Manage long-running operations

A long-running operation (LRO) is an API method that takes a longer time to complete than is appropriate for an API response. Typically, you don't want to hold the calling thread open while the task runs as it offers a poor user experience. Instead, it's better to return some type of promise to the user and allow them to check back later.

The Google Drive API returns a LRO every time you call the download() method on the files resource to download the content of a file either through the Drive API or its client libraries.

The method returns an operations resource to the client. You can use the operations resource to asynchronously retrieve the status of the API method by polling the operation through the get() method. LROs in Drive API adhere to the Google Cloud LRO design pattern.

For more information, see Long-running operations.

Process overview

The following diagram shows the high-level steps of how the method works.

High-level steps for the method.
Figure 1. High-level steps for the method.

  1. Call When your app calls the download() method, it launches the Drive API download request for the file. For more information, see Download files.

  2. Request permissions: The request sends authentication credentials to the Drive API. If your app requires calling Drive API using a user's authentication that hasn't yet been granted, it prompts the user to sign in. Your app also asks for access with scopes that you specify when setting up authentication.

  3. Start download: A Drive API request is made to start the file download. The request could be made to Google Vids or some other Google Workspace content.

  4. Start LRO: A long-running operation begins and it manages the download process.

  5. Return pending operation: The Drive API returns a pending operation containing information about the user making the request and several file metadata fields.

  6. Initial pending state: Your app receives the pending operation along with an initial pending state of done=null. This denotes the file isn't ready for download yet and that the operation status is pending.

  7. Call operations.get and verify result: Your app calls get() at the recommended intervals to poll the operation result and get the latest state of a long-running operation. If the pending state of done=false is returned, your app must keep polling until the operation returns the completed state (done=true). For large files, expect to poll multiple times. For more information, see Get the details about a long-running operation.

  8. Check pending state: If the pending state of done=true is returned from the LRO, this denotes the file is ready for download and that the operation status is complete.

  9. Return completed operation with download URI: Once the LRO is done, the Drive API returns the download URI and the file is now available to the user.

Download files

To download content under a long-running operation, use the download() method on the files resource. The method takes the query parameters of file_id, mime_type, and revision_id:

  • Required. The file_id query parameter is the ID of the file to download.

  • Optional. The mime_type query parameter denotes the MIME type the method should use. It's only available when downloading non-blob media content (such as Google Workspace documents). For a complete list of supported MIME types, see Export MIME types for Google Workspace documents.

    If the MIME type isn't set, the Google Workspace document is downloaded with a default MIME type. For more information, see Default MIME types.

  • Optional. The revision_id query parameter is the revision ID of the file to download. It's only available when downloading blob files, Google Docs, and Google Sheets. Returns error code INVALID_ARGUMENT when downloading a specific revision on unsupported files.

The download() method is the only way to download Vids files in MP4 format and is typically best suited to downloading most video files.

Download links generated for Google Docs or Sheets initially return a redirect. Click the new link to download the file.

A request to the download() method that begins the LRO, and the request to fetch the final download URI, should both use resource keys. For more information, see Access link-shared Drive files using resource keys.

The request protocol is shown here.


Replace FILE_ID with the fileId of the file that you want to download.

Default MIME types

If a MIME type isn't set when downloading non-blob content, the following default MIME types are assigned:

Document Type Format MIME type File Extension
Google Apps Script JSON application/ .json
Google Docs Microsoft Word application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document .docx
Google Drawings PNG image/png .png
Google Forms ZIP application/zip .zip
Google Sheets Microsoft Excel application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet .xlsx
Google Sites Raw Text text/raw .txt
Google Slides Microsoft PowerPoint application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation .pptx
Google Vids MP4 application/mp4 .mp4
Jamboard PDF application/pdf .pdf

Download response

When calling the download() method, the response body consists of a resource representing a long-running operation. The method typically returns a link to download the file contents.

  "done": true,
  "metadata": {
    "@type": "",
    "resourceKey": "RESOURCE_KEY"
  "name": "NAME",
  "response": {
    "@type": "",
    "downloadUri": "DOWNLOAD_URI",
    "partialDownloadAllowed": false

This output includes the following values:

Note that the partialDownloadAllowed field denotes if a partial download is permitted. True when downloading blob file content.

Get the details about a long-running operation

Long-running operations are method calls that might take a substantial amount of time to complete. Typically, newly created download operations are initially returned in a pending state (done=null), especially for Vids files.

You can use the operations resource that Drive API provides to check the status of the processing LRO by including the unique server-assigned name.

The get() method gets the latest state of a long-running operation asynchronously. Clients can use this method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API service.

Poll a long-running operation

To poll an available LRO, repeatedly call the get() method until the operation finishes. Use an exponential backoff between each poll request, such as 10 seconds.

An LRO remains available for a minimum of 12 hours but in some cases can persist longer. This duration is subject to change and can be different between file types. Once the resource expires a new download() method request is necessary.

Any requests to get() should use resource keys. For more information, see Access link-shared Drive files using resource keys.

The request protocols are shown here.


Replace NAME with the operation's server-assigned name as shown in the response to the download() method request.

curl -i -H \
      'Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \

Replace NAME with the operation's server-assigned name as shown in the response to the download() method request.

The command uses the path /drive/v3/operations/NAME.

Note that the name is only returned in the response to a download() request. There's no other way to retrieve it as Drive API doesn't support the List() method. If the name value is lost, you must generate a new response by calling the download() method request again.

The response from a get() request consists of a resource representing a long-running operation. For more information, see Download response.

When the response contains a completed state (done=true), the long-running operation has finished.

Download a revision

You can use the value of the headRevisionId field from the files resource to download the latest revision. This fetches the revision that corresponds to the metadata of the file you previously retrieved. To download the data for all previous revisions of the file that are still stored in the cloud, you can call the list() method on the revisions resource with the fileId parameter. This returns all the revisionIds in the file.

To download the revision content of blob files, you must call the get() method on the revisions resource with the ID of the file to download, the ID of the revision, and the alt=media URL parameter. The alt=media URL parameter tells the server that a content download is being requested as an alternative response format.

Revisions for Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Vids can't be downloaded using the get() method with the alt=media URL . Otherwise, it generates a fileNotDownloadable error.

The alt=media URL parameter is a system parameter available across all Google REST APIs. If you use a client library for the Drive API, you don't need to explicitly set this parameter.

The request protocol is shown here.


Replace the following:

  • FILE_ID: The fileId of the file that you want to download.
  • REVISION_ID: The revisionId of the revision that you want to download.

Google Docs, Drawings, and Slides revisions auto-increment the revision numbers. However, the series of numbers might have gaps if revisions are deleted, so you shouldn't rely on sequential numbers to retrieve revisions.

Troubleshoot LROs

When a LRO fails, its response includes a canonical Google Cloud error code.

The following table provides an explanation of the cause for each code and a recommendation for how to handle the code. For many errors, the recommended action is to try the request again using exponential backoff.

You can read more about this error model and how to work with it in the API Design Guide.

Code Enum Description Recommended action
1 CANCELLED The operation was canceled, typically by the caller. Re-run the operation.
2 UNKNOWN This error might be returned when a Status value received from another address space belongs to an error space that isn't known in this address space. If the API error doesn't return enough information, the error might be converted to this error. Retry with exponential backoff.
3 INVALID_ARGUMENT The client specified an invalid argument. This error differs from FAILED_PRECONDITION. INVALID_ARGUMENT indicates arguments that are problematic regardless of the state of the system, such as a malformed file name. Don't retry without fixing the problem.
4 DEADLINE_EXCEEDED The deadline expired before the operation could complete. For operations that change the state of the system, this error might be returned even if the operation has completed successfully. For example, a successful response from a server could have been delayed long enough for the deadline to expire. Retry with exponential backoff.
5 NOT_FOUND Some requested entity, such as a FHIR resource, wasn't found. Don't retry without fixing the problem.
6 ALREADY_EXISTS The entity that a client attempted to create, such as a DICOM instance, already exists. Don't retry without fixing the problem.
7 PERMISSION_DENIED The caller doesn't have permission to execute the specified operation. This error code doesn't imply the request is valid, the requested entity exists, or it satisfies other preconditions. Don't retry without fixing the problem.
8 RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED Some resource has been exhausted, such as a per-project quota. Retry with exponential backoff. Quota might become available over time.
9 FAILED_PRECONDITION The operation was rejected because the system isn't in a state required for the operation's execution. For example, the directory to be deleted is non-empty, or an rmdir operation is applied to a non-directory. Don't retry without fixing the problem.
10 ABORTED The operation was aborted, typically due to a concurrency issue such as a sequencer check failure or transaction abort. Retry with exponential backoff.
11 OUT_OF_RANGE The operation was attempted past the valid range, such as seeking or reading past end-of-file. Unlike INVALID_ARGUMENT, this error indicates a problem that may be fixed if the system state changes. Don't retry without fixing the problem.
12 UNIMPLEMENTED The operation isn't implemented or isn't supported/enabled in the Drive API. Don't retry.
13 INTERNAL Internal errors. This indicates that an unexpected error was encountered in processing on the underlying system. Retry with exponential backoff.
14 UNAVAILABLE The Drive API is unavailable. This is most likely a transient condition, which can be corrected by retrying with exponential backoff. Note that it's not always safe to retry non-idempotent operations. Retry with exponential backoff.
15 DATA_LOSS Unrecoverable data loss or corruption. Contact your system administrator. The system administrator might want to contact a support representative if data loss or corruption occurred.
16 UNAUTHENTICATED The request doesn't have valid authentication credentials for the operation. Don't retry without fixing the problem.