant A language.
lead_form_submission_data Data from lead form submissions.
life_event A life event: a particular interest-based vertical to be targeted to reach users when they are in the midst of important life milestones.
local_services_employee A local services employee resource.
local_services_lead Data from Local Services Lead. Contains details of Lead which is generated when user calls, messages or books service from advertiser. More info:
local_services_lead_conversation Data from Local Services Lead Conversation. Contains details of Lead Conversation which is generated when user calls, messages or books service from advertiser. These are appended to a Lead. More info:
local_services_verification_artifact A local services verification resource.
location_view A location view summarizes the performance of campaigns by a Location criterion. If no Location criterion is set, no results are returned; instead, use geographic_view or user_location_view for visitor location data.
managed_placement_view A managed placement view.
media_file A media file.
mobile_app_category_constant A mobile application category constant.
mobile_device_constant A mobile device constant.
offline_conversion_upload_client_summary Offline conversion upload summary at customer level.
offline_conversion_upload_conversion_action_summary Offline conversion upload summary at conversion action level.
offline_user_data_job A job containing offline user data of store visitors, or user list members that will be processed asynchronously. The uploaded data isn't readable and the processing results of the job can only be read using GoogleAdsService.Search/SearchStream.
operating_system_version_constant A mobile operating system version or a range of versions, depending on operator_type. List of available mobile platforms at
paid_organic_search_term_view A paid organic search term view providing a view of search stats across ads and organic listings aggregated by search term at the ad group level.
parental_status_view A parental status view.
per_store_view A per store view. This view provides per store impression reach and local action conversion stats for advertisers.
performance_max_placement_view A view with impression metrics for Performance Max campaign placements.
product_category_constant A Product Category.
product_group_view A product group view.
product_link Represents the data sharing connection between a Google Ads customer and another product.
product_link_invitation Represents an invitation for data sharing connection between a Google Ads account and another account.
qualifying_question Qualifying Questions for Lead Form.
recommendation A recommendation.
recommendation_subscription Recommendation Subscription resource
remarketing_action A remarketing action. A snippet of JavaScript code that will collect the product id and the type of page people visited (product page, shopping cart page, purchase page, general site visit) on an advertiser's website.
search_term_view A search term view with metrics aggregated by search term at the ad group level.
shared_criterion A criterion belonging to a shared set.
shared_set SharedSets are used for sharing criterion exclusions across multiple campaigns.
shopping_performance_view Shopping performance view. Provides Shopping campaign statistics aggregated at several product dimension levels. Product dimension values from Merchant Center such as brand, category, custom attributes, product condition and product type will reflect the state of each dimension as of the date and time when the corresponding event was recorded.
shopping_product A shopping product from Google Merchant Center that can be advertised by campaigns. The resource returns currently existing products from Google Merchant Center accounts linked with the customer. A campaign includes a product by specifying its merchant id (or, if available, the Multi Client Account id of the merchant) in the ShoppingSetting, and can limit the inclusion to products having a specified feed label. Standard Shopping campaigns can also limit the inclusion through a campaign_criterion.listing_scope. Queries to this resource specify a scope: Account: - Filters on campaigns or ad groups are not specified. - All products from the linked Google Merchant Center accounts are returned. - Metrics and some fields (see the per-field documentation) are aggregated across all Shopping and Performance Max campaigns that include a product. Campaign: - An equality filter on campaign is specified. Supported campaign types are Shopping, Performance Max, Demand Gen, Video. - Only products that are included by the specified campaign are returned. - Metrics and some fields (see the per-field documentation) are restricted to the specified campaign. Ad group: - An equality filter on ad group and campaign is specified. Supported campaign types are Shopping, Demand Gen, Video. - Only products that are included by the specified campaign are returned. - Metrics and some fields (see the per-field documentation) are restricted to the specified ad group. Note that segmentation by date segments is not permitted and will return UNSUPPORTED_DATE_SEGMENTATION error. On the other hand, filtering on date segments is allowed.
smart_campaign_search_term_view A Smart campaign search term view.
smart_campaign_setting Settings for configuring Smart campaigns.
third_party_app_analytics_link A data sharing connection, allowing the import of third party app analytics into a Google Ads Customer.
topic_constant Use topics to target or exclude placements in the Google Display Network based on the category into which the placement falls (for example, "Pets & Animals/Pets/Dogs").
topic_view A topic view.
travel_activity_group_view A travel activity group view.
travel_activity_performance_view A travel activity performance view.
user_interest A user interest: a particular interest-based vertical to be targeted.
user_list A user list. This is a list of users a customer may target.
user_list_customer_type A user list customer type
user_location_view A user location view. User Location View includes all metrics aggregated at the country level, one row per country. It reports metrics at the actual physical location of the user by targeted or not targeted location. If other segment fields are used, you may get more than one row per country.
video A video.
webpage_view A webpage view.