Tetap teratur dengan koleksi
Simpan dan kategorikan konten berdasarkan preferensi Anda.
Metode ini menampilkan pemesanan mendatang untuk pengguna di semua penjual. Metode ini
tidak boleh menampilkan pemesanan sebelumnya atau pemesanan yang dibatalkan.
Nilai yang ditampilkan
// Request to list all bookings for a user
message ListBookingsRequest {
// ID of the user (required)
string user_id = 1;
// Response for the ListBookings RPC with all bookings for the requested user.
message ListBookingsResponse {
// All bookings of the user (required)
repeated Booking bookings = 1;
[[["Mudah dipahami","easyToUnderstand","thumb-up"],["Memecahkan masalah saya","solvedMyProblem","thumb-up"],["Lainnya","otherUp","thumb-up"]],[["Informasi yang saya butuhkan tidak ada","missingTheInformationINeed","thumb-down"],["Terlalu rumit/langkahnya terlalu banyak","tooComplicatedTooManySteps","thumb-down"],["Sudah usang","outOfDate","thumb-down"],["Masalah terjemahan","translationIssue","thumb-down"],["Masalah kode / contoh","samplesCodeIssue","thumb-down"],["Lainnya","otherDown","thumb-down"]],["Terakhir diperbarui pada 2024-08-29 UTC."],[[["This method fetches upcoming bookings for a specific user at any merchant, excluding past or cancelled bookings."],["The request requires the user's ID (`user_id`) to retrieve their booking information."],["The response provides a list of all active bookings (`bookings`) associated with the specified user."]]],[]]