YCEO Surface Urban Heat Islands: Spatially-Averaged Monthly Composites of Daytime and Nighttime Intensity

Dataset Availability
Dataset Provider
Earth Engine Snippet


This dataset contains annual, summertime, and wintertime surface urban heat island (SUHI) intensities for day and night for over 10,000 urban clusters throughout the world. The dataset was created using the MODIS 8-day TERRA and AQUA land surface temperature (LST) products, the Landscan urban extent database, the Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010, and the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) land cover data using the Simplified Urban-Extent Algorithm. The product is available both at the pixel level (at 300 m resolution after downscaling) and as urban cluster means from 2003 to 2018. The monthly composites are only available as urban cluster means.

A summary of older versions, including changes from the dataset created and analyzed in the originally published manuscript can be found on the Yale Center for Earth Observation website. The dataset can also be explored using the Global Surface UHI Explorer web application.

The dataset is split into the following six components:

  1. UHI_all_averaged: Image containing cluster-mean composite daytime and nighttime SUHI intensity for annual, summer, and winter.

  2. UHI_monthly_averaged: Image containing cluster-mean monthly composites of daytime and nighttime SUHI intensity.

  3. UHI_yearly_averaged: Image collection of cluster-mean yearly composites of daytime and nighttime SUHI intensity from 2003. to 2018.

  4. UHI_yearly_pixel: Image collection of spatially disaggregated (nominal scale of 300 m) annual daytime and nighttime SUHI intensity from 2003 to 2018.

  5. Summer_UHI_yearly_pixel: Image collection of spatially disaggregated (nominal scale of 300 m) summertime daytime and nighttime SUHI intensity from 2003 to 2018.

  6. Winter_UHI_yearly_pixel: Image collection of spatially disaggregated (nominal scale of 300 m) wintertime daytime and nighttime SUHI intensity from 2003 to 2018.

This asset is the second component.


Pixel Size
300 meters


Name Units Description
Jan_day_UHI °C

January Daytime UHI

Jan_night_UHI °C

January Nighttime UHI

Feb_day_UHI °C

February Daytime UHI

Feb_night_UHI °C

February Nighttime UHI

Mar_day_UHI °C

March Daytime UHI

Mar_night_UHI °C

March Nighttime UHI

Apr_day_UHI °C

April Daytime UHI

Apr_night_UHI °C

April Nighttime UHI

May_day_UHI °C

May Daytime UHI

May_night_UHI °C

May Nighttime UHI

Jun_day_UHI °C

June Daytime UHI

Jun_night_UHI °C

June Nighttime UHI

Jul_day_UHI °C

July Daytime UHI

Jul_night_UHI °C

July Nighttime UHI

Aug_day_UHI °C

August Daytime UHI

Aug_night_UHI °C

August Nighttime UHI

Sep_day_UHI °C

September Daytime UHI

Sep_night_UHI °C

September Nighttime UHI

Oct_day_UHI °C

October Daytime UHI

Oct_night_UHI °C

October Nighttime UHI

Nov_day_UHI °C

November Daytime UHI

Nov_night_UHI °C

November Nighttime UHI

Dec_day_UHI °C

December Daytime UHI

Dec_night_UHI °C

December Nighttime UHI

Terms of Use

Terms of Use



  • Chakraborty, T., & Lee, X. (2019). A simplified urban-extent algorithm to characterize surface urban heat islands on a global scale and examine vegetation control on their spatiotemporal variability. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 74, 269-280. doi:10.1016/j.jag.2018.09.015

Explore with Earth Engine

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var dataset = ee.Image('YALE/YCEO/UHI/UHI_monthly_averaged/v4');

var visualization = {
  bands: ['Jan_day_UHI'],
  min: -1.5,
  max: 7.5,
  palette: [
    '313695', '74add1', 'fed976', 'feb24c', 'fd8d3c', 'fc4e2a', 'e31a1c',

Map.setCenter(-74.7, 40.6, 7);

Map.addLayer(dataset, visualization, 'January Daytime UHI');
Open in Code Editor