
A DeviceIdentifier encapsulates hardware IDs to identify a manufactured device. This document explains how to work with identifiers in the zero-touch enrollment API.

A DeviceIdentifier combines hardware metadata or IDs required to uniquely identify a device.

Your organization includes the device identifier values when uploading device data through the portal or calling the API.

Required fields

Android devices

Zero-touch enrollment typically identifies devices by the IMEI (or MEID) cellular modem IDs. To support devices without cellular modems, such as tablets, you can also identify devices using a different set of fields. The following table shows the fields you can use for each type of device:

Identifier Cellular Wi‑Fi only Notes
hardware_id This field must be an IMEI or MEID number. Zero-touch enrollment validates the format of IMEI values when you pass them in API arguments.
hardware_id2 This field must be a second IMEI or MEID number. Zero-touch enrollment validates the format of IMEI values when you pass them in API arguments. For information on devices with more than one cellular modem, see Dual-SIM devices.
serialNumber The manufacturer's serial number for the device. The serial number is case sensitive and is the same value that's returned from Build.getSerial().
model The device model value must match the device's built-in value returned from Build.MODEL. See the model names reference for a list of allowed values for each manufacturer.
manufacturer The manufacturer field value must match the device's built-in value returned from Build.MANUFACTURER. See the manufacturer names reference for further information.

If registering serial number you must also register manufacturer and model to ensure zero-touch is able to detect the device.

Dual-SIM devices

A dual-SIM device includes two discrete modems and has two IMEI numbers. If registering just one IMEI, prefer the numerically lowest IMEI number as zero-touch enrollment works more reliably with the lowest IMEI. To increase reliability you can additionally register the other IMEI, or the serial number, manufacturer and model.

To display the second IMEI in the zero-touch portal:

  1. Go to the Devices tab.
  2. On the upper right corner, beside the Add Device button, click the three dots .
  3. Select Customize table.
  4. Select the checkbox for IMEI2.
  5. Click Save.

ChromeOS devices

For ChromeOS devices the set of required identifiers is the same for cellular and Wi-Fi only devices:

Identifier Notes
serialNumber The manufacturer's serial number for the device.
model The device model value must match the device's built-in value. See the list of ChromeOS model values for reference.
chromeOsAttestedDeviceId The Attested Device ID. See the list of compatible ChromeOS devices for reference.

Refer to a device

Use a DeviceIdentifier when finding or claiming devices. You need to include the required fields specified for the type of device.

The following snippet shows an IMEI number used to search for a specific device by calling partners.devices.findByIdentifier:


// Create a DeviceIdentifier.
DeviceIdentifier deviceIdentifier = new DeviceIdentifier();

// Perform the search using the zero-touch enrollment API.
FindDevicesByDeviceIdentifierRequest body = new FindDevicesByDeviceIdentifierRequest();

FindDevicesByDeviceIdentifierResponse response = service
    .findByIdentifier(PARTNER_ID, body)


// Create a DeviceIdentifier.
var deviceIdentifier = new DeviceIdentifier
    Imei = "123456789012347"

// Perform the search using the zero-touch enrollment API.
var body = new FindDevicesByDeviceIdentifierRequest
    Limit = 1,
    DeviceIdentifier = deviceIdentifier
var response = service.Partners.Devices.FindByIdentifier(body, PartnerId).Execute();


# Create a DeviceIdentifier.
device_identifier = {'imei':'123456789012347'}

# Perform the search using the zero-touch enrollment API.
response =
    partnerId=PARTNER_ID, body={'deviceIdentifier':device_identifier, \

The following snippet shows how to create a device identifier with a serial number:


// Create a device identifier to find a Wi-Fi-only device.
DeviceIdentifier deviceIdentifier = new DeviceIdentifier();


// Create a device identifier to find a Wi-Fi-only device.
var deviceIdentifier = new DeviceIdentifier
    Manufacturer = "Honeywell",
    Model = "VM1A",
    SerialNumber = "ABcd1235678"


# Create a device identifier to find a Wi-Fi-only device.
device_identifier = {'manufacturer':'Honeywell', \
    'model':'VM1A', 'serialNumber':'ABcd1235678'}

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