
The Google Wallet Passes API provides the ability for partners to specify an endpoint for activation of a transit ticket. When activation is needed, an “Activate” button will be displayed for the user which when tapped will call the specified endpoint with parameters described below. The endpoint should ensure that the pass has valid redemption information (either barcode or visual inspection) before returning, at which point the pass in the user's Wallet will be updated to display the redemption information. Note that prior to activation, any existing redemption information will not be displayed.

Activation API

The activation endpoint is specified in the API using activationOptions on the transit class. The partner is responsible for maintaining a working activation endpoint with reasonable latency.

  activationOptions: {
    activationUrl: string
Field Description


URL for the partner endpoint that would be called for activation requests. The URL should be hosted on HTTPS and robots.txt should allow the URL path to be accessible by UserAgent:Google-Valuables.

The state of activation is stored on the object using the activationStatus field. Valid status's include NOT_ACTIVATED and ACTIVATED. The activation endpoint should update the object with the ACTIVATED status as well as ensuring the object has valid redemption information such as a barcode or visual inspection parameters. The deviceContext field may be used for device pinning.

  activationStatus: enum (ActivationStatus),
  deviceContext: {
    deviceToken: string
  hasLinkedDevice: boolean
Field Description

enum (ActivationStatus)

Activation status for this transit object. This status will change the representation of the ticket and allow users to take action; eg. an Activate button will be rendered on ticket details if this is set as NOT_ACTIVATED.

Acceptable values are:



object (DeviceContext)

A device context with which to associate the object. If set, redemption information will only be returned to the given device.



Whether this object is currently linked to a single device.

Field Description


If set, redemption information will only be returned to the given device upon activation of the object. This cannot be used as a stable identifier to trace a user's device. It can change across different passes for the same device or even across different activations for the same device. When setting this, callers must also set hasLinkedDevice on the object being activated.

Note the deviceToken is received from activation parameters deviceContext field

Device pinning

Device pinning is a feature that allows a user to activate the ticket on one device and have the ticket redemption information display on only that device. This is separate from the multipleDevicesAndHoldersAllowedStatus of ONE_USER_ONE_DEVICE, which only allows the ticket to be displayed on a single device. It is recommended to use the status ONE_USER_ALL_DEVICES with device pinning.

Prior to activation, the user is able to see the ticket and activate button on any device they own. Once activated and pinned to a device, the pinned device will display redemption information and other devices will display an activate button to allow the user to move the ticket to another device. If moving the ticket is not desired functionality, but activating on any device is, then it is possible to update the ticket during activation to ONE_USER_ONE_DEVICE rather than using device pinning.

To implement device pinning, the object should be updated with the deviceToken field which is received with the activation parameters as well as setting hasLinkedDevice to true in the same API call. If desired, the ticket can then be unlinked from a device by setting hasLinkedDevice to false in a future API call.

sequence diagram for device pinning

Activation parameters

The request to the activation endpoint will contain the following parameters.

JSON Example:

    classId: “123.classId”,
    objectIds: [ “123.objectId” ],
    expTimeMillis: 1669671940735,
    eventType: “activate”,
    nonce: “1c6fccce-6f66-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002”,
    deviceContext: “6fba937a-6f6e-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002”

Identifier Description

Fully qualified class ID. Uses the following format:


Fully qualified array of object IDs which use the following format:

expTimeMillis Expiration time in milliseconds since EPOCH. After the expiration time, the message needs to be deemed invalid.
eventType Always "activate".
nonce Nonce to track any duplicate deliveries.

A unique ID generated by Google representing the device the user is taking action on. This ID should be used when making updates that tie an object to a device.

This ID may not be constant for future requests from a given device.