USDA NASS Cropland Data Layers

Dataset Availability
Dataset Provider
Earth Engine Snippet
1 Year
crop landcover usda


The Cropland Data Layer (CDL) is a crop-specific land cover data layer created annually for the continental United States using moderate resolution satellite imagery and extensive agricultural ground truth. The CDL is created by the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Research and Development Division, Geospatial Information Branch, Spatial Analysis Research Section.

For detailed FAQ please visit CropScape and Cropland Data Layers - FAQs.

To explore details about the classification accuracies and utility of the data, see state-level omission and commission errors by crop type and year.

The asset date is aligned with the calendar year of harvest. For most crops the planted and harvest year are the same. Some exceptions: winter wheat is unique, as it is planted in the prior year. A hay crop like alfalfa could have been planted years prior.

For winter wheat the data also have a class called "Double Crop Winter Wheat/Soybeans". Some mid-latitude areas of the US have conditions such that a second crop (usually soybeans) can be planted immediately after the harvest of winter wheat and itself still be harvested within the same year. So for mapping winter wheat areas use both classes (use both values 24 and 26).

While the CDL date is aligned with year of harvest, the map itself is more representative of what was planted. In other words, a small percentage of fields on a given year will not be harvested.

Some non-agricultural categories are duplicate due to two very different epochs in methodology.

The non-ag codes 63-65 and 81-88 are holdovers from the older methodology and will only appear in CDLs from 2007 and earlier. The non-ag codes from 111-195 are from the current methodology which uses the USGS NLCD as non-ag training and will only appear in CDLs 2007 and newer.

2007 was a transition year so there may be both sets of categories in the 2007 national product but will not appear within the same state.


Pixel Size
30 meters


Name Min Max Description
cropland 1 254

Main crop-specific land cover classification.

cultivated 1 2

Classification layer for identifying cultivated and non-cultivated land cover. Available from 2013 to 2017.

confidence 0 100

Per-pixel predicted confidence of the given classification, with 0 being the least confident and 100 the most confident. Available from 2008 to 2017 (Note: Confidence for Florida and Washington D.C. is unavailable for 2010).

cropland Class Table

Value Color Description
0 #000000 Background
1 #ffd400 Corn
2 #ff2626 Cotton
3 #00a9e6 Rice
4 #ff9e0f Sorghum
5 #267300 Soybeans
6 #ffff00 Sunflower
10 #70a800 Peanuts
11 #00af4d Tobacco
12 #e0a60f Sweet Corn
13 #e0a60f Pop or Orn Corn
14 #80d4ff Mint
21 #e2007f Barley
22 #8a6453 Durum Wheat
23 #d9b56c Spring Wheat
24 #a87000 Winter Wheat
25 #d69dbc Other Small Grains
26 #737300 Dbl Crop WinWht/Soybeans
27 #ae017e Rye
28 #a15889 Oats
29 #73004c Millet
30 #d69dbc Speltz
31 #d1ff00 Canola
32 #8099ff Flaxseed
33 #d6d600 Safflower
34 #d1ff00 Rape Seed
35 #00af4d Mustard
36 #ffa8e3 Alfalfa
37 #a5f58d Other Hay/Non Alfalfa
38 #00af4d Camelina
39 #d69dbc Buckwheat
41 #a900e6 Sugarbeets
42 #a80000 Dry Beans
43 #732600 Potatoes
44 #00af4d Other Crops
45 #b380ff Sugarcane
46 #732600 Sweet Potatoes
47 #ff6666 Misc Vegs & Fruits
48 #ff6666 Watermelons
49 #ffcc66 Onions
50 #ff6666 Cucumbers
51 #00af4d Chick Peas
52 #00deb0 Lentils
53 #55ff00 Peas
54 #f5a27a Tomatoes
55 #ff6666 Caneberries
56 #00af4d Hops
57 #80d4ff Herbs
58 #e8beff Clover/Wildflowers
59 #b2ffde Sod/Grass Seed
60 #00af4d Switchgrass
61 #bfbf7a Fallow/Idle Cropland
63 #95ce93 Forest
64 #c7d79e Shrubland
65 #ccbfa3 Barren
66 #ff00ff Cherries
67 #ff91ab Peaches
68 #b90050 Apples
69 #704489 Grapes
70 #007878 Christmas Trees
71 #b39c70 Other Tree Crops
72 #ffff80 Citrus
74 #b6705c Pecans
75 #00a884 Almonds
76 #ebd6b0 Walnuts
77 #b39c70 Pears
81 #f7f7f7 Clouds/No Data
82 #9c9c9c Developed
83 #4d70a3 Water
87 #80b3b3 Wetlands
88 #e9ffbe Nonag/Undefined
92 #00ffff Aquaculture
111 #4d70a3 Open Water
112 #d4e3fc Perennial Ice/Snow
121 #9c9c9c Developed/Open Space
122 #9c9c9c Developed/Low Intensity
123 #9c9c9c Developed/Med Intensity
124 #9c9c9c Developed/High Intensity
131 #ccbfa3 Barren
141 #95ce93 Deciduous Forest
142 #95ce93 Evergreen Forest
143 #95ce93 Mixed Forest
152 #c7d79e Shrubland
176 #e9ffbe Grass/Pasture
190 #80b3b3 Woody Wetlands
195 #80b3b3 Herbaceous Wetlands
204 #00ff8c Pistachios
205 #d69dbc Triticale
206 #ff6666 Carrots
207 #ff6666 Asparagus
208 #ff6666 Garlic
209 #ff6666 Cantaloupes
210 #ff91ab Prunes
211 #344a34 Olives
212 #e67525 Oranges
213 #ff6666 Honeydew Melons
214 #ff6666 Broccoli
215 #66994d Avocados
216 #ff6666 Peppers
217 #b39c70 Pomegranates
218 #ff91ab Nectarines
219 #ff6666 Greens
220 #ff91ab Plums
221 #ff6666 Strawberries
222 #ff6666 Squash
223 #ff91ab Apricots
224 #00af4d Vetch
225 #ffd400 Dbl Crop WinWht/Corn
226 #ffd400 Dbl Crop Oats/Corn
227 #ff6666 Lettuce
228 #ffd400 Dbl Crop Triticale/Corn
229 #ff6666 Pumpkins
230 #8a6453 Dbl Crop Lettuce/Durum Wht
231 #ff6666 Dbl Crop Lettuce/Cantaloupe
232 #ff2626 Dbl Crop Lettuce/Cotton
233 #e2007f Dbl Crop Lettuce/Barley
234 #ff9e0f Dbl Crop Durum Wht/Sorghum
235 #ff9e0f Dbl Crop Barley/Sorghum
236 #a87000 Dbl Crop WinWht/Sorghum
237 #ffd400 Dbl Crop Barley/Corn
238 #a87000 Dbl Crop WinWht/Cotton
239 #267300 Dbl Crop Soybeans/Cotton
240 #267300 Dbl Crop Soybeans/Oats
241 #ffd400 Dbl Crop Corn/Soybeans
242 #000099 Blueberries
243 #ff6666 Cabbage
244 #ff6666 Cauliflower
245 #ff6666 Celery
246 #ff6666 Radishes
247 #ff6666 Turnips
248 #ff6666 Eggplants
249 #ff6666 Gourds
250 #ff6666 Cranberries
254 #267300 Dbl Crop Barley/Soybeans

cultivated Class Table

Value Color Description
1 #d3d3d3 Non-cultivated
2 #b1b58c Cultivated

Image Properties

Image Properties

Name Type Description
cropland_class_names STRING_LIST

Array of cropland landcover classification names.

cropland_class_palette STRING_LIST

Array of hex code color strings used for the classification palette.

cropland_class_values INT_LIST

Value of the land cover classification.

cultivated_class_names STRING_LIST

Array of cropland landcover classification names.

cultivated_class_palette STRING_LIST

Array of hex code color strings used for the classification palette.

cultivated_class_values INT_LIST

Value of the land cover classification.

Terms of Use

Terms of Use

The NASS Cropland Data Layer has no copyright restrictions. The CDL is considered public domain and free to redistribute. However, NASS would appreciate acknowledgment for the usage of our CDL product.


  • USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Cropland Data Layer. {YEAR}. Published crop-specific data layer [Online]. Available at (accessed {DATE}; verified {DATE}). USDA-NASS, Washington, DC.

Explore with Earth Engine

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('USDA/NASS/CDL')
                  .filter('2018-01-01', '2019-12-31'))
var cropLandcover ='cropland');
Map.setCenter(-100.55, 40.71, 4);
Map.addLayer(cropLandcover, {}, 'Crop Landcover');
Open in Code Editor